Marrying the Ugly Heir for Truth and Wealth

Chapter 139 Nathaniel Is Sick

Chapter 139 Nathaniel Is Sick

When Christina arrived back at Scenic Garden Manor she was just in time to see the family doctor

driving away.

She quickened her pace and strode upstairs. At once, she scented the bitter smell of traditional

medicine wafting out from the study.

At that moment, Sebastian was holding a bowl of traditional medicine and urging carnestly. “Mr. Hadley,

the doctor has said that it’s best to consume the medicine while it’s hot.”

Coughing softly, Nathaniel inexorably frowned as he eyed the bowl of inky-black medicine. “Take it


“Mr. Hadley…”

Sebastian wanted to persuade the man further, but a frosty glare had him tactfully swallow all the words

on the tip of his tongue.

When he turned around dejectedly with the bowl of medicine in hand, he saw Christina heading. toward

him. At once, his eyes lit up as though he had seen a ray of hope.

“Mrs. Hadley, quick, talk some sense into Mr. Hadley. He keeps coughing, yet he refuses to take the

medicine,” he whispered.

Having said that, he handed the bowl in his hand to her and left the study.

Christina walked over with the bowl of medicine. In a flash, the smell pervaded the air.

A frown marred Nathaniel’s countenance, and he appeared exceedingly averse to that medicinal smell.

“Take it away.” Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

He had always loathed such an odor, finding it bitter and foul. Thus, he had rather take modern


Christina was worried that the medicine in her hand would go cold, causing its efficacy to be reduced.

significantly. Hurrying over, she coaxed gently, “You’re not feeling well, but you’ll be fine after drinking

the medicine. Putting up with it isn’t good for your body.”

Nathaniel lifted his gaze arrogantly, his eyes brimming with disdain. “I’m not sick. I don’t need to drink.

this… Ahem, ahem…”

Biting her lower lip, Christina glowered at the man’s stony face. Hah! It’s clear as day that he’s under

the weather, but he’s as stubborn as a mule!

Like a crafty squirrel, she leaned close to him with wide eyes and asked, “You’re really not drinking it?”

“No,” Nathaniel answered resolutely.

Christina narrowed her eyes mysteriously. “If so, I’ll pour it down the drain. Are you sure?”

“Yes,” Nathaniel affirmed with all the conviction in the world, not the least bit perturbed.

I’d be more than glad for her to take away the bowl of bitter medicine before me. The reek of it alone is

making me sick!

13:01 Mori,

Chapter 139 Nathaniel Is Sick

“Okay, then,” Christina replied succinctly.

+15 Bonus

“What are you doing, Christina?” In the next heartbeat, Nathaniel’s eyes widened as he watched her

pick up the bowl and take a gulp of its content.

Before he could figure out what she was trying to do, he had already sealed her lips over his and fed

the medicine to him.

The expected bitterness faded in no time. On the heck of that, Christina’s fragrance washed over him.

It felt as though he was swallowing a mouthful of cotton candy.

He was promptly stunned. Christina then fed him the medicine a second time in the same manner

before the bowl was emptied.

With their lips meshing together, their scorching breaths melded together. All the blood in their bodies

shot up to their heads, swiftly overtaking their reason.

Christina felt as though her heart was moments from pounding out of her chest even as her vision

blurred from the blood hazing up her eyes. Subsequently, she was pulled against a warm chest.

The next day, the morning sunlight penetrated the curtains to be reflected sharply on the carpet.

Christina went downstairs for breakfast before going to the office.

As soon as she stepped into the building, her colleagues surrounded her. “What’s your relationship with

Francis Fernando, Ms. Steele?”

“Can you please get us his autograph?”

It was not until then that Christina learned that the photos of her attending the event with her.

grandmother last night made the headlines. Consequently, many people saw the photo of her with


Seeing that they saw the photo, Nathaniel must have also seen it. But ever since I went home last

night, I hadn’t sensed any reaction from him regarding this matter.

Therefore, she did not take it to heart.

She promised her colleagues that she would certainly get them Francis’ autograph if the opportunity


Then, she went to her office and worked for the entire morning. At noon, she received a call from Coco.

“Put a halt to the gown I asked you to make for me yesterday, Christina. I might not need it anymore,”

Coco lamented despondently.

“What’s wrong, Coco? Didn’t you say the awards ceremony next month is exceedingly important?”

Christina inquired in concern.

There hadn’t been any negative press about her recently. Besides, she’d been constantly receiving

positive reviews and is incredibly popular.

In response, Coco heaved a sigh. “I’m not sure either. I’ve no idea who I have offended. Actually, it isn’t

just me. All celebrities attached to Francis’ studio have been affected, and most of our work has been

Chapter 139 Nathaniel Is Sick


+15 Bonus

suspended. The studio has also been asked to move out within a certain time. Oh well, we’ll talk

another time. I’ve got to help with the lifting and carrying.”

Right after that, she hung up the phone.

Christina’s fingers tightened around her phone. Inwardly, a hunch seemingly niggled at her mind.

Could it be that Nathaniel is mad? And is all this his doing?

When it was time for her lunch break, she went to Hadley Corporation. The receptionist at the front

desk recognized her, granting her smooth access to the CEO’s office.

Sebastian was reporting work matters to Nathaniel when he caught sight of Christina and hurried out.

“Is something the matter that you came to seek Mr. Hadley out, Mrs. Hadley?” he queried in concern,

sounding distinctly apprehensive.

It was as though he was aware of something yet dared not give voice to it.

Cutting straight to the chase, Christina demanded, “Was Nathaniel behind everything that happened to

Francis’ studio?”

Regretfully, Sebastian’s worry ultimately came to past

Their relationship was perfectly fine last night, but they’re going to be at odds today because of an

irrelevant person. This just isn’t worth it.

“As you know, Mrs. Hadley, Mr. Hadley saw your photo with Francis. As such, it’s only natural that he’s

angry,” Sebastian commented kindly.

He did not want to see Nathaniel in a bad mood, so he was saying that for everyone’s good.

Upon noticing that Christina was unmoved, seemingly intent on barging in to question the man about

the matter, he could not help but speak further.

“You’ve got to be mindful of Mr. Hadley’s way of doing things, Mrs. Hadley. Infuriating him will only

make those around you suffer even more. It would be far worse if you were affected as well. Please

show us some mercy by not angering him any further.”

That’d be for her good and ours, for none will be spared when Mr. Hadley is in the throes of his fury.

Right now, he’s already being merciful. He merely suspended the celebrities attached to Francis’ studio

and took the studio back. The fact that he could force Francis into leaving the public eye when the man

was an A-list celebrity back then was evidence that the influence behind it was no match for the

average person.

At long last, Christina’s impulsive compulsion abated.

Even if I were to barge in and question Nathaniel about the matter, would he listen to me and stop

making life difficult for Francis when he’s always been high and mighty As Sebastian said, it’d possibly

drive him to drag even more people into this mess.

Lifting her hand, she rested it on the door handle. She then hesitated for a moment before pushing

open the door.

The temperature in the room was glacial, and it had her feel like she had stepped into a freezer.

The instant Nathaniel raised his eyes to her, a chilly aura assailed her from all directions, enveloping

her entirely.

Each step she took was beyond cautious, and she acted as though she was going to hit a minefield

with the slightest misstep.

Heading over, she kept her lips curved into a smile and brought her face close to him before asking

softly, “Have you had lunch?”

Nathaniel held back the urge to pinch her puffed-up cheeks and muttered placidly, “No.”

“Have the cafeteria send some food up, then. I’m hungry.”

Nathaniel’s unfathomable eyes narrowed a fraction. You came all the way here for no other reason but

to have lunch with me?”

His voice was tinged with a hint of skepticism, making it appear that he had long since seen through


Christina bit her lower lip before admitting, “Of course not. I have an ulterior motive.”

The moment her words rang out, Nathaniel’s handsome face tensed imperceptibly.


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