Shattered Girl (Emmy)

Broken Dreams Stories 16

Chapter 16

The closer we came to the party, the more I wished I could be elsewhere. The twins were right behind me, acting like bodyguards. When we reached the front hall, the twins and I joined the people heading toward the back patio, which was now packed with people. As we walked outside, the twin's father spotted us and made his way over. "Emilia, dear, I have people you need to meet. "Without asking, he grabbed my arm and began to drag me away from the guys. I was overcoming the shock quickly. 1 jerked my arm away from him. Clint froge and turned, glaring at me. He reached for my arm again when the guys caught up with us. Josh quickly got in in front of me, blocking Clint from my view. "Dad, Emmys ribs are still healing, and she can't be pulled around like that."

"Stop being so dramatic, Joshua, Patricia said the doctor gave her a clean bill of health, and she is perfectly capable of walking around and meeting people. Ok, that was it. Hearing that my b**h of a mother was spouting off complete lies, I stepped up next to Josh. "Clint, I haven't seen Patricia since I was admitted into the hospital. So, she has no idea what is going on with me. If you had cared to ask, ves, my ribs and arm are broken. The breaks aren't as bad as the doctors first thought. That being said, walking around in heels is uncomfortable. The guys were taking me to sit down when you dragged me off. If there isn't anything else, Im going to sit down. I turned to t to the twins. "Let's go sit. I need eed to get these heels off." I walked off, followed by the twins, leaving a stunned Clint behind us. "Da**n, baby girl, I have never seen

anyone shut down Dad quite


helping me remove my heels and sliding them out of sight under the tat." Josh was beaming at me. "Wait until the guys hear about this; they will love it." Leaning down, he quickly kissed me before heading toward the bar. Jake pulled a chair closer and sat beside me, stand up for f more and not myself t it happen. I hope your dad isn't I'mory, lake,


not let it


"'m so tired of being used. I willst guys," I reached going to be mad at you

I for his hand, squeezing it.

proud d I of you, sweetheart," Jake replied, squeezing my hand back. I know how intimidating Dad can be, and you still stood up to him, making him leave you alone." We sat people-watching for several minutes, enjoying the cool evening breeze, Jake pointing out different people to me, explaining who they were. When Josh returned with our drinks, he slid a chair close to me and sat between the twins, and I was almost invisible- another half hour passed with the three of us, joking and talking, ignoring the party going on around us. When I felt the guys stiffen, I saw Clint walking toward us with two other men. One was older, with salt and pepper hair and striking blue eyes. Next to him was a younger man who had to be his son since they looked so much alike. Clint stopped before us, glaring at me before quickly schooling his face into his bright political smile. "Emilia, I would like you to meet Connor and Patrick O Kelly; they are close business associates of mine, I watched Connor, trying to figure out how he fits in with Clint's political plans. This man looked powerful and in control. Two things Clint was not.


I beg

I began to stand up, both twins jumping up to help me when Connor stepped forward, motioning me to stay seated. Oh my dear, pleitont don't stand on my account. It looks like you have been through quite an ordeal." "Thank you, Mr. O'Kelly, I have; it has been an exhausting few days. But it is still a pleasure to meet you." I smiled up

"My dear, it is wonderful to meet you, and please, I insist you call me Conner." at thim politely


Of course, Mr...I mean, Connor, I would be happy to Conner smiled and motioned for his son to step forward. "You must be Patrick; the guys have mentioned you several times." I smiled, motioning for him to sit; he pulled a chair out, sitting down, he greeted the twins. He then turned his gaze on me "Yes, love. I grew up up with D

Drew and Mike. We were inseparable all through school and university. We still keep in contact, as best we can, with them being overseas. I got a fascinating message from Mike as we were arriving." He grinned at the twins, clearly sharing a private joke with them. I groaned, just imagining what Mike might have told him. When Patrick turned his attention to me, blue eyes dancing with humor, I wanted to melt. Chapter 16

So love, according to Mike, you had quite an idea in mind. I think you aged him ten years. His gaze traveled down my little black dress appreciatively, making me blush."I think he's trying to call in some favors as we speak to get him and Drew on an earlier flight. Patrick continued.

looked up in shock, turning to stare at the twins. Mike can't do that, can he? The twins and Patrick all laughed. Seriously, he can't do that, right guys? My eyes were growing wider.

Josh calmed down enough to take pity on me. Yes, he can, Baby Girl; Mike's a sergeant well-liked by his commanding officers. There is an excellent chance they will be here earlier than expected. At my look of shock, all three guys started laughing again. Patrick, taking pity on me, reached across the table and patted my hand. Oh love, I would not want to be in your shoes when Mike gets a hold of you." He shook his head, trying to hold in his laughter. "Wha..what do you mean?" I was starting to grow a little concerned with the guy's reaction.

Well, love, let's say that Josh learned from the best." Patrick lost it again, laughing so hard he had to wipe tears from his eyes.

It took my brain a moment to put everything together, but when it did, the look of horror that crossed my face sent the guys into another round of laughter. I glared at all three of them. Turning to Josh, I whined, You and Mike share the same kink? That's so not fair. How am I supposed to handle both of you?" My whine had turned into a pout as Josh leaned over and kissed me.

baby can in I make a suggestion?" He asked. I nodded my head, hoping Josh had some excellent advice.

"Behave yoursell" At that, Josh sat back, a smirk creeping across his face, waiting to see my reaction.

If I could kill with just a look, Josh would have been six feet under. Since my glare did not harm him, I settled for sticking my tongue out at him. At the look on his face, I stood quickly. You gentlemen must excuse me; I need to freshen up, I called over my shoulder as I all but ran barefoot toward the house. Chapter Comments


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