The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 159 Bound By Blood

The moment that my beloved spoken those words, I felt as if my world came spinning to a halt. I can simply not take another surprise, especially if it is the creature kind. Now I came here to relax and not to be disrupted, so whoever is the driver of that vehicle is going to see not such a pleasant side of me today.

So as I look through the window, there is a great relief that sets over my body, well, that is only for but a brief moment, for I am about to get it from both directions.

Now for the first one, I will have to make my way downstairs.

“My beloved, I know who the driver of the vehicle is.”

“What do you mean that you know who the driver is? Did you pick up that it was following us earlier?”

“I am afraid not; I have known the person for rather a few years.”

“How long is few.”

“Perhaps as long as what I have been a Vampire, maybe a few years less.”

“Lucas, what are you not telling me.”

“My beloved, let me go downstairs to welcome him, then I can introduce you both.”

It is with a very angry glare from her that I leave the room with trembling legs. If she is not going to killing me today, then he most certainly will.

So it is with long hesitating steps that I make my way outside to where he is, now if I thought that this would be easy, I am near damn close to faint.

As I get closer to the vehicle, I confirm as I suspected. The minute he knows that it is me, too, he gets out of his vehicle.

“Well, Lucas Lecarde, I never thought that I would ever see you coming back home.”

“Well, Roberto Lecarde, I never thought I would receive such a welcome.”

He steps forward and gives me a rather awkward hug. Now, these are arms that I am so familiar with. After what seems to be a second too long, he finally steps back and gives me a once over.

“You are looking great, my little brother.”

“And the years have carried you well.”

“All thanks to you. Now tell me, I saw you with a divine beauty. Are you up to your ways again?”

“I am afraid those ways stopped many years ago, but please come inside let me introduce her to you. Now I must warn you that she might kill me, for I perhaps have neglected to tell her about you.”

“There you go again trying to protect me. Let us go see how feisty this woman is.”

I only but laugh at him, but I know for a fact that if she does not kill me, she is definitely going to cause some serious bodily harm. If I say that Roberto is not going to enjoy this, well, then I would be telling a blatant lie.

Now, this is not a story that I have told very often, as my dear brother said, I have tried to protect him for all these years.

It was the year 1744, Roberto and I were creating havoc around Scotland. Now he was fully aware that I was a Vampire, which he did not felt frightened over the least bit. It kind of made him felt invisible being around me. I loved my older brother with all my heart’s worth.

One night on one of our many adventures, we found ourselves in one of the establishments where one shall find ladies of leisure that gave you any pleasure. Now my dear brother was always up to some mischief; this very night, instead of taking one of these ladies upstairs, he finds himself taking one of the girls that were sitting at the bar.

Now what Roberto failed to take notice of is that this young lady was there with another gentleman. The moment that this man saw this encounter playoff, he finds himself following both of them upstairs. It is unknown how it all unfolded, but Roberto and this man got involved in a scuffle.

Well, my brother was always good at holding his own, but this man caught him with his pants down. A few fists and a scream later, the man stabbed him several times. He then left him for dead, and that is where I found him only moments later.

He was on the edge of breathing his last breath; then, I made the decision to bring him back to life. I turned my big brother into a Vampire. At first, I thought he would kill me for doing it against his will, but he embraced it completely.

When I decided to move onto London to claim being the Vampire Master, he stayed behind for he loved living here. As years past we still kept in contact, but I always tried to keep his existence quiet, for the fear was great that some brave Vampire should take his life to get revenge on me.

So here we find ourselves reunited, and we are walking toward my beloved, that is surely going to kill me for keeping this major detail from her.

As we step inside, she is already there waiting. There is fear written over that beautiful face; it is going to take a lot of sugar coating to get myself out of this one.

“Lucas, do you know this man.”

“Well, my beloved, I think that you will need to sit down for this one.”

And as I say this, my brother’s face snaps to me next to him, “My dear brother, do not tell me that you have found your beloved.”

“Yes, brother, this here is Cassidy.”

Now, lucky for me, Cassidy has not picked up, for I do call almost every male Vampire brother. So this might not be so bad as I think, but yet she is not yet going to accept this as it.

“Well, Lucas, who is your friend?”

“This is… Well, this is…”

Then much to my horror, Roberto decides to fill the gaps in.

“Roberto, my lovely lady. I am Lucas’s brother.”

“Well, it is great to meet you, Roberto.”

It seems that she has still not made the connection. Well, I am patiently waiting for her to do it because I am beyond terrified to tell her.

It only takes her but another five minutes. I watch as she tilts her head to the side, now the frown on her face should tell me all. I am about to be discovered.

“Lucas, I do notice something.”

“What is that, my beloved.”

“Well, the thing is, now I do not know that my eyes are deceiving me, but Roberto does seem oddly like you. Now how do you explain this?”

“Uhm, you see, well you know….”

“No, I am afraid not, I do not know. Kindly enlighten me.”

“The thing is, there…”

“Lucas, has the cat caught your tongue. If he has not, then I am surely going to.”

I step a few steps back from her; I know this feisty little vixen has a mean punch. Somehow today, I don’t think she will be punching my shoulder. So standing further than an arm’s length away, I finally have the courage to admit what I have neglected to tell her.

“My beloved, Roberto is my brother.”

“Can you stop calling every male Vampire your brother? Who is this man?”

“He is my brother.”

“You are testing my patience.”

“I understand your patience is tested, but this man is my brother.”

She then steps those steps that I have just manage to get away from her as casually as what one can fear. Well, then, just as I think she is going to slap me, she only but grunts and folds her arms.

“Do you want to tell me that you have a real brother and you never told me?”

“Yes, my beloved, I am afraid I have to get this minor detail from you.”

“Lucas, this is not minor. We are in the union of a marriage, and you cannot even trust me with this information.”

Well, if I thought I could not surprise Roberto anymore, he only but clears his throat rather loudly, “Marriage Lucas?

“Uhm, well, yes, I did wed my beloved. Now she might be very close to killing me, but I love her very dearly.”

He only but chuckles at me as Cassidy scrunches her fist into my shirt, “Lucas, let us have a word; I do not wish to discuss our domestic in front of Roberto.”Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

I turn to Roberto with pleading eyes, now; if I thought the man was going to save me, he only but walks away in another direction, “I shall make myself at home.”

With that, Cassidy drags me by the arm into another room. The fury is very obvious on her face. This might not go as well as I am hoping it would. And I am soon proven that I am indeed correct.

As she comes to stand in front of me, I can see the anger boiling, the last time I saw this was when she turned Ancient.

And then I fear for what happens next.

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