Lovin’ in the Moonlight

Chapter 120 Coming to take young grandmother home

The second half of the night, Fairen Evert spent in a cold pain, that put on the drug comfortable is comfortable, but the smell is extremely, Fairen Evert estimated that this person should go to another room to sleep, the results of Maxton West after the medicine, a shower came over to hug her to sleep.

He didn’t raise a single eyebrow, but Fairen Evert was scared.

When she woke up the next day, Fairen Evert touched her back and felt much better. Remembering last night when she was lying on her side and Maxton West was calmly rubbing the ointment on her face, Fairen Evert couldn’t help but blush.

Just as she was thinking about how to get downstairs for breakfast, Butler Wang came up with a plate of rich breakfast: “Did you have a good rest last night, young lady?”

Fairen Evert did not have a good appetite, and after eating a little, she heard Butler Wang ask with a grave face, “Where did young grandmother have the car accident last night, the young master means for me to pull up the video to find out the person who hit young grandmother.”

If it is really as young grandmother said, suddenly turn the car around and hit and drive away from responsibility, it is possible to be in a long-term prison sentence.

Fairen Evert moved a little, the question brought back some bad memories for her.

She bowed her head: “Sunrise Road, I can’t remember the exact location. The one that hit me was a Timex.”

Wang’s housekeeper went down after getting the information, leaving Fairen Evert alone in a daze.

She was really getting lost in Maxton West, or rather, disappointed.

If Evans Winters hadn’t been there, would she have been dead by now?

A few days later, when Fairen Evert was feeling better, her cell phone suddenly rang: “Daughter, where are you now?”

It was her mother Lilith Qi’s voice.

Fairen Evert was a little surprised, Lilith Qi rarely called her.

“Mom, I’m here in Maxton, what’s wrong?”

In front of her mother, the drama still had to be played out.

“That’s right, which of Ma’s friends is not feeling well, now in the hospital for a checkup, I guess it will cost some money, do you have any money there?” Lilith Qi’s voice sounded a little anxious, and the environment there was noisy at first, but silent at the back.

Fairen Evert subconsciously touched her pocket: “Mom, you tell me, how much do you need?”

She thought that if it was a few tens of thousands, she could advance this month’s salary to Wang’s housekeeper, but Lilith Qi’s words came as a surprise: “It’s half a million.”

“Half a million?!”

Fairen Evert was shocked for a moment, suddenly realizing that something was wrong, Lilith Qi’s behavior this time was too strange.

“You know, Mom is always alone now, it’s hard to find a companion, but now he is not well, it’s hard for me, and it seems to be uremia, need to replace the kidney, you do not have money then I can do ah?”

Fairen Evert probably understood what it meant: “I see, then mom, tell the doctor to delay for a few days, I’ll call you in a few days.”

After hanging up the phone, Fairen Evert flopped down on the bed, weak, how could she get half a million dollars now?

She probably forgot that the phone was being monitored remotely and that Maxton West could record and hear her while she was on the phone.

A few minutes later, Maxton West’s call came through: “What is your mother’s card number, I’ll call it, what are you nervous about?”

Fairen Evert was confused, is this man a ghost? How does he know everything?

Maxton West looked as if he had guessed what she was thinking: “I’ve said it before, silly.”

The next second, without waiting for her to say anything, he just hung up.


Maxton West came back early this day, saw her limping downstairs, stifled a laugh, his tone was indifferent: “I called in the money, go out with me tonight.”

Fairen Evert, with one hand on the railing and one hand on her waist, heard this and her face broke a little, she looked at her leg and then at Maxton West, as if she was accusing him.

The night was late and intoxicatingly beautiful. Maxton West had chartered a restaurant and was drinking as soon as he entered, one glass at a time, as if he would not get drunk.

All around was quiet, the waiters had all been called down, the beautiful long square table with a staggeringly expensive dinner, Fairen Evert looked at the man who kept drinking in front of him and was silent.Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

The light around the room was very bright, and Maxton West’s eyebrows were cool, and his slightly flushed face made him look less aloof than usual.

Just as five bottles of Vogart went down, Fairen Evert couldn’t resist stepping forward and taking the bar out of his hand, while maintaining a comical standing position of standing on his own.

“Don’t drink it young master, it’ll kill you.”

“Would you care?”

Maxton West stepped back and just looked at her calmly with an expression so serious that Fairen Evert was a little confused as to which was the real him.

There was silence all around, and the soundproofing was damn good.

Fairen Evert exhaled and was just about to speak when a dark shadow suddenly pressed down hard on her, and before she could see what was happening, an overwhelming kiss drowned her like seawater.

The sound of clothes shredding is so clear in your ears, and the biting kisses are overwhelming her.

Her mouth and teeth were filled with the scent of his ravages.

Maxton West looked at her with red eyes: “Do you care?”

Fairen Evert was so overwhelmed by his pressure that she just looked at him for a while before speaking slowly: “Let’s both calm down for a while, young master, you’ve been drinking and can’t drive.”

“Calm down what?” He lowered his head and seemed to sneer, “Afraid I’ll fuck you here?”

Fairen Evert did not expect him to speak so blatantly, and for a moment all words were swallowed back.

Maxton West looked at her indifferently for a while, then slowly and methodically stood up and made a phone call: “Come and pick up young grandmother.”

He glanced back at Fairen Evert, seemingly without the slightest intention of helping her up, and walked indifferently toward the window.

When Fairen Evert got up, she saw him standing there, the night breeze was cold to the bone, the night was as dark as ink, the sky was full of stars in front of her eyes, but Fairen Evert’s eyes only contained him.

What’s wrong with him, drinking so much wine.

When the driver came, Maxton West felt a cigarette, just to smoke, but as if he thought of something, flicked it, and threw it directly towards the garbage can.

These years, he has not been happy at all.

On the other hand, Nacy ate the medicine but did not flow cleanly, the second time to clear the official pain she could not even scream out, the doctor looked very distressed: “Miss, how about anesthesia, or I’m afraid you can not hold up.”

But she persistently asked for no anesthetic, she forced herself never to forget this scene, there is a woman, the appearance of gentle and kind, but it caused her to lose her virginity and children, and even … because of hemorrhaging, lost the qualification of motherhood forever.

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