Love Unbreakable

Chapter 360 Setting New and Old Scores Together

Chapter 360 Settling New and Old Scores Together Nicole was visibly shocked by Jarrod's declaration, pausing in astonishment.

Jarrod was dead serious, not cracking a smile.

Struggling to express herself, Nicole found humor in the moment. "Mr.

Schultz, don't you know that women these days look for someone who's got skills? Given your past with numerous women, even if you were to beg..." She playfully straightened Jarrod's tie, taunting him, "I wouldn't give you a second glance." Jarrod couldn't believe he was being mocked by a woman in such a way. If it were someone else, he would have banished that culprit from Ardlens for

good, considering his notorious temperament. Yet, with Nicole, he was at a loss for words, swallowing his fury.

Nicole's eyes, brimming with sarcasm, seemed to remind him of a past embarrassment he had caused her.

"Nicole, I know you don't mean any of that," Jarrod said, his gaze icy, hiding his feelings. "Find another way to get back at me. This isn't going to rile me up." "Mr. Schultz, what makes you think I'm seeking revenge?" Taking advantage of his momentary speechlessness, Nicole snatched her phone back, her smile dripping with sarcasm.

"If you're so keen on seeing the video, I can send it your way. You've recorded stuff before, right? Even showed it to your brother, didn't you?" Nicole mocked.

As Jarrod's expression turned frosty, Nicole casually inquired, "Did they all praise how I looked?" Nicole's every word struck Jarrod like a dagger, reminding him of his past actions. How absurd and despicable he was! "Ding." The elevator reached the ground floor.

Without saying another word, Nicole brushed his hand off, ready to walk away.

As she moved to leave, Jarrod caught her wrist. He cleared his throat, his voice rough. "I messed up before. I'll make it up to you." Nicole laughed mockingly. "Make it up to me? How, Mr. Schultz? Can you undo death or heal the wounds those events carved into my heart?" Those were things no one could do.

Jarrod, his voice filled with emotion, said, "Suggest something I can do right now..." "Just go to hell!" Nicole said sharply.

"That's what you can do." Jarrod felt as though he'd been stabbed in the heart, the pain overwhelming.

Though known for being unfeeling, he was at a loss for words.

He whispered, "You know that's not something I can do..." "Stop talking about making it up to me if you can't actually do anything!" Nicole scoffed, her voice dripping with disdain. "The only way you could make it up to me is if you died a thousand times, leaving not even an intact body behind." Nicole's words cut like a knife. Her gaze was heavy with unhidden disgust.

Even after she left, Jarrod's face was

still ashen.

When Alec approached Jarrod moments later, Jarrod was still standing there alone, staring at the wall, his hand pressed against his chest as if in deep pain. None of the bodyguards dared come close or say anything comforting.

For Jarrod, these moments of solitude and pain had become all too familiar.

Lost in his thoughts, he'd feel a sharp pain in his body that no doctor could explain. Being the cause of Jarrod's remorse and pain, only Nicole could have the way to treat him.

After stepping out of the elevator, Nicole raised her eyes to the white ceiling above. A headache pounded at her temples, blurring her vision. She regretted letting her bitterness and anger show so openly. It had been a

rash decision.

At times, her deep-seated hatred felt beyond her control. It was like a ghost was haunting her, slowly tightening its hold on her neck, making her relive her past. This led to countless nights without sleep, filled with excruciating pain. And the source of all her agony was Jarrod.

It was five whole years. From her initial despair and thoughts of ending it all to slowly finding her way back to a somewhat normal life and work. NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Five years could change a lot of people and a lot of things. To others, she seemed to have changed.

But Nicole was the only one who knew her heart hadn't healed. It was decaying. Though she was alive, she felt like a walking dead. She took loads of antidepressants not because she wanted to live, but in the hope that she

could die someday without any regrets.

As she turned the corner, the bright lights ahead were overwhelming.

Nicole held back her tears, steeling herself to be unbeatable. The sleepless nights and living in torment weren't supposed to be hers alone.

After the meeting, Nicole went with some leaders to a buffet dinner.

Nicole's superior was a powerful woman named Archer, who had always been supportive and kind.

Before Nicole came back to the country, she had already quit her job.

However, Archer, aware of Nicole's ambition to run a company, invited Nicole to become a partner in a project.

For Nicole, joining the project offered a much better chance than trying to make it on her own. She happily

accepted the offer.

Nicole had set up the company in name only, keeping her involvement a secret to avoid raising Jarrod's suspicions. She even used a fake job title to keep her plans under wraps.

Nicole was thankful for Archer's support and gladly helped out with various tasks, such as presenting at dinners.

Midway through the dinner, Archer felt sick and had to leave early, leaving Nicole to keep the partners entertained.

The dinner also featured a social dance event for those who wanted to dance or just chat. At these events, it was common for wealthy young women to approach men they were interested in.

The conference attendees were mostly wealthy, making the single men

particularly popular.

Nicole, holding a drink and standing off to the side, noticed Jarrod. He instantly drew the attention of several women. His perfectly fitted suit and the slightly unbuttoned collar that showed off his collarbone made him stand out.

Jarrod was a memorable sight. Many women sneakily looked his way, clearly showing interest. He was undeniably good-looking and well-off, which made him attractive to those who didn't know him well.

But Nicole knew his darker side, something not everyone was aware of.

Despite the attention he received, few women actually approached him. His grumpy appearance turned them off, as they feared he wouldn't be friendly if they tried to start a conversation.

Nicole watched, amused at first, but her mood quickly changed when she saw Jarrod looking her way from across the room. Jarrod walked over, dampening her spirits.

Nicole decided to leave, wanting to avoid any drama with him.

But then, out of nowhere, a poised and attractive girl stepped in front of Jarrod, obviously from a rich family, bravely catching his attention.

With Jarrod distracted, Nicole took the chance to slip outside.

The patio was buzzing, with a barbecue in full swing and big fans spreading cool air around. Guests mingled, holding drinks.

Nicole, her glass almost empty, went to get more of the fruity wine. It was a plum drink, tangy and sweet, perfectly refreshing without being

overpowering, After getting her refill, Nicole looked for a place to sit. Suddenly, she was jostled by someone, causing her drink to splash all over her skirt and some on the other person's shoes.

"You bumped into me!" the man exclaimed. He was a bit on the heavier side and looked unkempt. Mistaking Nicole for one of the staff because of her outfit, he loudly blamed her.

Nicole was not pleased. It was clearly his fault for not paying attention, but he was trying to make it seem like hers. She met his gaze with a cold stare. "Actually, you're the one who ran into me." "You worthless idiot, can't see a thing..." The greasy old man was mid- insult when he caught sight of Nicole's stunning looks. His eyes, which were dull a moment before, suddenly


"Oh, what a beauty..." He looked Nicole over without hiding his interest. "A lady as lovely as you get a pass for anything. But, darling, you've done a number on my back with that bump.

How do you plan to make it right?" The mix of his sleazy voice and his balding head was disgusting.

Nicole immediately recognized the greasy old man as Deniz from the Vipo Group. He was a long-standing supplier for the Hampton family and the likely winner of their latest contract.

Nicole's own company was in the running, just behind the Vipo Group.

Getting Deniz out of the picture could just give her the edge she needed.

They had met years before, but it appeared Deniz didn't remember her.

A cold look passed through Nicole's eyes, indicating she was ready to deal with both past and present grievances.

Nicole looked down, pretending to be shy. "What would you like me to do to make up for it?" Deniz's excitement was visible, yet he tried to sound serious. "My dear, these shoes of mine are tailor-made, worth a fortune and you can't find them here." Nicole acted surprised, playing the innocent. "Are they really that expensive?" Deniz laughed. "They are, but I'll let it slide. Think of it as making friends with a lovely lady like you. Just drink a glass in apology to me. How's that sound?" Nicole was in disbelief. "Is that all?" "Absolutely, I'll have someone bring the drink right over." Deniz was visibly

excited, particularly because the stunning Nicole before him boasted an impressive figure that easily outshone those of glamorous models. g Having had a few drinks, his desires were fully aflame, practically screaming for an outlet.

Deniz quickly signaled to a waiter, and a doctored drink was promptly served.

Unable to contain his eagerness, Deniz pressed, "Come on. Have a drink..." Nicole, pretending to be bashful, softly asked, "Sir, are you sure you won't ask for anything in return after I drink this?" Deniz, thrilled to the core, reassured her with a pat on his stomach, "Of course. I'm a man of my word. I'll even treat you to a new dress..." Deniz, mesmerized by Nicole's figure and beauty, assumed she would be an

easy target, thinking a slight pushback could be easily overcome with a bit of cash. He even entertained the thought of this leading to more encounters.

After all, in his line of work, such transactions were common and usually didn't lead to any trouble.

Nicole offered a charmingly seductive smile and said, "In that case, I'll drink." Her smile, filled with temptation, utterly ensnared Deniz. Deniz watched, captivated, as Nicole lifted the glass to her lips and drank boldly.

Deniz, thoroughly pleased, ogled Nicole and muttered, "You seem so familiar..." Despite trying, he couldn't quite recall where he had seen her before.

Growing too impatient to ponder further, Deniz eagerly guided Nicole toward the hall, saying, "Let's head

upstairs for a bit..." The upstairs was home to numerous private lounges, each a perfect setting for their intended escapade.

Nicole stepped back from Deniz's touch, her gaze drifting to a grove nearby. Her eyes lit up as she suggested, "Sir, why bother to head upstairs when we have a lovely gazebo right by the pool?" Deniz's eyes sparkled, a sound of agreement escaping him. He was pleasantly surprised by her suggestion, finding the idea of being outdoors even more exhilarating.

Now, barely able to hide his excitement, Deniz exclaimed, "Oh, my dear! I'm so fond of you. Let's not waste a moment!" Unable to hold back, Deniz eagerly led Nicole toward the grove.

Nicole, pretending to feel dizzy, implored, "Sir, please slow down. I'm feeling a bit lightheaded!" "Slow down? I'm too excited to wait!" Deniz replied, barely containing himself.

Before they approached the gazebo, Deniz, unable to keep his hands to himself, reached for Nicole, making an inappropriate comment about her dress.

Nicole immediately took a step back, firmly stating, "Sir, I've changed my mind. I'm not going." Caught off guard, Deniz tried to persuade her, "Come on. It's really nice inside, and there's even a place to relax..." "I've made up my mind. Did you put something in my drink? I don't feel right," Nicole countered.

Deniz, alarmed, denied it, "What are you talking about? There's no way..." Feeling increasingly unwell, Nicole suggested, "I think I need to go to the hospital." With that, Nicole broke free from Deniz's grasp and made her way toward the crowd.

Deniz stood frozen, shocked for a moment before he could respond. He couldn't believe the person he was so close to capturing was getting away! Deniz caught up with Nicole, trying to persuade her, "Hey, don't worry about the money for the shoes. I'll even get you a new dress and a bag, okay?" Nicole shook her head. "No thanks. I need to get to the hospital.” As she started to walk away, Deniz called out, "Wait!"

Nicole stopped in her tracks.

Deniz walked around to face Nicole, his gaze dark as he looked her over.

Then, he flashed an unsettling grin.

"You're that girl from the club, the one Mr. Schultz brought to hang out with us, right?" Nicole's face showed her irritation.

"What nonsense are you even talking about? I don't have time for this. I need to get to the hospital." Trying to leave, Nicole felt a sharp tug on her hair that made her cry out in pain.

"Tust because you're an escort, don't think you can look down on me." After recognizing Nicole as the girl Jarrod had introduced to them years before, Deniz's audacity grew. In his eyes, a woman like Nicole was just an object.

Deniz gripped Nicole's hair, pulling her

toward the grove, his words harsh. "So, you think you can turn me down and face no consequences?"

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