Lovin’ in the Moonlight

Chapter 87: The Black Hand Starts

The ear-piercing sound scared her scalp, and the house owner was confused, completely unaware of what was happening, when he saw a group of tall people chasing after her in the direction of Fairen Evert.

He was silenced.

Fairen Evert kept running hard, with the sound of dense footsteps behind her falling like rain on her heart.

“Catch her! Whoever catches the boss first says give 100, 000!”

The call from hell, if not for the dozens of turns in such streets and alleys, Fairen Evert would have been chased, not knowing how many people she had hit along the way, saying sorry while running hard.

The hot sweat on her forehead kept coming out, her hair was sticky on her body, her whole body was smoking hot, Fairen Evert’s face was red, at this time, she had no strength left, one while the gang had plenty of strength, as if it was inexhaustible.

Just as she was panting, holding the wall to calm her breathing, ready to die when a cart suddenly stopped next to her, Evans Winters’ melodious voice popped up over the crowd: “Come on, get up here!

She looked up in a daze, but saw the man’s slightly anxious eyes, picturesque eyebrows, gentle as water, she was like a savior, rushed to run up.

The sports car was moving in the fastest direction, and a curse came from the body: “Who the hell is this, spoiling my good deed.”

“Let you arrogant, but also slowly run, now know the wrong it, this to the mouth of 100, 000 will be lost …”This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

In the car, the cold, wet wind blew in, Fairen Evert was hot, and after recovering a little she could not help but speak gratefully: “Yesterday, I’m sorry.”

“No, are you better now?”

“Yes, much better.”

Evans Winters was wearing a well-made black suit, his face was white as jade, and his gentle temperament made him look extremely friendly.

His fingers were long and white, resting on the steering wheel, and he glanced back at her now and then to make sure she was in good shape.

“Maxton West is looking for you, although I don’t know what your reason for leaving him is, but I support whatever you do … I’ve already found a place for you, stay in first, and wait for anything to happen after this period.”

“You are not afraid that I will give you trouble out?”

“You think too much, I can’t wait for you to give me trouble, first go up and take a shower, I’ll go buy you living supplies and so on.”

The house Evans Winters prepared for her was clean and comfortable, it seemed to have been brought up to take care of, everywhere was clean and unstained, Fairen Evert sighed, at the beginning did not want to bother this person, but did not expect, eventually bothered him to come.

I felt guilty and wanted to do something to make it up to him.

Thinking of Maxton West’s careless words to him before, using himself to break her heart … originally thought that the two would not have any friendship in the future, who knows but so many things have happened, every time, the most dangerous time, Evans Winters came out to help him.

After showering, Evans Winters just came back with a few bags of stuff in his hand and put them on the table, he sat on the sofa and raised his eyes at her: “There are women’s pajamas inside.”

Why was she still wearing what she had just worn?

“I, no, I’ve rented the house, wait …”

“Do you dislike it or do you hate it?” Evans Winters looked down and spoke up abruptly.

Fairen Evert stood right in front of him, head down and rubbed his hair, very quiet around, no lights on, the sun set almost at 6:30, the light was a little dim at this point.

I don’t know why, he did not turn on the lights with his hands.

Fairen Evert silent, the question is a double entendre, specifically in asking the clothes or … him as a person, she does not know.

Evans Winters seemed to realize his rudeness and sighed, “I’ll go up and straighten your room.”

Fairen Evert stopped him: “No, I’ll just do it myself.”

Evans Winters stood straight, not sure if it was from shortness of breath or what, his chest fluttered.

“Little Fairen, you may not know, I am the first time … then.”

The conversation turned: “You rest first, I will come to you tomorrow, as for whether you plan to leave the country or otherwise, you think about it first, I respect your choice.”

Fairen Evert closed his eyes, some inexplicable sadness, the sentence sorry has not yet said, Evans Winters has walked out of the room.

I remember the first time I saw him, spirited and gentle, phone in hand, glancing over carelessly.

She admits she was stunned, it’s just a shame things are so fluid in this world.

The bag was full of household items, whether it was as small as hair clips or something like that or female aunt’s wipes, he had bought them all.

This night, Fairen Evert sleep very uneasy.

The other place, Nacy was once again slow to deliver the food and was unmercifully abused by the customer, her voice was so unpleasant that she clenched her fist and looked at the person with hatred.

If she had money, she wouldn’t have to work so hard on such a hot day and suffer all the white eyes, if she had money, she could live in the best house and drive the best car, and by the way, find someone to teach these customers who don’t know how to behave and mooch off them, if she had money …

She suddenly thought of the giant picture on the building, that is 10 million ah, ordinary people can not do so much money in their lifetime, and now, within reach of things right next to their own.

How much God loved her for letting her meet Fairen Evert.

She left her chattering customers behind and went outside to make a phone call: “Hello, this is … I know where this woman in the photo is.”

By this time, Maxton West was in the bathroom taking a shower, and Erma Capra took advantage of the situation to come to his villa to comfort him and try to make a better impression.

Maxton West doesn’t know she’s out there, at this point the villa’s nannies have all been dismissed in a huff by him, and the new ones don’t start until tomorrow.

Erma Capra took the call, and half a dozen times, she smiled: “Okay, the location is there, and don’t worry, I’ll get you the money.”

She had a new cell phone, one with an empty contact number, but added only Evans Winters’ number.

Evans Winters came in early with a bag of breakfast in his hand, saw her sitting on the couch dazed, and couldn’t help but say, “Did you have a bad night?”

Fairen Evert snapped back: “No, well, I wanted to ask you something.”

“It’s okay, just say it.”

“Isn’t Maxton West’s appeal a little too big … Although he’s rich and powerful, it’s really impractical to mobilize so many people at will.”

She had just read some online stuff and found that Maxton West was a call to arms no matter what the occasion.

At that, Evans Winters blushed, “Did you know earlier that Maxton West started out as a black hand?”

A black-handed start? She only knows white hands.

Through Evans Winters, she learned that Maxton West’s previous experience was not honorable.

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