Melody of Strength novel

Melody of Strength 233

hapter 233

Margaret insisted on accepting only one silver coin. No matter how Carissa tried to persuade her otherwise, the older woman simply refused to take more. In the end, Carissa had no choice but to accept Margaret’s gesture of goodwill.

As Margaret was about to leave, she said, “I feel a connection with you, my dear. If you ever find the time, you’re welcome to visit my humble home. Or perhaps, I could come to your residence and we could have a chat.”

This was a clear indication that Margaret wished for their two families to maintain a relationship in the future.

Carissa understood that this wasn’t an attempt to curry favor. She was well aware of the traditions in the Marquis of Ironridge’s household. They had no need to ingratiate themselves with anyone. After all, they were a prestigious family with a hundred–year legacy, with many of their members holding high–ranking positions at court.

Regardless, it was always better to have more friends than enemies, especially when there was a meaningful connection like the bracelet between them.

As she personally saw Margaret out, Carissa smiled and nodded. “It would be my honor, Madam Winchester. I look forward to it.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

After bidding the older woman farewell, Carissa made her way to the part of the estate where her mother’s wing was located–Brightwell Hall. Carissa sat on the chaise lounge where her mother loved to sit and slipped the bracelet onto her wrist. As soon as she closed her eyes, tears fell like rain.

Standing outside, Lulu didn’t dare to enter and disturb Carissa. Instead, Lulu quietly wiped her own tears.

Carissa carried pain in her heart, but she never spoke of it, nor did she want anyone

to see it.

Both Lily and Holly knew the story behind the bracelet. During dinner, Lily sighed deeply upon seeing Carissa’s red and swollen eyes.

Lily recounted the old tale, “Back then, Madam Melanie was reluctant to part with the bracelet. But since The Golden Tower didn’t provide an explanation on the spot, and considering that the other party was Madam Winchester, your mother didn’t want to create any ill will over a single bracelet. She feared that it might lead to resentment.

“Given her status as a widow, Madam Melanie was cautious and decided to let it go.



Chapter 233

She thought about commissioning another one from The Golden Tower, but there wasn’t enough time. Besides, Madam Winchester already had the bracelet, so your mother didn’t see the point and let the matter drop.”

Holly wiped her tears, choking up as she said, “Who would have thought that after all this time, the bracelet would find its way back into your hands? It was always meant to be part of your dowry.

“And how fitting it is that just before you’re about to marry Prince Rafael, this bracelet returns to you. Perhaps… it isn’t just a coincidence. Maybe, in some mysterious way, Madam Melanie had an attachment to this bracelet and willed it back to you from beyond.”

Carissa also began to believe that perhaps Melanie did have a lingering attachment. After all, her mother had said that her brothers would watch over her on her wedding day, with the six gems on the bracelet symbolizing her six brothers.

With this thought, she suddenly found herself feeling a small sense of anticipation about marrying Rafael.

It wasn’t that she hoped Rafael would love her–she knew his heart already belonged to someone else. Even if it didn’t, she thought it was difficult to expect a man’s love, as the effort put into such hope often far outweighed what was received in return.

Instead, she felt that her life with Rafael might indeed be as peaceful as her mother had once wished for her.

Speaking of Rafael, he had been away at Meadow Ridge for several days now. She wondered when he would return and if he would bring news from her guild.

When Carissa thought of her master, she felt a deep sense of guilt. She had been back in the capital for three to four years and hadn’t visited her master or her fellow guild apprentices even once.

When she married Barrett, she hadn’t invited them to the wedding either. At the time, they had kept the ceremony low–key. Melanie didn’t want to make a big fuss, so they hadn’t invited anyone from the guild.

Melanie had even said, “After Barrett wins his next battle, we’ll go to Meadow Ridge together and have him pay his respects to your master.”

But that opportunity never came.

In the days that followed, Rafael still didn’t return.

Meanwhile, the scandalous gossip in the city continued unabated. Before, the rumors had targeted Carissa, but now, the focus had shifted to Jessica and even involved Eleanor

Harmony Palace had once been as impenetrable as a fortress, with no information ever leaking out. But now, the fortress had sprung a leak, and rumors about Henry’s concubines began to spread. People said that over the years, Henry had taken no fewer than twenty concubines, yet only a few of them were still alive, with most of them rarely leaving the residence.

The secrets of the powerful and influential were always the most fascinating to the common people. They loved to speculate and spin stories, filling their idle moments with the thrill of uncovering secrets.

Some said that all those concubines had met their end at the hands of Eleanor, the grand princess herself, because she was notoriously jealous.

Others argued that this was impossible. If Eleanor was truly so jealous, why would she allow her husband to take concubines in the first place? After all, her consent was required for her prince consort to take any concubines

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