Married to the Mafia Boss

#5 Chapter 27


I get into the car with Alessandro, and he puts an arm around my shoulders. I rest my head against his chest.

“Did he really treat you okay?” He asks.

“Yes,” I say quietly, “but I’m so glad to be coming home.”

“I was so worried about you. I even brought Frankie home to help out so we could get you back.” He strokes my hair gently. “Is what he said true? Is he Raphael’s father?”

I nod gently. “We were so in love in college until my father found out. We were going to build a life together. My father was sure your father would have me killed for betraying the family.”

Alessandro grunts and shakes his head. “It’s more complicated than simply having you killed. My father would have heard you out.”

“I heard about what he did to Carmine when he fell in love with Arianna,” I say. “Would he not have done the same thing?”

“He was angry, but he came to his senses, and so did I.” Alessandro sighs, and we fall silent for a moment.

“Do you still love him?” he asks suddenly.

I consider his question before I answer, “I do. I do still love him. I love him very much even though he’s changed a lot.”

“The women in this family give me a headache,” he says, rubbing his head. “Even the ones through marriage.”

I sit up and look at him, confused. “What do you mean?”

He gives me a knowing look. “If Miguel Rossi were a problem, I’d have him taken care of unless you don’t want me to. I will give you my blessing if you want to be with him. I’ve learned long ago not to stand in the way of the Sorvino women and what they want.”

I smile softly. “I don’t know what lies in the future, Alessandro. I don’t even know if Miguel wants to be with me. I know he wants to meet Raphael.”

“Let him,” Alessandro says. “A boy should know his father. Don Rossi may be many things, but he is, first and foremost, a family man. He always has been.”

I nod and look out the window as we pull up to Alessandro’s house. “What did you tell Raphael?”

“That you were called away for work, and he’d be staying with us for a while. At first, he was a little upset, but he coped fine with it. We treated it as though you had a work emergency.”

I nod. “Thank you so much.”

“Of course, you’re like a baby sister to me,” he chuckles. “I really would have done anything to get you back.”

I hug him tightly, and then I climb out of the car. Katya is standing at the front door, holding Raphael’s hand. As soon as he sees me, Raphael lets go of Katya’s hand and comes running to me. “Mama!”

I scoop him up in my arms and hold him tightly. “Oh, my sweet child.”

He holds me tightly, and I kiss his head before I lower him back down. He’s getting heavy.

“How come you didn’t say goodbye? Or tell me you were going away?” he asks, looking wide-eyed at me.

“I’m sorry, my sweet boy, it was an emergency. If I could have, I would have come back to explain everything to you.” I stroke his face. “You’ve grown so much while I’ve been gone.”

“Did anything interesting happen on your travels?”

I pause for a moment, then give a small smile. “I bumped into your father.”NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

“My father?” he asks curiously. “Really?”

“Yes, and I decided that maybe it’s time you meet him.” I stroke his face. “I think it’ll be good for you.”

“Really?” he asks excitedly. “Is he excited to meet me? When can I see him? Does he live close by?”

I grin, but Alessandro comes up behind me. “Raphael, let your mother get settled in and rested, and we can decide when you’ll meet your papa. I also saw him, and he’s excited to meet you.”

“Zio Alessandro, can I have ice cream?” he asks suddenly. That attention span of his makes me smile. So much like Miguel.

“Yes, yes. I’m sure Zia Katya will cave and give you ice cream if you go ask her really nicely,” Alessandro chuckles.

As we walk up the stairs, I glance at Alessandro. “Anything interesting happen while I was away?”

“Oh, nothing major,” he says with a cheeky grin. “Carmine proposed to Arianna on her birthday, and Katya is having twins. Nothing much at all.”

“What?” My eyes widen. “Twins?”

“I know. I already have my work cut out for me with her on her own,” Alessandro rubs the stubble on his face. “But imagine! Me a father? This is going to be a disaster.”

“I couldn’t picture a better father if I tried,” I gush, hugging him suddenly. “I’m so excited to meet my little nephews or nieces.”

“Just keep the pizza away from Katya. It seems to be her number one craving,” he jokes.

It feels good to be back with my family, but I know that as the days pass, I’ll have to reach out to Miguel to arrange for him to meet Raphael. I don’t know how to do it or where to do it. I have no doubt that Raphael will be safe with him, but I’d rather be present just in case and also because I’d like to see Miguel again.

As the days pass, I celebrate with my family as they announce the pregnancy and the engagement. My mind, however, is on Miguel. He has sent messages to Alessandro, and I eventually conceded to let him have my phone number.

At first, he texts me for updates on Raphael, but then he starts to ask me how I am doing. I answer happily, but I don’t know if I’m willing to admit my feelings for him just yet.

After a month of not seeing him, I finally text him to meet us at the Bistro for lunch. He quickly agrees to a Saturday lunch date, not questioning the location.

I arrive with Raphael, it’s my day off, but I check in on the kitchen anyway. I make sure they make three Pancetta and pesto pasta for our table, and as I walk out with Raphael, I see Miguel at the entrance. He nods to me, and I give him a small smile. I guide Raphael to him.

“Raphael, this is your papa. Miguel, this is your son, Raphael,” I say awkwardly.

Raphael partially hides behind me, and Miguel reaches into his pocket and withdraws a small box. “I brought you something.”

“Go on, Raphael,” I say, and he reaches to take it from Miguel, whispering, “Thank you.”

“Let’s open it at the table,” I say, nodding to the hostess, Kimber. She smiles and leads us to the VIP booth at the back. Raphael and I sit together, and Miguel sits opposite us. Raphael puts the small box on the table and starts to unwrap it.

I meet Miguel’s eyes and give him a small smile before watching Raphael.

Raphael opens the box to find a gift card for Kung Fu lessons. He reads it slowly and then beams. “Really? Kung Fu?”

I snort, “That’s going to be fun.”

Miguel nods. “Every ninja should know Kung Fu, and if you like, I could take you.”

Raphael nods shyly. “I would like that. How come you didn’t know about us?”

Taken aback, Miguel fumbles a bit before saying, “Well, I can explain that to you when you’re older, but I didn’t know your Mama had left. I would have come to Italy to bring you both back if I had.”

Thankfully the food arrives, and we all sit back, but Raphael isn’t done, “Zio Alessandro says you are the Don of your family. Does that mean someday I can be one as well? What if I don’t want to be it? I want to be a ninja.”

Miguel chuckles as he picks up his cutlery. “You can be whatever your heart desires, Raphael. If you don’t want to be the Don of our family, then one of my brothers or their children will be. Or if I have another child, they will be.”

“Are you and Mama going to have another baby? Will I be a brother?” Raphael asks quickly, not missing a beat.

I nearly choke on my pasta, but Miguel shakes his head. “I don’t know. I hope your mama will give me another chance. Would you like that?”

Raphael looks at Miguel, then at me, and says wisely, “Only if Mama would like that.”

Miguel chuckles. “You’re definitely my child. That’s exactly what I would say.”

The rest of the afternoon is spent with Miguel asking Raphael questions about his life and where he grew up, and I sit back quietly and appreciate the moment. They are perfect together, just like Miguel and I were perfect together. I don’t know what’s in the future for Miguel and me, but I hope there is something.

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