Marrying the Ugly Heir for Truth and Wealth

Chapter 120 Her Condition Have Worsened

Chapter 120 Her Condition Have Worsened

Christina got to her feet and scanned Francis’ tall figue, feeling hesitant. “I forgot to bring my measuring


Immediately, Francis narrowed his eyes and glanced at the shoulder bag hanging by her side. She’s

hired to design the formal attires. Hoto could she possibly not bring her measuring tapes?

It was clear that she did not want to take his measurements.

“Why don’t you give me your number, then? We can arrange for another time.” While saying that, he

took a step forward and caught a whiff of her perfume

It was not a smell that contained alcohol but the fragrance of natural blooming flowers.

Christina nodded and took out her phone to exchange their numbers.

This time, Francis watched her save her number on his phone with his own eyes.

Getting his measurements was the main point of visiong his house. Since that could not be done that

day, Christina figured she should just leave early.

However, she was caught off guard the moment she lied her head, and she shuddered like a frightened

kitten. Even her hair stood on end.

No matter how calm she looked on the outside, her heart was racing fast. Their lips had almost touched


Why is he standing so close? It’ll make others suspicious.

Christina’s hand was sweaty as she muttered, “I just remembered I have something to take care of in

the office. Please tell Rence I’ll make the arrangement for another day.”

Having said that, she left in a hurry.

The moment she left the house, she was greeted by the winter breeze. Only then did she feel more


Just as she left the residential area, her phone rang. It was a call from the nurse at the hospital.

“Ms. Steele, your mother’s condition has worsened. Please come to the hospital quickly.”

Christina hung up and rushed to the hospital.

The hospital bed was surrounded with all kinds of instruments with her mother lying on it looking

extremely pale.

Her mother had been recuperating in a private ward of the hospital. In fact, she would be discharged

that month. It did not make sense that her condition had worsened all of a sudden.

Christina tugged at the doctor’s coat and asked urgently, “I thought my mother’s condition was already

stable. Didn’t you say she’d recover after recuperating for some time?”

“Logically, yes, but Mrs. Steele’s body deteriorated rapidly. Some of her organs were affected as well.”

The doctor was surprised, too. After all, her condition should not have become so serious even if it was

12:57 Mon, May 15

Chapter 120 Her Condition Have Worsened

a relapse.


+15 Bonus

Pausing momentarily, the doctor continued, “There were many bruises on Mrs. Steele’s body made by

blunt objects. Do any family members who visited have violent tendencies? Perhaps you can get the

police’s help.”

A look of shock appeared on Christina’s face. The idea of her mother getting attacked broke her heart.

Could her condition have worsened because someone attacked her?

“I’ll look into this. Please take care of my mother.” Christina responded with a frown.

“We can only use medication to control her condition now. Even if we need to perform surgery, we need

to wait until the time when her body can handle it,” answered the doctor with worry.

“All right. I’ll pay the bill now. Please take good care of my mother.”

The doctor nodded. “We’ll do our best.” With that, he walked away.

Christina went to the first floor to settle the bill without wasting any time.

When the cashier handed Christina the bill, the latter realized it cost tens of thousands for one day. It’ll

cost at least five hundred thousand a month.

When Radiant Corporation’s fabrics had issues back then, she used the money she earned from Julia

to pay for the goods. The company had promised to return the balance to her once the case was over.

She had just enough in her bank to last for a month.

Still, Christina did not hesitate to pay the bill. She returned to the ward to take care of her mother

before finally leaving in the afternoon.

Worry was displayed all over her face the second she stepped out of the hospital. How am I going to

make so much money in such a short time? Should I get Nathaniel’s help? It’s not a small amount,

though. This is a year’s living expenses for ordinary families.

She decided to think of ways to make money and would only get Nathaniel’s help when she was


Ever since Hannah revealed Christina’s identity to Julia, Christina had never contacted the former


In fact, Christina had rejected all of Hannah’s calls when she tried to apologize.

Trusting an unreliable person again could put her in danger.

Now that her fastest source of income had been cut off, she shifted her focus to designing Renee’s

wedding gown.

For-projects like that, the company would only take a thirty percent commission while the rest would

go to her.

If the project could be completed, the concerns with the medical bills for the next month would be

solved, and she would have more time to take care of it.

Christina began drawing the design as soon as she returned to the office. She did not leave even after This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

Chapter 120 Her Condition Have Worsened

everyone had left after work.


+15 Bonus

Her shadow was elongated under the lamp while her eyelashes were lowered slightly as she fixed her

gaze on the tablet.

Just then, the ringing of a phone broke the silence in the office. Christina answered it without checking

who the caller was. “Hello?”

Her gentle voice put a smile on Francis’ face. “Can you come over to take my measurements


His magnetic voice sounded gentle, unlike Nathaniel’s deep, cold voice. Christina immediately realized

who the caller was.

Usually, she would have rejected the suggestion. However, all she wanted at that moment was to

complete the project and get the commission as soon as possible.

“All right. Give me your address. I’ll send my assistant over tomorrow,” she informed nonchalantly, still

focused on the pen.

Francis’ eyes dimmed a little. “That can’t do. I’m not someone ordinary people can meet. You need to

come here on your own.”

Of course, Christina knew how influential he was in the country. Even though he had been spending

most of his time training newcomers behind the scenes for the past few years, any show he

participated in could make the fans excited.

“Okay. I’ll head over personally.” Christina then ended the call.

It was almost dawn when she finally sent the design to Renee and packed her things to go home.

She also sent Nathaniel a text before heading to Evelyn’s house.

Early the next morning, Christina took a taxi to Francis’ studio.

An artist’s studio was usually located in less crowded places like the suburbs.

After getting out of the car, Christina examined the fabulously designed private studio. It had a cozy


On top of that, it was peaceful like a paradise since it was far from the hustle and bustle of a big city.

There were no industrial high rises around, so the sunlight shone directly on the lush field while the

main colors of the building-blue and white-made it look well-defined.

The shiny floor-to-ceiling glass windows and geometric outline gave it a stylish look. Not only that, but

each corner was decorated with unique artwork.

Every twisted lamp and simple painting was made by a famous artist.

After informing the purpose of her visit, the receptionist brought Christina to the office in the deepest

part of the building.

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