Life After Prison

Chapter 2284

Chapter 2284

Despite being in a rush, Severin took some time to say goodbye to his wives. Then, he leaped into the air to head to the First Mountain.

After a few seconds, he arrived at the entrance of the great hall of the First Mountain where he saw the nine peak masters, Karl, and Spencer.

After the last fight, Spencer had improved a lot. Now he had reached the complete-stage of level one paragon. Karl was at the same level as Spencer. Despite the injury he received from the Chaotic Swordshadow, he recovered very well and was now back to his strongest self.

Karl snorted unhappily when he saw Severin walking in. He stared at Severin with his hateful eyes. Even now, he still could remember how Severin’s attack injured him severely in the fight. He should be the one to head to Midland if he was not injured. Even now, he was worried if he was able to move on to the next level to become a level two paragon. However, feeling regret was not going to change anything.

As Severin entered the great hall, Oskar looked over and noticed Severin had become a level three paragon. That made him feel happy. He glanced around and said, “Guys, the Starry Sky Battlespace is now open. Do your best inside and gather as many treasures or explore any opportunities that fall on you.”

Suddenly, he took a pause and said with a serious tone, “One important thing that three of you must remember! You are all members of the Grandiuno Sect! You must help each other out in the ruins! Especially when any of you are in danger!”NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

Among the three people who were eligible to enter the Starry Sky Battlespace, Severin was the strongest. Even so, he was just a level three paragon. Still not strong enough when compared with the others from Midland.

Based on the information Oskar had, the weakest prodigy from the midland was a level five paragon. Whereas the sandman would at least be a level eight paragon. In order to get the most resources, Severin, Karl, and Spencer had to work together. That was why Oskar reminded them that they should let go of any hard feelings they had for each other. After all, it would be a shame if the three of them did not work together and got nothing in the end.

Severin, Karl, and Spencer heard that and replied, “Yes, Mister Oskar!”

In fact, they understood what kind of danger they were going to face. If they wished to get the most from the ruins, they had to work together to fight the other prodigies from Midland, Eastplain, and other places.

Oskar stood up and waved his hand. Then his body slowly ascended and flew out the great hall. As he was outside, he took out a sword.

He hit the sword with his shining palm. The sword enlarged and became the size of a hill.

Severin and the others did not hesitate. They leaped into the air and landed on the flying sword. Then Oskar had his hand out and grabbed the void lightly which tore the void apart.

Once the passage was stable enough to pass, Oskar looked back and said, “Sit tight!”

Then he controlled the flying sword into the passage and disappeared from the sky.

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