Young Bride in a Lightning Marriage: Never Tired of Mr. Leon’s Love

Chapter 247

Chapter 247

Holding back a mix of feelings, Augustus tossed his phone at Theodore. His voice was laced with annoyance. "Here, just take it. The first number's hers. And don't you dare use that tone with me again. I can't stand it!"

Theodore did not give a second thought to Augustus' peeved expression. He had what he wanted, and that was all that mattered. Why worry about Augustus, right?

He snapped back to his usual serious and precise self. He unlocked Augustus' phone with a small smile playing on his lips.

Now that he had the woman's number, he could invite her out. Meeting her face-to-face would make it easier to get that DNA test done.

If she really was his sister, then their mother could finally stop crying herself to sleep.

Theodore gazed at the number on the screen, his emotions a tangled mess. He hesitated, but his desire to know the truth pushed him to make the call.

He did not hold much hope, but Theodore was willing to bet on that long shot.

The phone rang and rang, and with each passing second, Theodore's hands grew sweatier. Why was she not picking up? He could not help but feel a rush of impatience.

On the other side of town, Lucy, fresh from a shower and cozied up in bed, jumped as her phone rang out of the blue. She grabbed it and saw the unfamiliar number.

Lucy's mouth quirked in annoyance. It was that weirdo again...

She stared down the ringing phone with a blank face, deciding to ignore it until it stopped on its own.

Two minutes later, the call ended.

Theodore's brows creased in frustration. Maybe she did not have her phone on her?

He pondered for a moment before deciding to leave a voicemail. "Hello, this is Theodore. I have a personal matter like to discuss with you which i'm afraid I can't explain over the phone. Could we possibly talk about it in person?"

Lucy breathed a sigh of relief when the call ended without a callback. She made up her mind to change her number first thing in the morning.

A notification appeared: [You have a new voicemail from 139xxxxxxx.]

With a resigned sigh, Lucy figured she might as well give it a listen.

Lucy's eyebrows rose in surprise as she listened to the message from a man she did not know. The message itself was bizarre enough to render her speechless. Content

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A complete stranger had gotten her number from some weirdo and then was calling her up, wanting to meet. It screamed 'suspicious' from a mile away.

She might as well act as if she had never heard the voicemail.

With a blank face, Lucy hit the delete button and tossed her phone aside.

Skipping her usual bedtime reading, she just lay down, closed her eyes, and was soon lost in dreamland.

While Lucy slept soundly, Theodore was a bundle of nerves.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

The next day, when he had not heard a peep from that woman, his anxiety spiked.

He had left a voicemail. Surely she could not have missed it, so why the silent treatment? Had he been rude without realizing it? It dawned on him, and he groaned at the thought.

Oh boy, he had gotten her number from someone else and then immediately called her, expecting

her to meet up with a total stranger. What was he thinking?

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