Love Unbreakable

Chapter 371 The Process of Dating

Chapter 371 The Process Of Dating When Luciana emerged from the so- called therapy, her limbs felt weak, and her face had lost its color as though she had aged significantly in a mere moment.

"Luciana!" Katie called out, hurrying to steady Luciana, who seemed on the verge of collapsing.

Luciana, holding her head in her hands, spoke with lips that had turned a shade paler. "Why are my hands trembling and my legs so feeble..." Katie assisted Luciana into the car, asking with a tone full of concern, "Luciana, you didn't take the medicine I gave you exactly as prescribed, did

you?" Luciana confessed, "I accidentally spilled it one day, and then there was none left for me to take." "I knew something was wrong! Why didn't you tell me about it? I could have brought you more!" "Didn't you mention that the medicine is hard to come by?" Luciana whispered, "I didn't want to impose on you." "Luciana, you're being too polite with me." Katie's voice grew tender, her face breaking into a gentle smile. "I'm here for you. How could you hesitate to ask for my assistance?" Katie retrieved a bottle of medicine from the car and handed it to Luciana.

"This was acquired by a friend from overseas. Knowing it's scarce, I made

sure to have extras on hand, just in case you needed it urgently." Luciana accepted the medicine, offering a smile in return. "Thank you, Katie." "Just make sure you take it as directed, or it won't do its job," Katie cautioned her.

The medicine in question was crucial for Luciana to get a good night's sleep.

Her stop taking medicine had led to frequent night awakenings, leaving her unable to find rest. The toll on her mental well-being was becoming increasingly apparent. As long as she had this medicine, her nights were peaceful.

Luciana expressed her thanks warmly, "Katie, you're incredibly kind." "Luciana, how many times must I tell

you? There's no need for such formality with me." Katie, feigning irritation and locking eyes with Luciana, said, "You've always been like a mother to me in my heart. Do you still see me as an outsider?" Luciana's face softened as she met Katie's gaze. "Katie, in my eyes, you're like a daughter-in-law..." Luciana's voice trailed off. When "daughter-in-law" escaped her lips, those words seemed to strike her suddenly.

The next moment, her hands flew to Katie's throat, her voice rising in a frenzy. "You... You will bring my son to ruin. I will not let you harm him! I will not let you!" Caught completely off guard, Katie found herself being forcefully pushed

down into the car seat by Luciana.

Luciana, who had always maintained her strength through regular exercise, I now had her gaunt fingers gripping Katie's throat like iron bands, tightening with every passing second.

It seemed she wouldn't cease until Katie was devoid of breath.

In a panic, Katie managed to grab her handbag and struck Luciana on the head with all her might.

The blow brought Luciana back to her senses momentarily. She gazed at Katie, then at her own actions, and let out a horrified scream, releasing her grip.

"Katie, I'm so sorry. I truly lost my senses, confusing you for someone else..." Luciana paused mid-sentence, her mind racing to recall whom she

had imagined strangling. Her expression turned to one of panic, her fingers quivering.

Luciana was baffled. Why did Katie's face seem to morph into Raegan's in her moment of frenzy? Was Raegan truly alive? The image of that passing figure she had seen in the hospital earlier sharpened Luciana's gaze.

Gasping for air, Katie was seized by a bout of coughing. She never expected that Luciana would spiral into such a state of mental turmoil. Maybe it was the recent adjustment in the way hypnotized Luciana that tipped her over.

Katie had always been cautious, especially to avoid drawing Mitchel's attention to Luciana's so-called therapy, directing Mr. Gomez to handle things with the utmost discretion.

Luciana, now somewhat calmer, patted I on Katie's back, asking with concern, "Katie, are you alright?" With her complexion still washed out, Katie managed a weak nod. "I'm fine, Luciana, really." Internally, Katie mulled over the situation. While hypnotic effects were shown on Luciana, it seemed Luciana's mental state had deteriorated more than anticipated. To avoid arousing suspicion, Katie decided it would be wise to ensure Luciana's stability, suggesting Luciana continue her medication at home for a few more days first.

Back in the hospital ward, as Raegan entered Mitchel's ward with a lunch box in hand, she found him engrossed

in work on his laptop.

Despite his illness, Mitchel hadn't forsaken his usual attire, opting for a shirt even at bedtime. The dark fabric contrasted against his pallid, yet strikingly handsome features, lending him an air of mysterious allure, reminiscent of a knight under the cloak of night.

Mitchel possessed a natural allure that was undeniable. His features served as a stunning testament to his attractiveness, with every motion and pose radiating a sense of exclusivity that seemed beyond reach.

"Aren't you going to come in?" Mitchel lifted his eyes, offering a gentle smile to Raegan who lingered at the door, caught up in her admiration.

Raegan snapped back to reality. Aware

that she was caught openly gazing at him, a wave of heat rushed to her cheeks, painting them the shade of a deep sunset. a She mentally chastised herself for such a lapse in poise. She had encountered handsome men before, surrounded by the likes of Erick and Stefan, both undeniably attractive in their own right.

Stepping inside as if she had just noticed him, Raegan announced, "I've just got here." Mitchel's eyebrows arched slightly.

"Why did I sense someone's gaze burning into me just now..." Raegan cleared her throat, attempting to deflect. "You're mistaken. I've only just arrived." Mitchel let a smile creep onto his face,

not teasing Raegan anymore. "Perhaps I've been missing you so much, always hoping for your arrival." Raegan felt her cheeks warm even further. What was this about missing her? His words painted a picture as if they were a couple deeply ensconced in romance.

"Stop talking such nonsense," Raegan protested.

Upon opening the lid, the scent of the porridge filled the air. Raegan served a bowl and set it before Mitchel, yet Mitchel didn't move, adopting a look that clearly meant he was expecting her to feed him.

Raegan shot him a look and remarked, "I noticed your hands were perfectly fine while you were working." Mitchel, well-versed in their

exchanges, responded unabashedly, "My arm's too sore. After seven hours of work, I can't even raise it." Raegan found herself at a loss for words. Well, might as well feed him.

She had fed him before, so it wasn't a new task for her.® Gently blowing on a spoonful of porridge to cool it, she then held it out to him. Mitchel, showing his appreciation, sipped it with refined grace. His dining manners were impeccable, his demeanor calm and collected.

Feeling slightly anxious, Raegan inquired, "Is it to your liking?" It was her first attempt after all these years, after all. She thought it tasted fine, but was aware that tastes could vary greatly.

Mitchel, catching the hopeful look in her eyes, felt a warmth spread through him. After a brief pause, he complimented, "It's very good, just as it was previously." Raegan, pleasantly surprised, prepared another spoonful for him. "Was I always this nurturing? I even made porridge for you." "Yes, you were always very caring when you were my assistant," Mitchel confirmed. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Raegan froze, a sense of disbelief washing over her. She recalled her graduation certificate. She had majored in design but never followed that path professionally. How deeply must she have loved this man to have quietly embraced the role of an assistant behind him?

"Thank you for your tenderness back then," Mitchel said, his voice brimming with sincerity. Back then, he started to acknowledge his feelings for her, touched by her consideration and caring.

Raegan was taken aback by his gesture of gratitude, appreciating that he did not take her previous effort and sacrifice for granted. It warmed her heart slightly, diminishing the faint sense of bitterness she once harbored.

Seeing Raegan caught in her thoughts, Mitchel teased her by pinching her cheek, adopting a playful tone, "I promise to treat you well from now on." "Who said I want that?" Raegan, cheeks flushed, kept feeding Mitchel.

Mitchel, compliant, didn't speak up

until he finished his porridge. "You never said that. I just want to treat you well." "What?" For a moment, Raegan lost track of their conversation.

Mitchel, holding her face gently, emphasized each word, "I want to be good to you." Feeling her earlobes burn with embarrassment, Raegan turned away, swiftly changing the subject. "How did you convince my brother?" Under his gaze, her blush deepened, highlighting the rosy warmth of her earlobes.

Mitchel leaned in, unable to hold back, and gently kissed her.

"Ah..." Raegan let out a soft murmur, her hands flying to cover her ears,

feeling a warmth spread through her palms.

Just as she was about to express her annoyance, Mitchel piqued her curiosity, "Do you want to know?" Her curiosity peaked, and Raegan couldn't help but nod eagerly.

With a chuckle, Mitchel teasingly pinched her chin, cloaking his response in mystery. "It's a secret.” Raegan found herself at a loss for words, her emotions a mix of amusement and slight irritation. Her thoughts raced. Had they struck some covert deal? Had her brother somehow betrayed her trust? But it couldn't be.

"I'll reveal it in time," Mitchel assured her, noticing her sulking expression.

"And how long will that be?" she

pressed, her curiosity unabated.

His gaze intensified as he whispered, "When you agree to be my wife." Once again, Raegan was left speechless. "Dream on! Who wants to be your wife?" she shot back, feigning indignation.

Mitchel, unfazed by her retort, simply smiled and gazed at her fondly. "Well, you never said that. But I truly want you to be my wife..." He paused deliberately before continuing, "My love story is with you." Raegan found herself at a loss for words. "Why did he seem unfazed by my retort?" she asked herself silently.

The scent of Mitchel's fresh bath lingered, suggesting a closeness that made Raegan's heart race. She averted her gaze swiftly, her pulse quickening.

Mitchel noticed her shyness and, with a smile, stepped back, heading to the bathroom to wash up.

Meanwhile, Raegan turned her attention to the grapes on the bedside table, beginning to peel and eat them.

As Mitchel emerged, she casually asked, "Do you want one?" Right after those words escaped her lips, Raegan realized Mitchel might have just brushed his teeth in the bathroom. So, she continued to pop the grapes into her mouth. The grapes burst with sweetness, its juice glossing her lips.

Mitchel leaned in, unable to resist. "I'd like some," he declared.

with flushed cheeks and grapes still in her mouth, Raegan hesitated. "There..." Before she could finish, her words were

silenced by his kiss.

"Hmm..." Her protest was muffled as Mitchel's kiss deepened, his_tongue seeking the sweet grapes, sharing the flavor.

Overwhelmed, Raegan's mind emptied, her gaze locked on his, lost in the unexpected intensity of the moment.

Mitchel's Adam's apple moved noticeably as he savored the grapes, his gaze locking onto Raegan.

In her daze, Raegan felt he was not just absorbing the grapes but her entire being. Her cheeks were aflame, her heart racing uncontrollably.

Unbeknownst to her, the bashfulness in her eyes was captivating to him.

Mitchel's next action was swift. He caught her wrist, drawing her close to him.

"Hey!" Raegan exclaimed, suddenly finding herself secured by his embrace.

She resisted, pushing against his chest, I her voice tinged with frustration. "Why did you kiss me?" Mitchel, undeterred by her squirming, responded, "It's part of the dance of dating. Kisses, hugs, and what follows..." His stare was piercing, leaving no room for doubt about his intentions.

Raegan's cheeks burned even hotter under his scrutinizing look. She countered, "That's not right! It should start with holding hands, then hugging, and kissing comes last, doesn't it?" "No problem at all," Mitchel conceded with ease. "We'll go at your pace." Raegan was speechless, her eyes

widened. "I didn't agree to date you!" she managed to say, her mind racing.

Mitchel was cunning, adept at laying { snares.

"I've already received your brother's blessing." Mitchel gazed at her intently, his eyes conveying a message. Erick's consent for Raegan's visit was, in essence, a silent approval.

Raegan, feeling cornered, retorted, "If my brother has given his blessing, maybe you should be courting him!" Mitchel's expression hardened, his grip tightening on the back of her neck as he drew her closer, his voice laced with a hint of menace. "You're the one I desire!" The raw desire in his eyes was unmistakable, making Raegan shiver slightly.

Raegan managed to say, "I never say

yes to you." "Why? No to what?" Mitchel pressed, his voice rough, causing her to flush-a vivid shade of red. His smile was meaningful, seemingly enjoying making her shy.

With a mix of indignation and embarrassment, Raegan muttered, "Just... I... Not sharing a bed..." "So, hugs and kisses are permissible?" Mitchel raised his eyebrow, a hint of amusement in his voice as he noted.

"Understood." Raegan was astounded by his ability to warp her words, her frustration boiling over. "None of that is okay!" With a look that seemed to delve into her soul, Mitchel softly challenged, "Consider our current proximity and then reconsider your words, okay?"

Looking down, Raegan realized the compromising nature of their closeness, her position on his lap underscoring the intimacy they shared. Their bodies were closely aligned, generating a noticeable warmth. Worse, he refused to let her go.

With a softer tone, Raegan voiced her frustration, "You're way too controlling." "I'll heed your wishes from this point forward," Mitchel promised.

Raegan harbored doubts about his assurance.

True to form, he soon added, his voice raspy, "I'll give you a heads-up before I kiss you." Finding herself at a loss for words, Raegan chose silence over continued

debate. Experience had taught her that arguing with him was an exercise in futility.

"Are you upset with me again?" Mitchel inquired, noting her stoic expression. He attempted to lighten the mood, "I'm only teasing." In reality, Raegan's frustration wasn't directed at him but at herself. The turmoil within her was hers alone to understand. Her feelings were gradually evolving, a change that filled her with unease.

Mitchel, interpreting her silence as her refusal to his advances, tentatively asked, "Raegan, surely I'm not so disagreeable that you can't stand me, am I?" For a brief moment, Raegan didn't know how to respond, biting her lip

and contradicting her true feelings.

"perhaps it's because I don't like you..." Her words struck Mitchel deeply asif a needle had pricked his heart. He was acutely aware that the Raegan who once adored him was long gone. Yet, this didn't deter him. He was determined to win Raegan back, despite her memory loss of their shared past.

"I can be patient..." he whispered, willing to wait for her affection to rekindle. As he gently rested his chin atop her head, his usual playful tone was replaced by one tinged with sadness.

At that moment, Raegan felt an unexpected twinge of sorrow, as though she was tapping into his grief.

She quickly brushed aside these contemplations, stating, "I need to

leave now." The constraints set by Erick were clear, and she couldn't afford to overstay.

Mitchel looked up, his voice rough with emotion. "Just a little longer. Let me hold you." They embraced in silence, their connection pausing the world around them. It was as if, for that moment, they were the only two people in existence.

Raegan could sense the depth of his longing to keep her close as if wishing to merge her into his very being.

Mitchel insisted on driving Raegan home. Eventually, Raegan conceded, stepping into his car, her own driver trailing behind them.

In the shadows, a black luxury car

harbored a pair of eyes watching them intently, emanating a chilling hostility.

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