My Sweetheart

Chapter 505 Is This Our Fate

Chapter 505 Is This Our Fate

Kathy and Alexia arrived at the hospital room; Sue was awake already, but Lincoln didn’t enter.

Looking at the feeble woman on the hospital bed, Kathy recalled how, just a while ago, they were still happily expecting to greet a new baby. No one foresaw that the baby was gone before they knew it.

“Sue, the doctor said that you probably had abortion pills.” Alexia hesitantly said.

Sue’s face turned pale white; she pressed her hand against her stomach and remained silent.

How could she be so cruel to have taken her own child’s life.

Unless… it was something she ate in her daily meals.

“Far too many people want my child dead.” Sue said solemnly as she shut her eyes.

What she didn’t say was how frightened she became ever since she was pregnant with her child.

The Fletcher family’s old man had many devious methods, and had tried to take her child’s life innumerous times already.

Sue was surprised she was even able to remain pregnant for four months.

“Sue…” Kathy whispered, but then fell silent for a while.

On the surface, Lincoln and Sue looked like quite a lovely couple; even the Fletcher family seemed to have accepted them. But in reality, things may not be this way.

At this moment, footsteps sounded from outside the room; it was Lincoln, and both Kathy and Alexia left the room to give them a private moment.

Sue kept looking down, her eyes were filled with a look of gloom.

Then her eyes turned red, but she bit her lip and held in her tears.

“Sue, sorry…” Lincoln said, then he knelt down next to her bed.

He held her small hand tightly; she could clearly feel his anguish and pain.

“Lincoln, is this our fate?" Sue suddenly asked with a smile.

But as her smile widened, tears began to roll down her face.

Lincoln rushed over to gently kiss away the tears off her face.

However, Sue began to cry out even more uncontrollably; she held Lincoln tightly and said, “I want to get revenge for my child.”

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Kathy was worried about Sue, so she kept waiting outside.

Late in the night, Lincoln finally came out as Sue finally fell asleep. A deep sense of fatigue clearly showed on his face.

"You should head home, it's quite late."

Joseph was with Kathy; he held her gently and looked over to Lincoln, “If there’s anything you want my help with, just ask.”

As they left the hospital, Kathy still felt distraught.

On the way to the hospital, Sue kept trying to protect her child; but in the end, nothing had changed.

“Joseph, who do you think murdered Sue’s child?” In the car, Kathy looked over to the man next to her.

“Someone from the Fletcher’s.” Joseph said as his eyebrows converged.

This child arrived at the wrong time.

Sue’s position in the Fletcher’s family was still unstable; there was no way the Fletcher’s would stand by to watch her give birth to a child that would take a share of the family inheritance.

But the couple was too immersed in the pregnancy that they overlooked some considerations.

“But… Sue’s child is the flesh and blood of the Fletcher family!” Kathy lashed out.

It was a life; a living, breathing life!

How could the Fletchers be so cruel!

Joseph placed a hand over to her, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

“The Fletchers have always been a dog-eat-dog family.” Joseph calmly said.

He has known Lincoln for years, so he had quite some insights into that family.

However, he never wanted Lincoln to return to that family.

But, some hatred can never be extinguished; he had to conserve his energy to strike at the right time.

In the following days, Kathy and Alexia would visit Sue whenever they had time. Her body eventually recovered, but Lincoln visited less and less.

"What’s Lincoln been doing lately? Is his work more important than his wife?" Kathy complained.

“He has his hands full after he took over much of the family business, so he barely has any free time left; I can understand.” Sue calmly said in a manner as if she was already accustomed to the situation.

“What about you, have you thought about which school you want to go to?” Sue asked with a smile.

Kathy frowned; University F was globally renowned for their medical degree, and she heard that the graduate school for University F will soon be completed in City N, so she wanted to give it a try.

If she could get in, then she would likely stay in City N.

“I’ve been thinking about University F, so I’ve been preparing for the interviews lately.”

She already told Jennifer about this idea. Jennifer even helped her contact the school already, which helped Kathy land the interview, which is next month.

But she wasn’t ready at all right now.

“University F has a great reputation and ranking, even better than Ocean University; go for it, Kathy.”

“Thanks, I’ll do my best.”

“But isn’t University F in Country F? Are you and Joseph going to have a long-distance relationship?” Sue just remembered.

“Well, their grad school will be in City N, that’s why I wanted to give it a try.”

“You’re just too attached to Joseph; Kathy, I’m so envious of you.” Sue suddenly said.

To her, Kathy and Joseph’s relationship seemed to have always been quite solid and without issues. On the other hand, she and Joseph seemed to have encountered quite a lot of trials. It was as if God set up various trials for them.

She never expected that she and Lincoln would get to where they were now.

But with the issue of her miscarriage, she was beginning to have second thoughts.

“Me and Joseph? Mr. Mathew still disapproves of us two, so it’s quite a challenge for us as well.” Kathy said with a frown.

Ever since he left, Joseph has never returned home yet; Mathew probably blamed her for this and hated her even more and more beyond imagination.

“Hmm, Mr. Mathew will come to his senses someday, so long as you and Joseph don’t give up.” Sue cheered.

Kathy stayed with Sue until late in the evening. Due to school matters, she had to stop by Jennifer’s place, but Joseph already arrived to pick her up.

Joseph heard that Kathy was going to Jennifer’s place, and he didn’t say anything.

She could tell that Joseph has been quite busy with work lately. Sometimes, he was still working in his study late in the night. Even when Kathy hit the bed, he was still working.

She knew that he recently resumed his post in the hospital, and he was in charge of Ella’s treatment. Between his family business and hospital job, Joseph barely had any time to rest. Kathy felt distressed for him.

“After Ella’s treatment, will you have more free time?” Kathy asked concernedly.

Joseph rubbed her forehead lovingly and said, “Yes.”

“Is her operation difficult?”

Currently, only Joseph has had experience with this kind of operation.

“Hm, it’s a bit complicated.”

If Joseph even said it was a tough procedure, then Kathy knew it was.

“Hope it all goes well,” Kathy said under her breath.

Otherwise, Ella would spend even more with Joseph in the future.

Kathy didn’t like that idea.

Kathy planned to stay the night at Jennifer’s place, and asked Joseph to head home.

He wasn’t keen with that idea, so he entered with Kathy.

“If you’re going to stay the night here, I will too.”

Kathy puckered her lips; it seemed like a fine suggestion too.

Besides, Jennifer now had a good impression of Joseph, and no one else lived there.

“Pearl, Joseph’s here too; bring over an extra cup of tea.” Jennifer ordered.

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