Lovin’ in the Moonlight

Chapter 83 – See you at the usual place

Maxton West sneered and attached himself to kiss her hard on the lips, a rough, almost ravaging kiss, a warm touch, Fairen Evert ate the pain, whimpered and pushed him, but could not push at all, the zipper of her blouse had been unzipped at some point, and the third button pulled open when Maxton West released her.

In the darkness, a particularly large teardrop fell beneath Fairen Evert’s cheek, crystal clear and reflecting brightly.

“Why are you crying?”

Both of them calmed down a bit, Fairen Evert sniffled, she didn’t know, maybe just aggravation, at the moment when everyone had wronged her, she was looking forward to finding a little bit of belonging, a little bit of dependence, hoping for someone to tell her, I believe you.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

Fairen Evert was silent for a moment: “I think I’m quite a failure as a human being … Many times, even though people have known me for a long time, but slightly one person said something about me and everyone believed it, no one wanted to believe me.”

Maxton West looked at her in silence, both of them breathing a little tight, he just wanted to kiss her is not a momentary brain fever, but to find some excuse, no matter what the excuse, he hardly touched anyone else, so to Fairen Evert, he is a feeling close to greedy touch.

“I checked out all your information before coming to my house, what are you worried about?”

If he had found out everything, then why did he just …!

Maxton West gave a clear cough, and soon the beautiful sports car disappeared down the aisle.

Inside a beautiful domed villa, a hundred flowers were blooming, a few employees were looking down and tending to something, and two older men were talking in low voices about something.

“Father Capra is tired from his long journey, isn’t he? Come, we have something to talk about first in the inner hall.” Father West was in a cheerful mood, oily and well maintained by the look of it, which in turn made Lucas Capra next to him look a little too anxious.

“If it wasn’t for my daughter’s life, I wouldn’t have thought of disturbing your rest, but parents want their children to find a good home, as you know, my child is stubborn and will not marry Maxton, so I came to … ”

Lucas Capra sighed and wanted to say something.

Liam West shook his sleeves: “your child, I am very happy, but …”

“In this way, I have thought of a method, that woman will soon be able to give birth to a child, and when it is finished …”

Lucas Capra came close to his ear and whispered a paragraph.

Liam West some hesitation, but at first when young this man did a lot of things for him, because of that gratitude, plus Maxton West since married to this woman, more and more indifferent to him, completely a scourge, thought about it, he agreed to it.

The first thing that I want to do is to get married to Maxton West, and if I can’t marry him, then I won’t live. …”

The two sat on the sofa, Lucas Capra stroked his beard, hearing this, pretended to be angry, “Nonsense, how can you say such obscure words, Dad only has one daughter, if you have a shortage, how can I face your dead mother?”

“So, Uncle West is agreeing to our proposal?” Erma Capra asked with a light in her eyes and great excitement.

Lucas Capra sighed, just, just, for the sake of the child, do anything is worth it, if there is really such a thing as injustice in the future, I hope that God will not sinned on his only daughter.

Fairen Evert has been pregnant for eight months, her belly has been very obvious, before those who slandered Fairen Evert was quickly Maxton West personally imprisoned for a few days, in view of Fairen Evert’s pregnancy, if you see blood more or less are some bad luck, Maxton West then whipped a few times to let people go.

This night, Maxton West has not returned, she was alone at the bedside folded the quilt, just at this time, next to the phone suddenly rang.

Looking at the phone number, Fairen Evert kept a watchful eye: “Hello, who are you looking for?”

There was a moment of silence and a snicker: “It’s different when you’re a young grandmother.”

That voice, Joziah Evert!

I heard from my mother that he had already left the country with the family fortune for business, why did he suddenly come back to her?

“What do you want to see me for? I’ll hang up if there’s nothing else.” Fairen Evert didn’t have a good feeling about him, so she didn’t want to talk to him any more.

But the other party did not relent: “For the sake of you once called me brother, I will tell you the West family a secret, believe me, when you know, absolutely will not regret.”

“How do I know you’re not going to trick me out and kidnap me so you can ask him for money? Joziah Evert, I’ve seen what kind of person you are since you kicked me and my mother out of the house, no need to come here and pretend now.”

She said she was about to hang up, but the caller stopped her: “Have you ever wondered why Maxton West wants to marry you? Just because you’re pregnant with his child? If he wanted to have a child, with all the technology available now, he could have done IVF, couldn’t he?” Joziah Evert’s voice was low and laced with laughter.

She was silent for a while, she had been suspicious of this for a long time, it was the West family!

Because of this child? The reason is too pale.

“If you want answers to your questions, I’ll see you tomorrow at 12 noon at the usual place.”

The man hung up, the cold beep echoing throughout the room, and Fairen Evert just felt a chill run through her body.

What was the West family’s dark secret?

The next day at noon, Fairen Evert went to the hospital on the pretext of going to the hospital for a medical checkup. At this time, the attending doctor had been waiting for a long time and took her in in a hurry. After the results came out, the doctor was very satisfied: “The baby is developing normally, the fetal position is normal, and the due date is in a few months. …”

Fairen Evert couldn’t listen to a word the doctor said, she was now full of Joziah Evert’s words last night, her heart was in turmoil.

After leaving the hospital, the hot air and the hot sun shone down, but Fairen Evert felt cold all over, she looked around for a while: “I want to stay in the hospital for a while, I will let the driver pick me up in the afternoon, you guys don’t worry, go back first.”

The bodyguards looked at each other with some hesitation, and one of them had already picked up the phone and was ready to call Maxton West.

Fairen Evert quickly stopped it: “Can you help? I’m really just at the hospital for a little while to see and find out from the doctor about the baby …”

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