New beginning: Billionaire love story

Chapter 392 Andrea

Eligos stood outside Andrea's apartment building, his expression one of pure disgust. The place looked like it hadn't seen a decent repair in decades-faded bricks, broken windows, and a general air of neglect. He wrinkled his nose, muttering to himself. "Is he really living in this dump?" Eligos had learned a lot about Andrea recently, but he still found it hard to believe the guy didn't know his half-sister was none other than Claire Peterson-the CEO of a tech empire and a legend in the hacking world. She was probably in some high-rise office right now, pulling strings across the digital landscape, while her half-brother... lived here. Eligos snorted, amused. "Oh, this is gonna be interesting."

With a sigh, he headed inside. The moment he stepped through the door, he jumped back, convinced he saw a rat scurrying across the floor. "Fantastic," he muttered, frowning. "This place is a horror show."

He made his way up the staircase, each step creaking ominously. A few were even broken, forcing him to take awkward, careful steps. Just as he reached the second floor, he stumbled upon a couple making out against the wall.noveldrama

Eligos raised an eyebrow and muttered under his breath, "It's only noon, people. Get a room."

Rolling his eyes, he continued up to the third floor, finally arriving at the end of the hallway. 309. He paused for a moment, eyeing the door with a mix of irritation and amusement. Instead of just knocking, he pulled a napkin from his pocket, wrapped it around his knuckles, and knocked.

Knock. Knock. Knock.


Knock. Knock. Knock.

After a few moments, he finally heard some shuffling inside, followed by a groggy voice calling out, "Hold your horses!"

Eligos crossed his arms, tapping his foot impatiently. The door finally swung open, and there stood Andrea, his face twisted in a scowl. The moment he saw Eligos, his expression went from annoyed to furious.

"Oh, it's you," Andrea grumbled, narrowing his eyes. Before Eligos could say a word, Andrea tried to slam the door shut, but Eligos quickly wedged his foot in the doorway.

Andrea let out an exasperated sigh. "What do you want? I'm not dealing with your crazy talk again."

Eligos raised an eyebrow. "Crazy talk? I wasn't lying to you, you know. I thought we covered this yesterday."

Andrea glared at him, arms crossed. "And I thought we covered this yesterday too-none of this makes sense. What proof do you even have?"

Eligos leaned against the doorframe, looking Andrea over thoughtfully. "Proof? Alright. What do you need?"

Andrea blinked, caught off guard. "What... I need?" He crossed his arms, thinking. "Fine. You want me to believe all this nonsense? Do something for me first." Eligos raised an eyebrow, looking thoroughly bored. "And what would that be?"

Andrea smirked, clearly enjoying this. "Pay off my debt."

Eligos rolled his eyes. "That's all? You think that's enough?"

Andrea nodded, almost daring him. "Yeah. That's all. Forty-five thousand, nine hundred and seven euros and six cents."

To Andrea's surprise, Eligos didn't flinch. Instead, he raised his brows, chuckling. "Only that much?"

Andrea looked at him, jaw-dropping. "Only? That's... that's a lot of money!"

Eligos shrugged, pulling out his phone. "Bank account details?"

Andrea stared at him in disbelief before stepping aside, motioning for Eligos to enter. "Fine. Come in, I guess."

Eligos walked in, glancing around at the shabby apartment with mild distaste as Andrea scribbled his bank information on a piece of paper and handed it over. Eligos looked at the paper, then back at Andrea. "Alright. Give me a minute."

Andrea watched, suspicious, as Eligos tapped away on his phone. Less than five minutes later, Eligos held up his phone, showing Andrea the confirmation screen. "Done." Andrea squinted at the screen, then at his own phone as a notification popped up, confirming the transfer. His eyes widened as he realized the money was actually there. "No way," Andrea breathed, still staring at his phone. "You're not... you're not a scammer, are you?"

Eligos smirked, slipping his phone back into his pocket. "Oh, please. I'm much better than a scammer."

Andrea looked at him, a mix of confusion and disbelief. "Alright then, Mr. Better Than a Scammer, why are you even here? I mean, seriously, what's your deal?"

Eligos chuckled. "I'm here because you're part of something a lot bigger than you realize, Andrea. You've got connections you don't even know about. Family connections." Andrea snorted."You keep talking about this 'half-sister' thing. Claire Peterson? CEO? Super hacker? Give me a break."

Eligos held up his hands, grinning. "Look, I don't expect you to believe me just yet. But come on, you've gotta admit-there's something a bit... odd about me, don't you think?" Andrea eyed him skeptically. "Odd? Yeah, that's one way to put it."

"Trust me," Eligos said, leaning forward, "you've got some powerful blood running through your veins. And once you understand what that means, things are gonna get real interesting."

Andrea rolled his eyes. "Look, I really appreciate your help with the money but doesn't make sense. Claire Peterson is not my half-sister. I don't have siblings. She lives in god knows where and I am in Italy. So how did we even become half-siblings? It doesn't make sense."

Eligos smirked as his eyes glanced at the interior around him. The worn-out couch, old TV, and crusty walls needed a repaint, and open his mouth to speak. "Aren't you sad living like this?" "Well, I don't have much of a choice, can I?"

"Hmm...Andrea," Eligos stared at his eyes. "You want an answer, do you?" Andrea nodded. "Ask your mom about it cause she knows."

Andrea looked confused as he frowned. "My mom? I don't think she knows. She is at the hospital, and she is sick."

"And do you wish your mother to be

healed? I know that you needed money for her treatment, and I am telling you this because the truth will change your life and not just you but your mother as well." Eligos face looked as serious as ever Andrea's walls started to shake and believed that this man standing in his living room was telling the truth.

"Okay, fine. I'll go see her."

Eligos flashed him a grin, already halfway to the door. "Good! I'll see you soon. Don't miss me too much."

Andrea scoffed, shutting the door behind Eligos as he left. But as he stood alone in his dingy apartment, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of unease. Whoever Eligos." was, he had a lot of confidence and apparently, a lot of cash. If there was even a sliver of truth to what he'd said, things were about to get a lot

more complicated.

As for Eligos, he made his way down the rickety stairs, chuckling to himself. The look on Andrea's face had been priceless, and he knew he was just scratching the surface. Claire was in for one heck of a surprise, and Andrea? He had no idea what was coming.

Eligos stepped out into the sunlight, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips. "Oh, this is going to be so much fun."

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