Sword God in a World of Magic

Chapter 788

Chapter 788

Meteor was a mix of Dusk and Shooting Star, two of Shang's old techniques. After using Void Break to absorb all the Mana, Shang transformed it into Light Mana with an extreme of mass.

The extremely dense and heavy atmosphere above the target would then strike down at a precise point, breaking through the target's defenses.

And as soon as the heavy Light Mana reached the inside of the target's body, it would transform from Light Mana with an extreme of mass into Fire Mana with an extreme of heat via the Concept of Addition.

Like this, the target would explode from the inside out.

The applause returned, and Shang had to wait again.


Shang used Meteor again to kill the next beast.

The applause returned, and Shang had to wait again.

Then, Shang looked at his opponent again.

He couldn't take his opponents lightly anymore, and he actually had to plan his assault.

The next beast was a small white ape carrying a cane.

‘A Proto Mage,’ Shang thought.

Shang had heard of them, but he had never seen one.

There were a couple of beasts that were far smarter than other beasts, and this ape was one of these kinds of beasts. By watching humans, these apes had learned Magic themselves.

Naturally, they weren't as good as human Mages at Magic, which was why they were only about as powerful as average beasts. Just when the ape opened its eyes, all the Mana in the surroundings was absorbed by Shang due to Void Break. The ape immediately cast its own version of Mana Shield before readying an offensive Spell.

The ape sadly didn't have a Focus.

All the Mana in the surroundings returned again, and the ape finished its offensive Spell.

At that moment, all the Mana vanished again.

The ape pointed its staff at the distant Shang, and a terrifying bolt of lightning shot at him at incredible speeds. Yet, just before the lightning bolt hit Shang, the space between them warped.


And the lightning bolt was gone!

It vanished!

At this moment, Shang held a vibrating sword in front of him, his Subsis.

The space around the Subsis seemed to flow into it, and the closer the space got to the Subsis, the darker it became. Shang moved his Subsis to the side again.

Then, he lifted his Addum over his shoulder, which was also affecting the space around it.

The space around the Addum seemed to emit waves that moved outward.

The space moved into the Subsis and moved out of the Addum.

This was a new and more advanced use of Void Break.

Shang's body could hold the powerful foreign Mana for only an instant before he had to use it.

But what about his swords?

Well, they could also hold Mana, and they were not as brittle as Shang.

At the beginning of the fight, Shang had used Void Break to gather Mana. He transformed it into Darkness with an extreme of void and put it into his Subsis.

With his second use of Void Break, he gathered even more Mana and transformed it into Fire with an extreme of heat. Just now, Shang had used his Subsis to absorb the lightning bolt the opponent had used.

By manipulating the changed Darkness Mana in the Subsis, Shang could absorb Mana and get rid of the will on it, making it usable by him.

At this moment, Shang's Subsis was filled with almost invisible Darkness Mana, his Addum was filled with almost invisible Fire Mana, and his body was filled with foreign Lightning Mana.

The ape was confused that its lightning bolt had disappeared and readied its next attack.

But before it could finish, Shang swung his Subsis, which turned pure black in an instant.


The ape's entire world transformed into pure darkness.

The ape canceled its offensive Spell and changed to Mana Step.


But before it could finish, the ape was cut into two pieces.

Its two halves were completely cauterized due to the extreme heat that had bisected the ape.

Shang appeared behind the two pieces of the ape, his body and swords having returned to their usual appearances. Just now, Shang had transformed the Darkness Mana in his Subsis into Darkness Mana with an extreme of void.

Then, he released the Darkness Mana, creating an extremely long and wide corridor of darkness, leading from him to his opponent and further.

It was like someone had painted the ground with a humongous brush.

Then, Shang used up the absorbed Lightning Mana to accelerate and push himself through the corridor of darkness. Thanks to the Concept of Twilight, Shang could now move through darkness at speeds that seemed to rival the speed of light. As long as there was enough darkness, Shang could move at insane speeds.

Lastly, Shang used up the Fire Mana in his Addum to boost the temperature of his Addum to incomprehensible degrees for just an instant, which had been enough to kill the ape.

The applause returned, and the Affinity Wheel returned. WHOOOOM! Shang used Void Break two times, and his two swords affected the surrounding space again.

Even though Shang was just standing there, the mere presence of him and his two swords severely affected the surrounding world.

The extreme heat created storms that were apocalyptic for beings below the Fourth Realm, and just being near his Subsis would turn someone into a dried corpse.

Yet, Shang only stood motionlessly and without any expression in the middle of his inner world. He was waiting for his next opponent.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

The easy levels were over.

From now on, Shang would actually need to fight seriously.

Additionally, this level was especially noteworthy since it represented not one but two thresholds. In the last trial, Shang had failed at this level, but this time, he was confident that he could win. The ape had been an average Peak Ancestral Beast, which meant that the next level was... “Level 15: powerful Peak Ancestral Beast."

The level where Shang had failed last time and the last level of the Sixth Realm for beasts.

Everything after this would be in the Seventh Realm.

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