Married to the Mafia Boss

#6 Chapter 1


I’ve been home for a week, and it’s as though nothing has changed at all. My sister Kira got pregnant in college and shipped off to Sicily to learn to be a proper chef, only to be welcomed back recently as if nothing happened. Luigi is still the golden boy of our family that can do no wrong, just like when we were young. And then there’s me, the self-sufficient one who’s always just ‘there.’

I was always told I was an easy child. Though because everyone acted like I wasn’t there, I don’t think what I said or did mattered anyway. I mean, I know my family loves me, but they don’t consider my opinion to have any weight. So, I withdrew from them, immersed myself in books, and focused on getting good grades.

Okay, maybe some things have changed. For example, I’ve just graduated top of my class and have my law degree in hand. It has to bear some leverage when I approach Alessandro about helping with the family business. I want them to take me seriously, and what better way to prove it than by showing what a hard-working, intelligent person I am? I mean, I bet I can even run circles around Frankie now.

I’m going to ask him today at my graduation party that my father is hosting. I know he will arrive any minute, and I’m ready to bend his ear and get him to accept my help for the family business. I’m ready to make my mark.

I step out into the garden, and my family and a few guests are already milling around. The tables are set out in a giant U shape. Alessandro will, of course, sit at the head of the table with me and my father, Sonny. His parents will probably sit with us as well as Katya.

My father smiles as he sees me. “There’s my superstar. Are you pleased with everything?”

I kiss both his cheeks. “It’s perfect, Papa, thank you.”

“Anything for my princess,” he gushes, stroking my hair out of my face. I pull away.

“Papa, leave my hair.”

“Show your face, honey. You’ve got such a beautiful face,” he says.

“Papa, please don’t embarrass me today. I want to show everyone how I’ve grown up and am ready to start working for the family.”

“This again,” he sighs. “I told you, you need to open up your own firm. Alessandro will fund it. You don’t need to be involved in the family business.”

I roll my eyes. “Enough, Papa. Let’s just get through today, okay?”

I lead him to the head of the table, and we sit side by side, standing only when guests come to greet us. I feel nervous, I’ve always blended into the background, but today, I’m the center of attention. Everyone is congratulating me and saying how proud they are of me. I see there’s a gift table that’s slowly piling up with boxes and envelopes.

When Alessandro arrives, my father hurries to greet him and escort him to where I’m standing. I’m seated next to him, which I deliberately arranged.

The food comes out, and soon, everyone is talking loudly while they eat. I eat quietly, waiting for Alessandro to turn his attention away from Katya. He glances at me and smiles. “What?”

“I want to discuss my future,” I say sternly.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

My father instantly groans from my right. “Vittoria, this is not the place….”

“It’s the perfect place,” I say, turning back to Alessandro. “I want to become the family’s lawyer. I want to be part of the family business.”

Alessandro chuckles. “Tori, you’ve just worked so hard to get a legit degree all on your own. You don’t want to taint your name by getting involved with the kind of things we do.”

“On the contrary, that’s exactly what I want to do,” I say hurriedly before my father can shush me. “I think I can be a valuable asset to the family.”

Alessandro glances over my head at my father and then sighs. “Tori, after we lost your mom to the other family, what they did to her… I don’t want to put you in danger and cause your father that kind of heartache. It wouldn’t be right.”

“I can work behind the scenes, help work around legality issues. I graduated top of my class,” I insist.

“And I’m really proud of you, Tori, I really am. But you have a shot at a normal life, unlike the rest of us mixed up in this business.” Alessandro says, and before I can argue further, he puts a hand on my shoulder. “That’s my final word on the matter.”

Disappointed, I turn back to my food. I mostly pick at it, and my father nudges me when Alessandro is preoccupied. “Don’t be a brat, Tori. Enjoy the day. We’ll find you something to do soon enough.”

I nod and give him a sad smile.

As usual, it’s as though no one realizes I exist. They talk over each other, drink, eat, and are generally merry while I wallow in my self-pity with a sad smile.

When it’s time to leave, my father insists I walk Alessandro to his car because, apparently, he’s donated a generous gift to me. I walk next to Alessandro and Frankie, who are joking with each other. Dominic and Sofia are already in their car, and I don’t see Carmine and Arianna anywhere, so I assume they’ve left. I glance back at the gate where my father has paused to speak with my Uncle Romero.

When I look back, I see a tinted car driving slowly down the road. I glance at the plates before the window rolls down, and a gun is shoved out.

Alessandro has also seen it, and he pulls me down with Katya. The gun goes off, and bullets fly everywhere. I put my hands over my ears and wait until the squealing tires spin-off. We all stand up, and Alessandro calls, “Is anyone hurt?”

“Sonny! Sonny!” My Uncle Romero calls, and my blood runs cold. We all turn and see my father lying in a pool of his own blood with my uncle hovering over him. “Someone get an ambulance.”

Frankie hurries to him. “There’s no time. Alessandro, help me.”

“Get inside and stay inside,” Alessandro yells at me as he hurries to where my father is. I hesitate, but the glare I get from my uncle makes me rush inside and into the house. I pace up and down the entrance hall.

I can’t just stand here and do nothing. I take out my phone and search through my contacts before I dial Danny’s number. He’s the only cop I know who might help me.

“Danny, it’s Tori. I need you to run some plates for me, no questions asked,” I say. “Can you do that?”

“As long as it’s nothing illegal, sure,” Danny says. “Give it to me.”

I recite the plates to him, and he goes quiet for a moment. “Hmm, I’d stay away from this, Tori. These guys have ties to the mafia.”

“Which one? Which family?” I ask. “Please, Danny, I need to know.”

Danny sighs and says, “You didn’t hear it from me, but it’s the Volkov family. The head guy is Ivan Volkov, and that’s all I can tell you.”

“That’s all I need,” I say. “Thank you, Danny.”

I hang up and grab my brother’s car keys. I hurry to the garage and get in, heading straight to the hospital. When I walk into the waiting room, Alessandro gets up angrily. “Tori, I ordered you to stay at the house.”

“I found out whose behind the attacks,” I say quickly. “I got the plates and ran them through a friend.”

Alessandro’s frown remains, but he takes me aside. “Who was it?”

“Ivan Volkov’s family, that’s who the vehicle belongs to,” I say. “I want to help get revenge.”

“You’re to stay out of this, Tori,” Alessandro growls. “This is not yours to handle.”

“He’s my father,” I spit, and Alessandro is about to say something else when a doctor comes out. “Mr. Sorvino?”

Alessandro goes to him, and they talk in hushed tones. I go to stand by Luigi, who is glaring daggers at me. I ignore him as I watch Alessandro. The doctor leaves, and Alessandro comes over to us. We all huddle in as he speaks, “Sonny is being put in a medically induced coma. It isn’t looking good, and they don’t think he will make it. I’m sorry, guys.” Alessandro looks at me. “If your information is good, I’ll send my message to the Volkov family.”

My heart breaks, but I swallow my tears. I need to focus now to enact my revenge. My lips draw into a thin line as the men continue talking.

“Why would they attack us?” Luigi asks quietly.

“Probably because of how much we’ve expanded. We’ve united several families. They wanted an alliance with us at one point, but they might see us as a threat. But for me, this is an eye for an eye, and I will have men from Miguel’s family send a personal message to Ivan The Bear Volkov.”

“Why’s he called the bear?” I ask stupidly.

Everyone stares at me, and Alessandro shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is you shouldn’t be involved in this.”

“He’s my father, and this is my family too. I am not backing out now.” I cross my arms.

Alessandro looks at Luigi. “Go home, both of you. I’ll send additional security to the house to keep you safe. When I hear something, I’ll call you both.” He looks at me pointedly. “But the decision of what to do is mine and mine alone, as head of this family. You will both respect that.”

I nod, and Luigi takes my arm, leading me out of the hospital.

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