My Heart only Beats for You (Natalie Godfrey)

Chapter 1586

Chapter 1586

Matthew looked up at the sky. "Yesseca, what do you think of the moon tonight?"

Yesseca raised her head and looked at the brightly lit moon in the sky.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

It wasn't a full moon tonight.

"It's a crescent moon tonight," muttered Yesseca.

"The moon waxes and the moon wanes, like joy and sorrow." Matthew sighed. "No one can change that. If Lothar is dead, why would he suddenly appear now, only to drive you up the wall?"

Yesseca was stunned.

Her face was pale. "Matthew, is my brother really gone? Did I not see him?"

"Yes." Matthew looked straight into Yesseca's eyes. "Yesseca, you've had a nightmare."

Yesseca felt a wave of pain course through her whole body.

After a long period of silence, Yesseca finally gritted her teeth and said, "I understand."

"I'll get you a psychologist. You need help," Matthew added.

Yesseca didn't want help.

But the words wouldn't come out of her mouth.

She had really seen Lothar.

However, the reality was that Lothar was gone. It would be impossible for her to see him.

She must be wrong!

She must be having a mental breakdown.

She needed psychological help.

Yesseca nodded. "Thank you, Matthew."

Matthew got into the car.

The moment Selina saw him, she grabbed his hand and asked, "How is Yesseca?"

"She's fine." Matthew comforted her. "I've explained everything to her. She's aware that she was hallucinating. I'll send a psychologist to help her through it."

"No!" Selina suddenly shouted, "She isn't having hallucinations, she isn't!"

"Sweetie, what are you talking about?!"

Selina blurted out, "Matthew, why do you think that search dog acted like that? It must have been Lothar's ghost. It had to be!"

Matthew was getting anxious.

It looked like Selina had been badly affected as well.

His tone softened his tone, "Selina, there's no such thing as ghosts. Why would Lothar come back to scare you and Yesseca? You're overthinking things."

"It's not like that!" Selina shouted. "It must be because Lothar knows about Yesseca and that man. He doesn't want her to be with that man either. I heard what you said and hesitated, so I decided not to interfere anymore. Lothar came to remind me of my promise to him. He's blaming me for not taking care of Yesseca!"

"Sweetie, you're reading too much into this!"

"I'm not. That has to be it!" Selina grabbed Matthew's hand, "Matthew, that must be it. It must be. I was wrong. I was so wrong. I shouldn't have listened to you."

After that, she pushed Matthew aside and ran out of the car.

Selina raised his hands and shouted at the sky, "I promise you, I will definitely take good care of Yesseca. I won't waver. Even if Yesseca were to hate me for it, I'll make sure she marries the right man. You can rest easy in heaven. I will keep my promise."

Matthew felt a sharp pain in his head.

He knew that Selina felt very guilty for Lothar, so he didn't blame her for overreacting.

Everything that happened was just a coincidence, and Selina had a temporary lapse of judgement. Yesseca simply had a nightmare and dreamed of seeing Lothar...

Because she couldn't sleep the entire night and needed psychological help, Yesseca didn't go to work the next day.

She had forgotten to ask for leave as she was still rattled.

Her colleagues at the mall were gossiping about it.

The one who started it was Enaryln.

Since there weren't any customers around at the moment, Enaryln gathered some of the women and started chatting with them.

"Yesseca didn't come into work today. I heard that she didn't even ask for leave. She called the supervisor but couldn't get through. God knows what's going on with her."

"What could it be? I guess she must

be enjoying her man's money. She doesn't fancy this tiny shopping mall anymore. She can go and be some rich snobby woman for all care." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"To be honest, I can't see her that way. She doesn't seem the type."

EnaryIn tutted and said, "What do you know? She's quite ambitious, and is secretly coquettish. Men like that kind of thing, women who are seemingly pure but aren't at all."

Their discussion grew louder and louder. Cassie, who always had a good relationship with Yesseca, overheard them. When she heard them, she quickly said, "Don't gossip at work. It would be bad if we got caught by the manager."

"Cassie, who doesn't gossip at work? We're not doing anything wrong!" Enaryln rebutted.

She looked at Enaryln and said, "Then don't gossip about Yesseca. It's not nice to talk behind her back."

"What's bad about it? We're just stating a fact."

"Is it? Did you see it with your own eyes?"

Enaryln snorted. "Did I see it with my own eyes? I saw her get into a sports car, and she didn't come in to work today. I guess she's too rich to bother coming in."

"She's probably tied up with something. Maybe she'll come in the afternoon." Cassie spoke up for Yesseca.

Enaryln smirked. "Let's wait and see, Cassie. Let's see if Yesseca, that vain woman, will actually come to work today."

The girl didn't want to talk to Enaryln

anymore, so she finished with, "Enaryln, you talk so much about her being vain and greedy. Didn't you ask to get transferred to the men's clothing section? Why did you that?" Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Enaryln's face immediately flushed red.



After Cassie left, Enaryln stomped her foot and said, "That old hag is standing up for Yesseca, but I don't know why. Could it be that Yesseca had bought her?!"

Several of the women there comforted Enaryln.

"Enaryln, don't mind her. I bet she's just jealous of your beauty. After all, everyone here knows that you are the most beautiful woman here!"

"Yes! She's just jealous."

Enaryln felt much better.

She touched her face and snorted.

Just wait and see!

She would snag herself a rich husband by working at the men's clothing section. She would have so much more than Yesseca had!

She would definitely do much better than Yesseca!

Then, everyone would see!

The phone started ringing.

Tremaine answered the phone.

A man's voice spoke over the phone. "Sir."


"The general elections are a month from now. Mr. Harington is making his move."

Tremaine's eyes flashed coldly, but soon disappeared. "What's his play?"

The man lowered his voice and said, "Sir, Mr. Harington is going to make an issue out of your sexual orientation."

The corners of Tremaine's lips curved up into a mocking smile.

"I see." He wasn't going to take it seriously.

The man hesitated for a moment and said, "Sir, I think you ought to pay attention to this. After all, this will reflect badly on you and will certainly sway your supporters You haven't had a woman around you in several years..." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"We're done here." He said curtly.

The man was shocked. He realized he had gone too far, "Yes, sir."

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