Young Bride in a Lightning Marriage: Never Tired of Mr. Leon’s Love

Chapter 249

Chapter 249

Theodore stood frozen for a moment before his eyes bulged in disbelief. There were only two reasons for a dead line—either she had ditched the number, leaving it unassigned, or worse, she had blocked him.

Theodore was leaning toward the second explanation. Changing her phone number just because of one call from a stranger? That was overkill unless she was on the run from the mob or something. No way someone would freak out like that for no good reason.

He thought he had cracked the case, so he ended the call on Augustus' phone.

Augustus was giving him the stink eye. "Theodore, are you done with your call? Can I get my phone back now? It's been three days since I've even touched it."

Without a word, Theodore rolled his eyes and chucked the phone back to Augustus.

He pulled out his own phone. He would not have hogged Augustus' phone if he was not worried about the lady ignoring calls from an unknown number!

He punched in the number he knew by heart and waited for the woman to pick up.

Bingo, the call went through!

A grin broke out on Theodore's face, but before he could get a word out, that all-too-familiar message hit him, "Sorry, the number you have dialed is not in service."

The smile on Theodore's face turned to stone.

No way. She actually changed her number because of one measly call from a stranger.

Crushed, Theodore shoved his phone into his pocket and buried his head in his hands.

Theodore, the guy who never missed a beat, had just face-planted big time, thanks to his own sister.

Now what?

Theodore was the picture of defeat. He had probably scared the poor woman half to death.

Augustus had hit a dead end trying


to reach out, and Theodore was freaking out, imagining the worst. Perhaps the woman Theodore was after was as skittish as a spooked bird. She might have just up and moved away today.

Theodore was on the edge of despair, but Augustus could not stand to see his buddy like that. He gave Theodore a gentle shove. "Hey, don't lose hope, man. I bumped into her, twice, didn't I? I'll run into her again, and a third time's a charm.

"Plus, she was out walking her cat, of all things. She's gotta be close by. Let's just go find her, okay?"

Theodore's eyes sparked to life, his slump instantly gone. Augustus was spot on. As a prince, he could not just throw in the towel that easily.

If he kept that up, his dad, the king, would never trust him to take over.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Augustus let out a relieved breath when he saw Theodore perk up, but then a twinge of guilt hit him. Sure, he had given a pep talk, but finding the lady again was like rolling the dice.

He had always thought of himself as a lucky guy, with not a blemish of bad luck on him.

However, with Theodore, Mr. Bad Luck himself, in tow, all bets were off.

Still, Augustus clenched his jaw and decided they would look for the woman. Theodore was his friend, and friends helped each other out.

In the worst-case scenario, he would just call Theodore the next time he saw her and stall for time.

Meanwhile, in the car, Lucy let out a sudden sneeze.

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