Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Chapter 55

Forever In The Past And Forever In The Future By Neener Chapter 55

Chapter 55 “Musu, I am sorry, but you are about to see a side of me I rarely show to pack members. I’m just going to step over there,” I point to the other side of the room, trying to sound as calm as possible, “Please don’t be scared. I will be right back.”

Musu nods slowly, like she is questioning my sanity. Can’t blame her. I’m

questioning it too. I walk to the far side of the room and grip the back of the leather loveseat, with my back to her. My entire body tenses up and I feel my claws extend, tearing into the brown leather. A deep rumbling growl rips through me, making the entire room shake until my voice is a full on roar. When I have let out as much o fmy frustration as I can, I stand up straight and take a deep breath. When I turn around, I see Musu standing against the door to exit the library.

“I feel much better now, Musu. Again, I apologize for the outburst, but every dam has a breaking point,” I explain. When she doesn’t look like she is going to run for her life, I ask her to sit at a table with me. She sits at the edge of the chair,

me. She sits at the e of the chair, looking at me suspiciously, just in case she needs to run.

I explain to her what Saint just informed me of and ask if any of it sounds familiar o r makes sense.

She looks around for a moment, then stands up and goes to a bookshelf. She pulls out a giant book and puts it on one of the reading stands. I stand up and watch a s she flips the pages.

“Alpha, this answers so many questions I had about this passage,” she says with a look of relief, pointing to a handwritten diary page.

I look at my watch, “Well, you have five minutes to explain it to me.”

When she finishes, I tell her to wait in the library for half an hour, then she is to go directly back to the suite next to my apartment. She nods in understanding and wishes me good luck before I push the

button to exit the room.

I fix my suit jacket and sit down in front o f Tessa. I smile, but she looks scared by it. Imagine that. It’s not one of my genuine smiles Kas always talks about.

“Tessa, would you like us to take off the silver handcuffs?”

“Since when do you have a sense of humor?” She snarls, “Of course I want them taken off.”

“Good. Here are the conditions to your new found jewelry being taken off,” I lean my elbows on my knees and get close to her face so I can make sure she understands as I explain my terms.

When I get down to the conference room, we greet the Santoro Enterprises team and apologize for our tardiness. As we sit down and prepare for the first presentation, Reggie gives me a concerned look.

“All good, Alpha?” He asks.

“Uh yeah, but I need to take a break at lunch so Delilah can check something out i n my apartment,” I try to sound casual.

“You need a witch to look at something in your apartment?” Milo asks suspiciously.

“Eh, I’m sure it’s nothing. I thought I saw a purple light in the bathroom. And I

a purple light in the hroom. And I realize how crazy that sounds, but two full years of craziness with Kas around and this is bottom tier stuff. Delilah will probably just burn some sage in the bathroom and call it a day.” Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Alright, just let us know if you need us for anything,” Reggie concedes, seeing that I don’t want to get into more detail.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Katherine pretending not to hear our conversation.

“Amari, I trust those of you who went for a run last night found it suitable? Our guards were not intrusive?” Milo asks with a syrupy tone in his voice.

“It was perfect. Thank you so much again. Your hospitality has been so wonderful. W e appreciate all the accommodations you have provided us,” she beams as she talks.

“‘That’s great.Oh, will Persephone be coming down to discuss the parcel of land?” Milo asks. He smiles before he continues, “We just want to help her out a s far as the landscape in this area goes. I have some topographical and satellite maps to show her. I really just need her

maps to show her._eally just need her for half an hour or so? We can let her go back to her suite right after.”

“Yes, she should be here in just a few minutes. She just needed to get changed,” Katherine chimes in.

“Alright, let’s get started, shall we? We are short a few people this morning because of some mandatory pack training, but Milo, Reggie, and I should be able to handle everything. My assistant gave me all the notes I need,” I say, holding up the papers Carly had given me at our breakfast debrief.

“That’s fine,” Katherine smiles.

We get started with the meeting and make it through a full presentation and question -and-answer session about physical security. There is a knock on the door and a woman wearing large dark sunglasses with her hair tightly wrapped in a silk scarf walks in. Her movements are elegant but guarded at the same time.

“Persephone, thank you for joining us,” I stand, holding my hand palm up toward her. Letting her place her hand on top of mine is more primal motion than a

MICRO BUM TIT POLTTC Tamarom TOP UP mine is more prima fotion than a handshake. A silent way to show she can have dominance over the encounter. I feel a surge of powerful ambient energy come from her, raw and pure. The urge to shift flows through me but dissipates when I let go of her hand.

“Why did you let go? That’s the good shit!” Saint bounces off the walls of my brain.

“This is the woman you said I would never meet?” I ask him.

“Uhh, yeah. I guess I was wrong. There’s a first time for everything,” he laughs nervously, then crawls into the back of m y mind.

I lead her over to Milo at the other end of the room so they can spread out maps and discuss the parcel. The rest of us break off into smaller groups to discuss more specific concerns about the contract until there is a knock at the door.

Carly pokes her head in, “Gamma Reggie, I’m so sorry but you’re needed downstairs. There’s a problem in the weight room that needs your attention.”

“Sure thing. Excuse me. So sorry for the disruption,” Reggie says quickly. He bows as he leaves the room.

Before the door closes, Tessa pulls in a cart with drinks and snacks. She is back in her blonde wig and blue contacts, wearing her housekeeping uniform. She looks around the room and sees Milo sitting separately with Persephone. I can see her back stiffen slightly. Persephone looks up and sees Tessa. For a moment, I think she is going to stand up and go to her sister, but she just stares for a moment before turning her attention back to the maps.

As Tessa pours drinks for everyone when the door opens again. Carly peeks in, looking more frazzled.

“Alpha, Beta, I’m so sorry. We need both o f you. Today seems like a day full of emergencies,” she says frantically.

I look at Milo, who shrugs at me and stands up

“I sincerely apologize for this,” I bow as I back up, “We will be back as soon as we can. Tessa, would you mind staying and making sure our guests are taken care of

until we get back?”

“Y-yes, Alpha, of course,” she smiles dutifully.

I follow Milo out of the room and close the door tightly behind us. He turns and nods at me, then waves me down the hall. Weg o to a small security guard room with dozens of monitors. Reggie and Carly are already there. Carly directs the guard with which cameras to pull up, then hits the record button on the touch screen. Within seconds, the Santoro Enterprises team all stand up and confront Tessa.

Katherine grabs her by the wrist and starts growling about Tessa leaving suddenly and scaring everyone. Tessa doesn’t back down from her Luna. She swats her hand away and growls back about needing to protect the guardians.

“Who the Hell are the guardians?” Reggie asks, looking into the monitor with his chin in his hands.

“Don’t worry. You will find out soon enough,” I murmur, not looking away from the screen

We let them bicker for about five minutes until we are pretty sure we have all the

until we are pretty re we have all the information we are going to get. Then Milo, Reggie, and I all make our way back down to the conference room, talking loudly to make sure our guests can hear us

coming. Everyone looks much more composed than they did a minute ago when we watched them on the monitor.

“Thank you so much for your patience,” I say as we enter the room.

Katherine nods her head curtly and shuffles the papers in front of her. Tessa goes back to serving drinks to the people around the table as if nothing happened.

As I take my seat, I hear a loud groan of pain and a glass shatter. I look up to see Tessa clutching her chest, doubled over in pain. Her eyes are wide and filling with tears.

“Tessa? What happened?” I stand up quickly and make my way over to her. Katherine, Amari, and Persephone do the same.

I watch as Tessa slides her shaking hand against her head and pulls off her wig, exposing her shiny black hair.

“Alexandros!” she gasps, trying to catch her breath while she still clutches her chest, “No no no no! Goddess no!”

“Who’s Alexandros?” Milo asks as he helps her sit in a chair.

“Her mate,” Persephone, pulls her sunglasses off, exposing her blood red irises. She kneels in front of Tessa looking at her with concern.

Tessa lets out a shrill cry of pain as tears stream down her face. She shakes and sobbing heavily as Katherine and the other Manae try to comfort her.

I know the feeling all too well, the sudden breaking of the mate bond when your mate dies. It’s the most painful feeling in the world. Like a giant black hole tearing open inside you, sucking you into darkness.

We stand back, not sure what to do. This i s not how we planned this. There is another urgent knock on the door, then Carly peaking in again.

“Alpha, just got a call from Silver Moon. Code Violet. And Gamma, your wife needs you immediately. There’s a problem,” Carly peaking in again.

“Alpha, just got a call from Silver Moon. Code Violet. And Gamma, your wife needs you immediately. There’s a problem,” Carly says with tears in her eyes.

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