Married to the Mafia Boss

#6 Chapter 16


While I wait outside, Ivan’s guards protect me. Luigi arrives in his car, followed by security from our family. I bid Ivan’s guards farewell and got into the car. Luigi pulls into traffic and immediately asks, “What happened?”

“Someone tried to kill Ivan,” I say calmly. “He wants me to ask Alessandro if this is from him.”

“He trusts you that much?” Luigi laughs. “The fucking idiot.”

I feel so guilty when he says that. Ivan has been very trusting of me and always defends me against Leonid, who clearly suspects I’m up to something. I fidget slightly, and Luigi asks, “Is anything wrong? Is he hurting you?”

I shake my head. “Don’t worry. I’m taking care of myself.”

We reach Alessandro’s estate, and I’m led to his office to wait for him. Luigi promises he’s just outside the room if I need him, which I find sweet of my brother.

I don’t wait long before Alessandro comes in, closing the door behind him. I stand respectfully, and he kisses each of my cheeks. “Caio, Tori, what brings you here? Has something gone wrong?”

I sit down with him and fidget slightly. “I can’t stay too long. I need to sort things out.”

“I got your letter in the book. Frankie has used the territories you suggested and is fudging the numbers to make them more appealing. Don’t worry. If anything goes wrong, we’ll get you out of there.”

I nod. “I know you will, but there’s something else we need to discuss.”

“What is it?” he asks, looking worried.

I take a deep breath. “Ivan has sent me here to ask you for your honest answer. Did you try to gun him down this morning?”

Alessandro looked surprised, and I knew it wasn’t him. I sigh in relief. “I didn’t think you would, but he wanted me to ask you.”

Alessandro shakes his head. “No, it wasn’t me. He must have more enemies than us, Tori. You can tell him it wasn’t me who ordered the hit and that I honor our unity through marriage.”

I nod and breathe deeply. He asks, “So is it going all right? Is he hurting you in any way?”

“No, no. Nothing at all.” I feel awkward speaking about this because I don’t know how to explain to my cousin that I’m falling for the man responsible for my father being in hospital.

Alessandro nods. “If you need anything, contact me. I’ll have men over in minutes.”

I stand. “I will. Don’t stress too much. I can handle this.”

As I walk out, my smart watch goes off, and I glance at it. Day three of my period. Weird. I frown; I’m as regular as can possibly be. My period should have started three days ago.

I doubt it’s anything special, but I ask Luigi to stop at the pharmacy on our way to Kira’s place. I don’t tell him what I need, and I make them pack it in a brown paper bag so it can’t be seen.

We arrive at Kira’s, and I greet my sister. She looks even plumper than before, so I say, “You look ready to explode.”

“A big baby girl,” she comments with a smile. “We are thinking of names at the moment, so if you have any good ones, go ahead.”

I laugh. “I would probably pick something terrible, but before we sit down, can I use your loo?”

“Sure, we’ll wait in the living room for you,” she says, leading Luigi off. I go to the loo and hurry to unbox the pregnancy test. I read the instructions and awkwardly pee on the correct end of the stick. I put it aside and wash my hands. I don’t flush because I don’t want them to know I’m done just yet.

Time feels like it ticks by so slowly, and I know they will come looking for me soon. I figure it’s a negative, and I pick it up to throw it away when a faint line catches my attention. A line that turns the image into a plus sign.

No. No. No. No. No.

I feel panic rising as I realize I’m pregnant with Ivan’s child. This can’t be happening. I wasn’t planning on staying long-term with him. I am to screw him over and get out without any problems. I can’t be having a baby.

A sudden rapping on the door makes me jolt, and I hurriedly say, “Almost done.”

My voice comes out strained, and Kira says through the door, “Tori, are you okay? You don’t sound okay.”

I realize I didn’t lock the door too late when she turns the handle and walks in, seeing the pregnancy test in my hand.

“Oh shit,” she says loudly. “Oh shit. Oh shit. Is that? Are you pregnant?”

I look at her with wide eyes. “Please, Kira, don’t tell anyone. I need to figure out what I’m going to do.”

“You can’t have that asshole’s baby,” she says even louder. “Tori, it will tie you to him forever. You have to get out of here.”

I flush the toilet and throw away the stick in the trash. “Kira, listen to me. Promise me you won’t tell anyone until I have this figured out,” I say, looking at her sternly.

She swallows and sighs. “Okay, but you better think of something soon.”

“You’re pregnant?” I hear Luigi’s voice behind Kira. Kira turns and grabs his wrist, dragging him into the bathroom.

“You’re not going to say anything to anyone about it,” Kira growls. “Do you understand me? We need to stick together, we’re the only family we have.”

Luigi eyes us both, then sighs. “Fine, but let me know if I can help.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

I nod. “It’s agreed then. This stays secret until I’m ready to say something.”

They both nod, and I look at Luigi. “I better go home before they suspect something. Can you take me?”

“How else are you going to get there, dumbass?” he asks, joking with me. I smile and nod, and we all three leave the bathroom, much to the surprise of a nearby maid.

Luigi and I hug Kira goodbye, and we get into the car, and he drives me back toward the apartment. We don’t say a word. There’s nothing to say. No one can find out about this.

I take the elevator to the penthouse, placing a hand on my womb and removing it quickly when the doors open. I walk in and call, “Ivan?”

“In the library,” I hear him call back. I head that way, and as I enter the room, I see him sitting in the corner reading a book.

“What did he say?” He sets his book down and locks eyes with me.

“He had nothing to do with it, he swears. He is honoring our family unity through marriage.”

Ivan nods. “I didn’t think he would do it. He’s smart, and he wouldn’t start an unnecessary war. No, someone else is up to something. You need security everywhere you go from now on.”

“I agree,” I say, then shift around awkwardly.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m actually exhausted,” I say with a sigh. “I’m just going to go lie down. You read.”

I go to him and plant a soft kiss on his lips. “I’ll see you later.”

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