Love Unbreakable

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

Face Together Raegan offered a faint smile, pondering Luciana’s suggestion but not dismissing it outright.

"I'll think about it.” Raegan's plans to go abroad were already in motion.

She didn't wish to upset Luciana.

After all, she once held a deep affection for Luciana, seeing the latter as a maternal figure.

Having expressed her thoughts, Luciana exhaled a sigh of relief.

Neither of them felt like engaging in idle chatter, so they went their separate ways.

In the hospital room...

Katie gazed at Mitchel.

Though Mitchel appeared somewhat frail, his charm was undeniable.

She couldn't hide her happiness at the sight of him, grinning widely.

"I've been longing to hug you.

It's been so long.

However, I didn't expect you to be so fragile.” Mitchel asked, "Why are you dressed like this?" Since childhood, Katie always wore tomboyish clothes.

Mitchel had mistaken her for a boy before and played with her.

Katie maintained this style until she was about fifteen or sixteen.

Since then, Mitchel hadn't seen her in such attire, mainly due to her time spent overseas.

Katie's face tensed briefly at Mitchel’s question, but she quickly replied with a hint of defiance, “Don't you like it?” Mitchel chose not to comment on her appearance, steering clear of critiquing a woman's choice of clothing.

His heart, however, had been captivated by Raegan's smile from the moment he first saw her.

Katie's smile returned, and she shrugged with an air of nonchalance.

"If it bothers you, just see me as the same old Katie.

I haven't really changed.” Mitchel cast a glance at her and abruptly seized her wrist.

"How did you get this bracelet?” Katie winced, feeling the pain from his tight grip.

She furrowed her brows.

"It's a gift from Luciana." Mitchel’s expression turned stern.

He didn't beat around the bush.

"Take it off." Katie was surprised, struggling to understand his reaction.

"Mitchel, since when did you become so possessive?” Without offering an explanation, Mitchel repeated his command.

"Take it off.” Anger surged within Katie, and tears began to well in her eyes.

She attempted to remove the bracelet, but her strong grip made it slip from her hand, shattering on the floor.

"Oh no!" A sharp sound echoed through the room.

The refined bracelet broke into two.

Mitchel gazed at the shattered pieces, feeling a heavy burden in his heart, and an unexpected rage took hold of him.

"Get out!" Katie, shocked by his sudden fury, stood frozen.

At that moment, Luciana walked into the room.

Luciana, witnessing the commotion, walked over and placed her arms around Katie, displaying concern.

"What's wrong, dear?" Katie felt her sense of injustice grow upon hearing Luciana's gentle words.

Struggling to speak through her tears, she managed to say, "Luciana...

Mitchel insisted I take off the bracelet...

And it broke accidentally!" Luciana, understanding the situation after seeing the broken bracelet, turned to Mitchel with a disapproving look.

"It was only a bracelet.

There's no need for such a reaction.” Feeling deeply wronged, Katie asked through her tears, "How much was the bracelet? I'll pay you back." Luciana brushed off the idea.

"Don't be ridiculous, my dear.

Money shouldn't be a topic between us." Turning her attention to Mitchel, Luciana admonished, "Mitchel, Katie has just come back and is still jet- lagged.

Is this how you welcome a guest?" Mitchel’s face turned icy and detached.

He ignored Katie, focusing solely on Luciana.

"Did you really give her this bracelet?” Luciana's heart skipped a beat, but she quickly regained her calm demeanor, replying, "Yes, I gave it to her.

We had just met, and I didn't have a chance to prepare a proper gift.” Pursing his thin lips, Mitchel continued to stare at Luciana, his voice icy.

"Mom, you know how much Raegan used to value your affection." Caught off guard by his words, Luciana felt a sudden tension.

"But she doesn't care for it anymore, does she?” Mitchel’s expression remained icy, showing no intention of further conversation.

He firmly directed everyone to leave.

"I'm tired.

Please leave now.” "You, Mi...” "Leave." Luciana's complexion turned pale, shocked by Mitchel's unprecedented disrespect.

Katie, observing the tense atmosphere, gently guided Luciana away, whispering words of comfort.

Upon nearing Henley's hospital room, Raegan heard a commotion.

Startled, she saw Gerda exit the room, her face covered as she wept.

Raegan guided Gerda to a bench nearby and inquired about the situation.

Through her tears, Gerda shared the distressing news.

"The doctor said Henley’s infection is worsening.

He might need to have his leg amputated.” Raegan felt her heart miss a beat.

Amputation? How could the situation be so dire...

In disbelief, she asked, "Are you sure that's what the doctor said?" Gerda continued crying.

"Yes, my talented son might lose his leg.

How is he supposed to live like that?” The news struck Raegan like lightning, leaving her equally devastated.

Raegan was struggling to understand how Henley, with his exceptional character and talents, could come to terms with such a devastating turn of events.

Gerda's plea was heart-wrenching.

"Raegan, please stay by Henley’s side.

He endured all this for you.

You can't leave him now!" Raegan felt a surge of surprise.

Hadn't Henley told his mother that their relationship was just a pretense? Raegan began hesitantly, "Gerda, Henley and 1..." But before Raegan could complete her thoughts...

Plop! Gerda collapsed onto her knees.

Tears flowed down her cheeks as Gerda implored, "Raegan, you mustn't leave Henley now.

He needs you.

He won't easily accept the situation.

If something happens to my son, I couldn't bear to live." Raegan, startled by Gerda's sudden breakdown, quickly moved to assist her.

Around them, onlookers, including medical staff, gave disapproving looks.

Struggling to help Gerda to her feet, Raegan's own eyes brimmed with tears.

"Please, take a seat first to talk it through.” Unexpectedly, Gerda not only refused to get up but also called for Henley's father.

"Come here.

Ask Raegan not to leave Henley.” Raegan was at a loss for words.

She tried to compose herself, searching for the right response in this overwhelming situation. NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

Henley's father’s presence brought some semblance of order to the situation.

"What are you doing?" he asked Gerda.

He helped Gerda back to the bench, where she continued to weep.

He looked at Raegan with a troubled expression and apologized, “I'm sorry about this.

My wife is just very emotional right now.

Did she frighten you?" Raegan shook her head, showing her understanding.

"It's alright.

I can't imagine how hard this must be for you all.” Understanding the gravity of the circumstances, she knew no one could stay calm.

Henley's father spoke calmly.

"Raegan, there might still be hope for Henley.

I've contacted some specialists abroad.

There are success stories.

Amputation isn't the only path, though the chances are small.

But we must hold onto hope, shouldn't we?" A flicker of hope ignited in Raegan's heart.

She quickly responded, “Of course.

You shouldn't give up if there’s even a slight chance." Henley's father seemed hesitant but continued, "The problem is Henley himself.

He’s scared of the possibility of failure.

Could you talk to him?” Gerda grasped Raegan’s hand, her eyes pleading.

"Raegan, Henley listens to you.

Please, help us convince him.” Raegan gave a firm nod.

She felt a deep sense of responsibility since Henley was injured when saving her.

She would do whatever it took to convince him to accept the treatment.

After all, Henley had done so much for her.

Inside the chaotic hospital room, Henley lay motionless on the hospital bed.

He stared intently at his legs, his face a mask of pallor.

Raegan's heart sank at the sight.

She softly said, "Henley, I'm sorry..." Noticing her, Henley stifled his frustration.

In a slow, measured tone, he responded, "It's okay.

You're not to blame.” Raegan hesitated, then spoke up.

"Your dad mentioned there's a chance for treatment abroad for your legs..." Henley's expression grew dimmer as he dismissed the idea, "I won't go.

Raegan, don't waste your efforts trying to convince me." "But there's still hope.

Why resign yourself to this?” "Just leave me be.

I've made up my mind." Henley closed his eyes, shutting out the conversation.

Raegan, steadfast in her resolve, pressed on, "Are you ready to give up on yourself and wallow in despair? You're not someone who gives in easily.

Don't dismiss every possibility without trying.” Henley's lashes fluttered slightly, a sign that her words were reaching him, but his resolve remained.

Seeing him in such a state, so different from his usual well-groomed and vibrant self, deepened Raegan's sense of guilt and concern.

Taking a deep breath, Raegan continued, her voice firm with conviction, “Henley, I know how scary and overwhelming this is, facing the prospect of losing your leg.

But we should face it together.

I'll be by your side until you're healed." Henley opened his eyes, a cold look in them.

"Do you understand what you're saying?”

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