Shackled (The Lord Series) by Carlos

349. Olivia - New beginning II

**Three months later**

"A bit to the left," I instruct Jasper as he hangs a painting for me in our new living room.

It took Tyson, Ansel, and Rueben weeks of talking to convince Mose, Jasper, and me to move to the lake cabin, especially after the rumors of all the dead women who were found in the woods nearby. It was actually a lie started by Rueben's uncle, who wanted to buy the cabin and the land around it and hoped that by spreading rumors about a serial criminal being in the area, he would get it for a fair price because no one would want to move in a place where they could be killed. The little trick Rueben's uncle pulled worked, and he purchased the cabin. Since he never got married nor had children, he left the cabin to Rueben, Tyson, and Ansel, who only use it when they want to fish. They come here every summer together with Jasper and Mose and spend a week or two enjoying the good weather.

Rueben puts on a vinyl record on the record player before hugging me from behind and kissing my cheek. Learning to trust Rueben must have been the hardest thing I have done, and I would still probably fear him if not for the bond. It's not only the bond that convinced me that he is truly sorry for the past but his actions as well. For the past three months, Rueben and Tyson have been showing daily how much they love me. It's not been easy to totally forgive them, but I am slowly getting there.

"I must admit, your idea of turning the cabin into a Lair was excellent," Rueben says against my skin.

It only worked because the cabin is big enough. It has three bedrooms, two of which I plan to turn into rooms for the children we will one day adopt. After some talks, we decided that two or three children would be ideal, but it all depends on me. The other room is the master bedroom. Learning to sleep with five men in the same bed was a struggle because there had been some accidental elbows in the face. And the snoring. Do all of them suffer from sleep apnea? Especially Rueben, he's the worst.

Tyson had to order a small premade house and turned it into his office. A barn was placed close to the woods and the horses and Juniper love it here so far. It's only been a few days since we moved. While I wanted to remain on the farm, the last few weeks have been tense, especially because we discovered tire tracks around the pasture. It was the last push that I needed to leave the farm behind.

While the lake cabin is not as secluded as Alekos' cabin up in the mountains, not many know of its existence. Even the teens that used to come here years ago, probably don't want anything to do with it. The best part is that the land is under a fake name, so my father will have a hard time finding me here.

"We don't need a big house to be happy," I say.

Rueben kisses the top of my head. "All I need is you, my little wife."

I payfully elbow him. "You keep calling me that, but I have yet to receive a proposal."

Jasper finishes hanging the painting and turns his attention to me. "You don't want to ruin our surprise, do you, Little Love?"

I have to admit that I did become almost obsessed with the idea of getting a ring. I have dropped so many hints in the last two months that I am starting to become resentful. It's like I'm begging for a shut-up-ring.

It's stupid too, because I don't know why I became so fixated on the idea of getting married all of a sudden. It's just a stupid piece of paper in the end.noveldrama

"A time frame would be helpful," I huff annoyed.

Jasper snatches me away from Rueben. "Soon," he says before stealing a kiss from my lips.

Rueben gets behind me, grabs my hips, and grinds against me. He is more than hard. So is Jasper.

I shouldn't play with fire but it's been a few days since Jasper, Mose, or Ansel fucked me and I'm aching for more than a kiss. I still haven't done anything more with Tyson and Rueben beyond kissing and some heavy petting and I think...I'm ready.

I rub my ass against Rueben while Jasper keeps kissing me.

"Olivia, baby, you are such a tease," Rueben groans. I grind my ass even harder. His fingers dig in my flesh. I'll probably have bruises tomorrow but these are the kind of bruises I don't mind. "Fuck. If you keep doing that, I'll finish in my pants." I laugh softly against Jasper's mouth because the idea of Rueben losing control because of me is so damn hot. I peel my lips away from Jasper and he kisses me along my jaw. "I don't see a problem with that," I moan. "Or would you prefer to finish on my tits?"

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