Heaven Domain (Iwan Cliff)

Chapter 313 Iwan Cliff Returns to Heaven Domain

Chapter 313 Iwan Cliff Returns to Heaven Domain

Chapter 313 Iwan Cliff Returns to Heaven Domain

At the moment, Iwan fully deserved all the attention nearby as he, a Real Emperor, countered and killed a Way Master, and to do so he jumped not just one or two, but many ranks between the two levels, which was so impressive and brave that no one in the history could hold a candle to him.

Given that he managed to do that, Lord of Heaven Domain from this day on no longer needed anyone else to protect his faction. He'd be their own protector with himself going forward on Ancient Dominating Emperor Way nonstop. His brave heart could conquer the endless mountains and waters!

The battle marked Iwan's most important turning point. During the five years, the more he learned brought him nothing but more concern. He had known there were Way Masters beyond Kings and more powerful warriors than Way Masters in the world for a long time

That was why he chose to hide and quit dominating and conquering when he stepped on the Real Emperor Way after he had broken peak Emperor level. Not that he wanted to, but as getting stronger and stronger, he held in greater awe toward the world, which was the consensus of the true top powerhouses. Therefore, lwan had hidden and kept silent for too long.

Three months ago, when he had gotten the call for help from his daughter, he returned to the Kingdom and continued to be silent for three whole months.

Iwan was not just a man of boundless love but a King, an Emperor. He was a man destined to be the top warrior in this era since he had been born, and this era became more marvelous thanks to lwan's birth.

But, after this battle, things were different, and Iwan had the power to counter and kill a Death Realm Way Master. With the summoned Godly Sword, he could even escape from Jackson, if the peak Life Realm Way Master had wanted to kill him. That was Iwan's solid foundation that boosted him to kill three Way Masters with his power of Real Emperor.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

Besides, he had more powerhouses on his side, including Jackson and Dimitrie, a peak Life Realm Way Master and a peak Death Realm Way Master. They both were the protectors of Heaven Domain. He also had Black Emperor, who was a stage-nine Real Emperor that could match a Way Master, not to mention there were the four Elders and a bunch of warriors of the Dragon Kingdom.

This time, Iwan and the Dragon Headquarters had claimed three victories within a day by uprooting three External Headquarters and their national fortune. The Dragon Headquarters had defeated their enemies one to eight on the Battlefield, which made Iwan so sure that the four Elders would break through their bottlenecks after they got back to the Kingdom, hence the stronger general force of the Dragon Kingdom.

After lwan settled everything down on the External Battlefield and led his men to stronger levels, he would come back to the Kingdom and unite the Military to oppress the nine Super-powerful Sects and make the Dragon Kingdom and Heaven Domain great again.

Suddenly, Iwan felt his hot blood pumping from the bottom of his heart.

"Senior Elder, we're parting here. I'm not going back yet. But, please wait for my return.” Iwan took a deep breath and seriously spoke to the Senior Elder.

Stewing excitement, relief, and all kinds of complicated feelings. the Senior Elder had all his emotions show in his eyes when he looked at Iwan Then, he deeply breathed and nodded, "Fine! We'll be waiting for your return, Iwan. And you can relax because your family will be protected by the Military! As long as we stand, your family will always be unharmed!"

Iwan also nodded, "You can also relax and settle things down in the Kingdom. I'll handle everything on the Battlefield. Heaven Domain will keep all gangs from the borders of the Kingdom!"

Iwan said it very seriously, and that was the promise between men, between him and the Senior Elder.

This scene reminded everybody of the conversation between Emperor Victory and Haig in the first Imperial Dynasty. "Don't worry. I've got everything under control in the Kingdom!"

"Relax. Things will go smoothly as long as I'm on the External Battlefield!"

Jackson and Dimitrie were touched hearing the conversation between Iwan and the Senior Elder and witnessing them promising to each other. They had a strange feeling that the promises between the two were going to happen someday. With infinite confidence, the two would stride forward even though a thorny path lay ahead.

"Take care, lwan!" the other three Elders came to Iwan and said goodbye, and then they followed the Senior Elder to fly away. The battles on the Battlefield were put to rest for a moment again and the situation twisted a lot from this day on. But not all problems were solved in the Kingdom, namely the nine Super-powerful Sects, which were nearly as strong as those large-and-middle-sized External Headquarters

Seeing the four Elders go, Jackson slightly narrowed his eyebrows, contracted his pupils, and muttered, "Shelton Hayes, Judy Lopez, Lewis King, and Carl Addison, these four names embodied very strong power of fortune.” Then, he stepped commenting but had this feeling that the four Elders of the Dragon Kingdom had a hint of regal spirit. It was weak, though, it was spreading indeed

The moment, Jackson kept the speculation under the bottom of his heart and turned silent.

After the four Elders returned to the Kingdom, Iwan needed to settle down things on the Battlefield, for he had left Heaven Domain for too lang, longer than each time he left before since the Domain had been built up five years ago.

Iwan pressed down his breaths and excitement and took out the communicator to call Ivy. Soon, the call was connected, and Ivy's voice with concern came, "Are you okay, my Lord?" Ivy got the news of the battle before

Iwan chuckled, "I'm good, Ivy. You go to assemble all the warriors and lead them to me. I'll give you the coordinates later."

"Yes, my Lord!" her concern vanished as lvy heard that Iwan was good. After hanging up, Ivy sent the order to the warriors: "The Lord is back! All three thousand warriors go to greet the Lord!"

While lwan was talking. Jackson and Dimitrie moved, the former in the direction of five corpses of the deceased Way Masters, and the latter in the direction of the Black Emperor's Ashram where five corpses of the stage-nine Kings lay. They blew off the corpses and abstracted the purest energy from them. These corpses, especially Kings' corpses and beyond, contained a little bit of way fortune and were the best restoratives.

The corpses would benefit lwan and the Black Emperor in the past, but since the two had their own ways, they no longer needed the corpses. Nonetheless, it was suitable to use them to help the warriors of the Heaven Domain to increase their strength. Corpses of five Way Masters and five stage-nine Kings would contain a lot of way fortune. With the energy to help the warriors, the vacuum of powerhouses of the Emperor level due to the Four Masters of Heaven entering a new level would be soon filled

Warriors like Warrior No.1 didn't have the talent to reach Emperor level, but after the one hundred warriors had fortified their bones as a result of absorbing a bit of the Canedy’s national fortune, if they absorbed the energy of Way Masters, they would reach a new level again.

And Iwan had another card in his hand--half of the Poghu's hundred-year-long national fortune! Iwan had decided to leave the energy to Dark and War, his two brothers that were not on the Battlefield.

He had been missing the two brothers he hadn't seen for days. Technically, they hadn't parted for too long, but too many things had happened in the interval.

Iwan believed that with their talents and fortune, his-four brothers were going to be en the Real Emperor Way. Thewpattle this day had made Iwan more aware of the powerful Real Emperor Way that was offering him-@brighter future. If that made sense, he would lead his brothers to the Real Emperor Way. Plus, he and the Black Emperor could guide them when they were on the Way. Content belongs to

While lwan was planning, the Black Emperor suddenly turned to him and seriously said, "Little brother!" "What's wrong, sis?” lwan came back to his sense and asked.

The Black Emperor became more serious and said, "Little brother, from now on, I'll leave the Guardians of the Rules and be one of your Heaven Domain!"

"What?" lwan was in shock. Would the Black Emperor join Heaven Domain? A question that never occurred ta: lwan was placed rightin front of him. Not that he didn't accegmer, but she was too strong for t#@ Domain. What positian” should Iwan give her? lwancdidn't know how to respond fora while, but as he opened his mouth, the Black Emperor suddenly bowed to him.

"I, the Black Emperor, greet you, my Lord!"

"Well, sis, I'm not... You don't have to join us... No, not that...” Iwan was too panicked to choose words carefully.

The Black Emperor lowered her head, "We hacsa promise, little brother, thatwe' re gonna conquer the wholewor d together! You cane treat metas one of your warriors and doynot push me away. Youtre gettiaiy stronger and the warriors of Heaven Domain can hardlyéatch your speed, which will put the Domain in danger if someone keeps you busy."

Iwan frowned and agreed with the Black Emperor in his mind. Then, he put on a serious look and asked the Black Emperor, "Are you really willing to jain us, sis?”

She nodded, "Yes, I am!"

Iwan inhaled a long breath and said, “Here's my order, Black Emperor! From now on, you are appointed as the first Deputy of Heaven Domain, ranked above Slay and Kill!"

"I'm very obliged, my Lord!" the Black Emperor nodded in solemnity, and from this moment on, she was one of Heaven Domain. Then, Iwan would announce the appointment when the warriors arrived

Speak of the devil, the next moment after Iwan and the Black Emperor finished talks, the sounds of rumble came from the distant horizon.

As far as their eyes could see, there were hundreds of armed helicopters of Heaven Domain flying in lwan's direction. On the ground were thousands of warriors rushing neat and uniform.

Three thousand warriors of Heaven Domain assembled again since the last time when went to the Dragon Kingdom three months ago. This time they did so just to greet their Lord and welcome his return!


Iwan felt more hot blood pumping on watching the three thousand warriors, among them the weakest were Gods of War, swarming towards him and the Black Emperor.

"Greet. my Lord!" "Greet. my Lord!"

"Greet. my Lord!"

Their loud sounds nearly rent the sky.

"I'm back, my brothers!" Iwan exclaimed to his three thousand brothers after soaring up in the air, followed by the Deputy Black Emperor.

At the same time, the mysterious woman with the white veil who had helped Iwan block Way Master Autumn appeared on a hill a dozen kilometers away from Iwan. She removed the veil, revealing the fabulously pretty face of lwan's wife.

And she was indeed Jayna Brown! Half a month ago, when Iwan had been in a coma, she had come to the External Battlefield alone in a blaze of dudgeon and killed Marcus with one slash. And this time, she showed up at the most critical juncture to block a Way Master for Iwan!

"Honey, I'll be conquering for the rest of my life, along with you!" Jayna cast her eyes of love over Iwan from a distance and disappeared after a blur of motion, while the warriors of Heaven Domain were greeting their Lord in excitement.

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