Married to the Mafia Boss

Chapter 86

“Someone is blushing…” Aurora teased Emily when she smiled while reading something on her phone.

“I am glad you are happy, Emily,” Susan said. Emily nodded, “I know, thanks for always being with me, Susan.”

It was not like Susan didn’t like Emily but yes, they both have different points of view regarding the boundaries of a friend and that’s where contradiction starts. “At least one of you found true love,” she mumbled.

“I am happy for her, it’s time to celebrate…” Aurora said, wiggling her brows. Both Emily and Susan jerked their heads in her direction.

“No Alcohol!” They said at the same time.

Aurora rolled her eyes. “You guys are no fun anymore,” she mumbled.

Emily looked atphonephond when it buzzed. A call from Alexandrio, without waiting for a single second she stood up, went to her room and accepted the call.

Aurora was smiling seeing her friend happy. “I am happy for her but what about you, Aurora?” Susan asked.

Aurora inhaled sharply. “I am happy…”

“Stop pretending Aurora, you know what I am talking about?”

She bit her cheek from the inside, paused for a moment before speaking. “I don’t know anything except that I want to break everything with Gabriel so that I will be free of this guilt…”

Susan shrank her eyes. “What about Liam?”

Aurora shrugged. “I don’t know but this time, I want respect and equality in my relationship. I won’t bow down to anyone’s command anymore. If Liam can do it, good and if not, then I won’t sacrifice myself anymore.”

Susan nodded. “I just want you to know that whatever happens, I am always with you, Aurora, always.”

Aurora smiled. “I know,” she said, giving Susan a warm sisterly hug.

On the other hand, Liam took a long puff of his cigar before releasing the fog in the air. He was tapping his finger against the iron railing on the balcony of his hotel room. His mind focussed on the moon in the sky.

The moon resembles Aurora’s beautiful face. The only difference is that one can question the beauty of the moon but not Aurora’s. She was the epitome of beauty. The need to know about her well-being made him call Mikee, the guard he ordered to keep an eye on Aurora. Liam wouldn’t have allowed any guard on her. She was his to protect but now that he was in Dallas he had no other option to appoint a guard.

He took all the needed measures to make sure that everyone remembered who she belonged to.

He knew Mike wouldn’t even glance at her in any other way but like a dog guarding his owner.


“Where is Aurora?” Liam asked, his eyes still fixed on the moon.

“She is staring at the moon on her roof, Boss.”

A sensual smile played on his lips, thrill ran down his body when he heard Mike. “Keep her safe, Mike,” saying that he ended the call.

“Oh, Little one, I hope you are thinking about me while looking at the moon. Don’t worry, darling, one more day and I will be there with you.”

He turned inside his room from the balcony. He was waiting for Alessio’s answer to his offer but till now he received none. The Italians didn’t accept the friendship proposal as he thought, now his belief of something being fishy was taking a troll over his mind.

He was trying to connect dots to the puzzle but every time he thought he reached some conclusion, bang! He was back to square one.

He had to give thumbs up to that masked man, the man far more intelligent, Liam gave him credit for it. However, Liam was a man of mind too and he knew there had to be some kind of loophole, he just had to find out.

Once again, he took the long puff, his eyes roaming from one end to another, it took him a lot of time to understand the game of that man but thanks to his brother for pointing out the similarities in his attacks he was able to reach this far.

The man was a common enemy of Ethan and Ryan and he wanted to break them through mind first and then he would hurt them physically.

The crux of the situation Liam could make out of his theory was:-

Alessio will not accept friendship with him till he has ties with Dmitri.

Dmitri was protecting that masked man. The masked man had an undeclared war with Ethan.

Also, Ethan had this war going on with Juan, (Mexican cartel) and last but not least, The masked man’s attacks on Liam’s territory were as severe as Ethan’s.

The only thing which didn’t fit in this equation was: how did he agree to have a friendly relation with both Alessio, Dmitri and Juan.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Liam couldn’t point out the reason and this was making him uncomfortable over the issue. Nevertheless, he had to stay in Dallas for one more day, the meeting of the North American Mafia league was in Dallas this time and for the first time, he would be heading the chair of the Vancouver crime family in the name of his father. A show to declare that he was the future Don of Vancouver.

At the same time, Aurora touched the necklace, smiling as she was staring at the moon. “Mom… I wish you would have been here with us today, dad missed you a lot. I could see the emptiness in his eyes for you.”

She shivered when a slow breeze touched her skin, goosebumps ran through her body. For a moment she thought her mother was there in the form of a breeze.

“You were right, Love is not easy, it takes all your energy but gives the joy of heaven. It took everything from me mom but I am still alone…” she eyes her phone, the first thought that came to her was of Liam. She didn’t know why but she wanted to call him, she just needed to hear his voice. It didn’t matter that it was she who fought with him, still, she was yearning for him.

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