The Almighty Lord Caspian

Chapter 683 Bracing Himself

Chapter 683 Bracing Himself

"You want me to plead to the King? How am I supposed to tell His Majesty that you've done something

so despicable? What if I lose my position because of what you've done?" Jerry snapped.

"I know that I've done something wrong, Dad. If you can save me from getting in danger, I'll listen to

everything you say and never cause you trouble in the future," Lacey begged.

"Fine. I'll try my best." Jerry sighed. He had no choice but to give it a try.

"Okay, but you must be fast, or we'll be done for," Lacey said worriedly.

"Got it. You can try to buy yourselves some time while I plead with the King," Jerry said.

"Great. I'll wait for good news from your side, Dad." Lacey ended the call.

Jerry knew that this was a very urgent matter, and he had no choice but to shamelessly go to the King.

When Fergus saw that Lacey had ended the call, he asked anxiously, "What's happening, darling?

What are these paratroopers here for?"

"There's a high possibility they're Caspian's subordinates," Lacey said fearfully. There was no need for

her to hide that from everyone else when they were already in this situation.

The Jessops were all shocked. Fergus and Blake were especially spooked. Both of them were shaking

with fear.

If the paratroopers were indeed Caspian's men, they would surely die today as they had kidnapped

Caspian's mother.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Kent and his assistant were afraid too. They were only accomplices, but Caspian would surely not let

them off—not when this was such a malicious act.

Sherry and Miranda were surprised and elated at the same time as they had thought that Caspian

would not send any soldiers over. Looking at the Jessops, who looked resigned and defeated, Sherry

believed that the paratroopers were Caspian's men.

If Caspian had already sent his army out, they would surely be rescued!

Sherry was definitely the most emotional at the notion of being saved. She wanted to see what her son

looked like after he was all grown up.

"Mom, the Diatoranian God of War has really sent his troops to save us. Is he really my brother?"

Cecilia said excitedly.

She was still in disbelief that she had such a powerful brother.

"It's true," Sherry said with conviction. She kept on looking at those paratroopers, trying to look for

Caspian among the throng.

"That's amazing! I didn't expect to have such a powerful brother. No one will dare bully me in the

future!" Cecilia said proudly.

"I'm not sure if he's willing to recognize me as his mother, though," Sherry said.

Miranda said, "He'll surely do that, Sherry. Why would he command such a massive operation just to

rescue you if he didn't want to?"

Now, it was the Jessops' turn to panic. They could only hope that Lacey's father would save them.

"Mom! The paratroopers are going to land soon. Think of a solution, quick!" Blake said in alarm.

"Don't get yourself in a panic. Your grandpa is pleading with the King. We just need to buy some time

while we wait for him to get back to us," Lacey said.

"All these paratroopers look so fierce, darling. I think we won't be able to drag it out!" Fergus was at a

loss for what to do.

"After they land, we'll strike up a conversation to buy some time. It'll be fine as long as they don't attack

immediately," Lacey said after giving it some thought.

She did not have any good ideas in mind either.

"We've pissed off the Diatoranian God of War. We should pack up our things and leave now. It's not too

late yet," Fergus said.

"Yeah. I'd rather leave this place than wait here for our demise." Blake nodded in agreement with his

father's suggestion.

"Where can we run away to? Look at those paratroopers. They're about to surround the whole factory.

There's nowhere we can escape to," Lacey said.

Right after she said that, the paratroopers landed. They folded up their parachutes immediately and got

ready to strike.

Sylvia, Laina, and Avon had also landed. Caspian was the last one to jump. He had just pulled the

ripcord and was still in midair.

Those fighters had also frozen in shock upon seeing the paratroopers land. They were at a loss for

what to do as it was too late for them to run away at this point. If they fired at the soldiers, they would

be met with an even more horrible death.

This was why all of them stood rooted on the spot; they dared not do anything.

Aria and the others were still standing only thanks to their strong willpower. Upon seeing the

paratroopers who had landed, they breathed out in relief and collapsed to the ground.

"Aria!" Laina's heart hurt when she took in the injuries on their bodies.

Lacey noticed that there were some general officers among the paratroopers. She shouted at them,

"Soldiers, my father is Jerry Andrews. Why did you surround this place? Are you on a mission?"

Sylvia expressed her disdain at Lacey's words. "Lord Caspian has given us a command. We've been

ordered to kill everyone in the Jessop family, as well as their accomplices."

Caspian had already given this firm order when onboard the fighter jet. If the Jessops dared object, the

soldiers were to kill them all!

How dare they do this to his biological mother? They deserved death and more than that!

Upon hearing Sylvia's command, the armored soldiers raised their guns and fired. Under heavy fire, the

fighters died before they could even realize it. No one expected those paratroopers to open fire right

after landing.

The armored battalion was furious after seeing the heavily injured Aria collapse to the ground, and they

wanted to avenge her.

The Jessops were terrified by this scene and were completely lost. Even Sherry, Cecilia, and Miranda

were surprised that the soldiers had opened fire immediately after folding their parachutes.

They had expected the soldiers to arrest the people outside the factory and hold an interrogation.

However, they felt nothing upon witnessing the deaths of those people who had done inexplicably evil


As the Diatoranian God of War, Caspian never did things halfway. He had already issued an order,

telling the soldiers that they did not need to be forgiving to these people.

More and more paratroopers landed, and more and more bullets were fired. It formed a web of gunfire.

Celian was totally stunned upon seeing the armored battalion and Task Force Rose's fierce attacks. He

shouted to his subordinates, "Don't just stand there! Fight back!"

However, his subordinates were so shocked they fled in all directions. Even if they were to fight back,

they could not hold a candle against those paratroopers!

Less than two minutes was all it took for most of Celian's subordinates to be killed. Only less than a

hundred people remained, which gave the Jessops a bigger shock. It caused them to tremble in fear.

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