TABOO TALES(erotica)

Beyond Control:>>9

January 2001

Father John Tobias should never have been a Priest, at least if you considered religion and ethics as desirable traits for a man of the cloth. In truth he had little of either but had decided early in life that some professions provided greater opportunity to pursue his ambitions than others did – and wearing a dog collar was the best of them all. He was smart enough to know that you had to work hard if you wanted to reap what you deserved, and so he went about the business of the church with due diligence, undertaking his duties with humility and professionalism and plucking the ripe fruit of vulnerable and lonely people. In the two years of being the local Priest he had already amassed a considerable nest egg from several elderly widows who valued his companionship, and was intimate with three younger women who valued what was under his cassock.

He had been summoned to the regional hospital to administer last rites at the request of a woman there and he hurried along the corridor of the hospital to get the job done. He was meeting one of his more uninhibited parishioners later that afternoon and did not want to be late for what promised to be some illicit and energetic sex.

He entered the hospital room, remembering to put on a suitably grave expression. The woman was propped up in the hospital bed and her face was pinched and grey.

“Good afternoon, my child.” He spoke gently, his voice pitched at just the right level of sympathy and understanding. “And how are you today?”

Kathrine opened her eyes and regarded the figure before her. She understood that today was her last on this earth and she would be leaving it without regret. She could feel the thready little beat of her damaged heart and knew it would not last for much longer – but there was one last job to be done and the means to do it had just arrived.

“Hello Father.”

He smiled. The old biddy really did look sick – perhaps this wouldn’t take too long. “I understand you want me to administer the Last Rites, my child.” He took her hand, looking into the troubled blue eyes. “Have you been accepted into the bosom of the Catholic Church, and have you taken of Communion recently?” He watched with relief as she nodded. “Very well.” He gathered his accoutrements quickly and leaned over her to begin the sanctification in a low and clear voice. “O Holy Hosts Above, I call upon thee…”

Kath lay on the thin mattress and waited. She didn’t much care about this but it was necessary to get the priest to her bedside, so she listened patiently until at last the words of the Benediction came from his lips. ‘… and thus I do commend thy Servant Katherine into the arms of our Lord on Earth, our Lord Jesus Christ, Preserver of all mercy and reality…’ She felt his fingers tracing the crucifix onto the dry parchment of her skin, and then it was done and he went to turn away with a final murmur of comfort.

She reached up and plucked at his sleeve. “Wait! There is one more matter, Father, that I must tell you about.”

For a moment she thought she saw a flash of anger in his eyes, but it was quickly snuffed out and replaced by an expression of sympathetic attention. He leaned close to her. “Yes, what is it, my child?”

“Well, Father. It’s about my children. They need your guidance and care…” and she told him everything, whispering softly into his ear, not noticing how he turned his face aside to conceal his expression of avarice and glee as he heard her dying words.


Mary McGuire was a comely girl of 28 whose husband was a long distance truck driver. The employment suited them both, for it gave him the opportunity to visit the many boarding houses and brothels of the roads on which he traveled – which she knew all about; and it gave her the opportunity to entertain gentlemen in her bed – of which he knew nothing. It always amused Mary to think that when he came home his balls were usually empty of his sperm whilst her vagina was always full of someone else’s.

She was crouching on the sofa in the lounge of her house, her breasts swinging pendulously as Father John Tobias humped her from behind. Little grunts of pleasure escaped from her lips, for he had a very large cock that bottomed out with each thrust. She loved the feeling of being mounted like some animal with the grip of his hands on her shoulders to ensure every millimetre of his shaft was stuffed into her willing body; and she delighted in the slap of his balls against the soft skin of her inner thighs. She had already come twice – the sheen of her juices was shining on her thighs and she could hear the wet suck of her cunt on the thick shaft sliding into it.

She reached back and seized his hips, pulling them back and forth in time to his thrusting. “Christ, Father, that’s good! Fuck me harder!”

“You shouldn’t take the Lord’s name in vain, Mary. You’ll be punished if you do.”

She giggled. “I’m being punished now, Father, but perhaps you can think of more severe ways to make me repent.”

“I’ll smite you mightily with my staff.”

“From the inside, Father. Deep into the well of my soul.”

He laughed. Mary was always good fun and she knew how to fuck, too. He looked down at the point of their union, watching how his cock slid into her. Her anus was pressed out with each stroke and he decided that today might be the day he took her there, too. Perhaps he could adapt a biblical quote for that… ‘Get thee in my behind, Satan,’ – or maybe something witty about the labors of an Ass. He resolved to research it – perhaps he could even weave it into his Sunday sermon, when only he and Mary would understand the context. He laughed at the thought of all the other puritanical pricks in the congregation missing the delicious irony of it.

“What’s so funny?”

“I was thinking of a confession I heard today.”

“What was it?” Mary liked to hear what people had to say, although he generally didn’t tell her who they were. She was an inveterate gossip.

“A woman who told me that her son and daughter were having it off. She wanted me to do something about it… for some reason it troubled her soul, although I can’t imagine why. I thought it was rather a good use of available resources.”

Mary twisted around so she could see his face. “You’re not serious! What, here – in this town?”

John nodded without breaking his rhythm. “Sure. There’s a fair bit of incest that goes on – but this one is unusual because it’s consensual. She thinks that its been going on for a while… she noticed them mooning over each other, looking for excuses to be together. She even went into her daughter’s room and inspected the sheets.” He laughed. “Apparently they were as stiff as a board.”

“That doesn’t prove anything… she could just have a leaky pussy.” She paused for a moment. “Mine leaks from time to time, especially after you’ve filled it.”

“In which case your sheets would be stiff too, Mary. Besides, she caught them at it in the garden and that dispelled any doubts at all… apparently he was fucking her against the side of the shed.”

“Really? I suppose that’s why it’s called a tool shed.” She laughed at her little joke. “Who were they?”

“No one you know,” he said carefully. “Anyway, they’re orphans now. She died just after I left the hospital and the father’s been gone for years.”

Mary considered his words, and a silence settled in the room except for the squeaks of the ancient springs in the sofa and the soft wet slurp of their genitals. “So what will you do about it?” she asked eventually.

He thought about the question, savoring the slide of his shaft into her body as he did so. There was something very satisfying about fucking someone else’s wife while you talked about consensual incest. He wondered if having your cock inside your sister would feel different to any other woman, and decided it would. Too bad he didn’t have a sister to try it out on.

“Nothing,” he said. “If they want to fuck their brains out, good on them! Still, you never know when it might be a useful bit of information.” He didn’t tell Mary that he intended to check the girl out – perhaps he could blackmail her to get a bit of pussy. He hoped that she was good looking and very young, and the thought of how tight her cunt would be spurred him on.

He crouched over Mary’s back and thrust harder, hearing her squeal as she wriggled underneath him, feeling the head of his cock swelling even more – a sure sign that he was about to come. “Fuck, Mary!” his voice was breathless. “Oh, fuck – here it comes!”noveldrama

A geyser of his semen leapt from the eye of his cock and its scalding heat triggered her own climax. Her body went rigid and her pussy spasmed around him, squeezing his shaft in powerful contractions. She screamed with the intensity of it, her shrill cries drowning out his guttural moans of pleasure as he hosed his seed into her, splattering it over the undulating walls of her cunt to seethe and bubble around the neck of her uterus.

At length his emission diminished and their limbs gradually grew still. Father John could feel his shaft twitching inside the woman and he closed his eyes and concentrated on the last vestiges of his pleasure until that stopped as well. He reached down and carefully disengaged his cock, leaning back to watch his spunk dribble out of her, and he laughed with delight.

“Will you look at that, Mary! Wow, there’s gallons of it.” He regarded the flow for a moment. “You know, that reminds me of that quote from the book of John, Chapter 10 I think it was: ‘I came that you may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance, until it overflows’ . He laughed again at his cleverness and then carefully wiped his dick on the wad of tissues she had thoughtfully provided, and his thoughts turned to the delicious possibilities of the girl.

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