Second Chances


Chapter 149 

Emma and Bob were both excellent campers at Leroy, so they were assigned to the best class of Charon Military 


There were fixed venues for each class on the field. 

Students of class one stood in line according to their height. The girls were in front, and the boys were behind. 

“You guys got the highest scores in this batch!” 

“I want you to remember these words at all times! I hope you remember our slogan. ‘Never back down, never give up‘!” The person who spoke was the instructor. He was wearing a black boot camouflage uniform and his starry eyes looked firm. 

As soon as the instructor finished speaking, the students immediately repeated the slogan loudly! 

“Never back down, never give up!” 

“Never back down, never give up!” 

“Never back down, never give up!” 

The instructor looked at this group of people and nodded. He was very satisfied with the students, they were the best of all, and they were loud. He was sure they’d become someone in the future. 

At this moment, he said, “Who is Emma?” 

Emma stepped forward. “I am, sir!” 

The instructor sized up Emma. He could tell at a glance that she was a martial artist. “You, run 10 laps on the field!” 

“Yes!” Without another word, Emma turned around. 

The instructor nodded in satisfaction! 


He had heard about an exceptional girl in Class One who was not only an internationally renowned divine doctor but had also defeated the national boxing champion. Talented students were often arrogant, yet the school frowned upon individualism. 

The instructor had originally wanted to kill Emma’s pride today. Unexpectedly, she was very disciplined, which showed that she was indeed a promising talent! 

Twenty minutes later, Emma finished the run

Chapter 149 

She panted slightly, but she stood straight. “Sir, I’m done running!” 

The instructor looked at Emma with admiration. “Good! Strong physique, strong will! From today onwards, you will be the monitor of our class!” 

He then told the other students, “Everyone needs to learn from Emma. Got it?” 

The students said in unison, “Yes!” 

After the training ended, Lane craned her neck and looked into the distance. When Class 1 was dismissed, Lane 

said, “Emma! I’m here!” 

Emma walked towards Lane. “How is it? Are you tired from training?” 

Lane said, “Not bad! But you’re amazing. Class 1 is made up of the best students and you became the class 


Emma smiled. The two of them then went to the canteen for dinner. After getting their food, Bob walked over. “Mind if we join you?” 


When Lane saw her prince charming, she almost choked. She said hurriedly, “I don’t mind, I don’t mind! Why 

would I mind!” 

Bob smiled and sat down opposite Emma. 

The three of them had known each other since summer camp. It was fate that they were able to reunite in Charon. 

“The training today is very intense. Eat more. We can rest after class,” said Bob. 

“Yes, yes. Bob. You too!” Lane said. She was very happy to eat with Bob. 

Emma was a little absent–minded. Seeing Bob, she missed Liam a little. She hoped she could have dinner with Liam and she wondered what he was doing. 

Just as she was lost in thought, there was a sudden panic in the canteen “Help! Call the ambulance, someone 


Emma and Lane looked over and saw a person lying on the ground. His face was green, and his lips were pale. 

“What’s going on?” Emma asked. 

A student said anxiously, “He kept saying that he was very tired and dizzy after training today. He fainted just now!” 

Emma squatted down to observe the person’s situation. “He’s suffering from heatstroke. There is not enough air 

Chapter 149 


inside of the room, so he fainted.” 

“So what do we do now?” the student asked. 

Emma said, “Everyone has different symptoms for heatstroke. Logically speaking, he should be sent to the hospital.” 

Yet she was the most professional doctor. She said all this so that others would not imitate her. 

Right then, Emma squatted down, pinched the person’s upper lips, and then splashed a lot of cold water on him. 

After that, she did CPR. 

It didn’t take long for that person to wake up. He looked at Emma with gratitude. “You saved me?” 

Emma said calmly, “You are fine now. However, just in case, you should rest in the infirmary for a few days.” 

“Okay! Thank you, thank you!” the person said. 

After Emma got up, she realized that more than half of the people in the canteen had gathered around. Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

They had all heard that there was an outstanding girl in the new students, and now they saw her. And to everyone’s surprise, the girl was not only talented but also extremely beautiful. 

Erza was also there. He had seen how Emma calmly saved the student and was stunned by her beauty. 

He couldn’t help but push through the crowd and walk over. “Get out of the way!” 

In front of Emma, he said, “Miss, that was so cool! My name is Erza Burnson, by the way. Do you have a boyfriend?” 

Erza was handsome, but Emma was already immune to handsome guys after staying with Liam every day. 

“I’m married, thank you,” she said, 

Erza was stunned by her answer. “What? Come on, you don’t have to reject me like this… You’re in school. Why are you married?” 

Emma was a little impatient. “Yes, I am taken.” 

Lane added, “Yes, Miss Wilson is taken, and she has countless admirers! You’d better don’t waste your time. You 

are not her type.” 

Erza wailed and placed his hand on Bob’s shoulder. “Bob… What should I do? This is the first time a girl rejected me. She even used marriage as an excuse!” 

Bob wanted to tell him that it wasn’t an excuse. 

09:37 Tue, 16 Jul 

Chapter 149 

Although it was not made public, everyone in the Hall family knew that Liam and Emma were married. At the thought of this, Bob’s expression darkened even more. 

At night, Emma lay on the bed in the dormitory and video–called Liam, Exausted from the long day of training, she fell asleep before hanging up the video call. 

Liam looked at her peaceful sleeping face on the screen. He could not bear to hang up the entire night. He even took a screenshot to set it as his wallpaper. 

The next day, when the instructor heard about Emma rescuing her classmates in the canteen last night, he gave 

her high praise! 

Then he added, “However, as the class monitor, you should never be overproud, you need to work harder and set a good example for everyone. Can you?” 

“Yes!” Emma replied in a loud and firm voice. In the queue, she was serious. 

The instructor nodded in relief. Then, he said to the entire queue, “Today is our first day of formal learning!” 

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