No More Waiting, She Chooses Love

Chapter 365

Chapter 365

Ernest, quick as a flash, caught my soda before it could spill. Before I even had a chance to turn around, that all-too-familiar voice was already ringing in my ears, “Licia, you're quite the catch. I might have to take lessons from you.”

Finally, Fanny had seen my message.

I playfully slapped her arm. "You scared the living daylights out of me, you know that?"

"Can't afford to literally scare you to death, can I? Right, Mr. Collins?" Fanny teased Ernest with a smirk.

This gal, she's like a docile lamb in front of Yates but turns into a fearless warrior when he's not around. How she manages to pull that off, I'll never know.

"Where's your Yates?" I glanced over to where Fanny had been sitting, but Yates was nowhere in sight.

"He took off," Fanny settled next to me, eyeing Ernest, "Mr. Collins, you ordered for two, and here Licia hasn't got a single bite. Aren't you supposed to look after your girlfriend?"

Fanny was obviously poking fun, well aware that Ernest had my leftovers.

I nudged her gently under the table, a silent plea to ease up on the jokes, especially since it might embarrass Ernest.

Sharing leftovers was no big deal between us, but it might dent Ernest's pride in front of others.

But, I was wrong. Ernest, completely unfazed, continued enjoying his meal, casually replying, "Her portion's right here."

"Ah, sharing a dish. Mr. Collins, you sure know how to keep things interesting," Fanny went on with her banter.

"Yeah, Dr. Willis, you and Yates should give it a try next time," Ernest shot back with a grin.

I burst out laughing, which made Fanny pinch me. Unfortunately, she caught the arm I'd just had blood drawn from, making me yelp, "Ow!"

Ernest immediately remarked, "She just had blood taken from that arm."

Fanny looked startled, then concerned, "What happened to you?"

“Got a fever,” I leaned against Fanny, playing up the victim, "and you're bullying a sick person."Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Fanny checked my forehead, "How did you get a fever? What's wrong?"

"My throat's killing me, like swallowing razor blades," I whined.

"Might be a viral thing. When did you have the blood test?" Fanny inquired.

“Around 8:30. Waiting on the results," replied, glancing at Ernest who seemed to be in his own world, quietly eating as if Fanny and I were not even there.

Ernest's the type whose demeanor wouldn't falter even if the sky were falling.

Fanny glanced at her wristwatch, "The standard bloodwork should be back by now."

She looked at me again, "You seem better, joking around with Mr. Collins. Probably nothing serious."

Trust my bestie to not spare my feelings, even in front of Ernest.

But hey, if I can dish it, I can take it, "Yeah, with Mr. Collins taking such good care of me, I was bound to bounce back quickly."

"True, love's the best medicine," Fanny quipped as she stood up, "I gotta run. Check in with me after you get your results."

I waved her off with a playful claw

hand gesture. Fanny rolled her eyes but couldn't resist asking before she left, "Which department did you visit? I might check in for you."

"The fever clinic," I had barely finished when a man approached our table.

I assumed he was here for Ernest, but to my surprise, he called out, "Dr. Willis."

Fanny's brows instantly knitted together, a flash of distaste crossing her face.

Years of friendship meant I sensed something was off right away, so I stood up to join her.

"Dr. Willis, I've been trying to cat

you for days without luck. Didn't expect to run into you here," the man's gaze lingered on Fanny, his intentions anything but professional.

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