Enticing: Chapter 14
Start over. Start late. Start scared. Just start. The first step is always the hardest.
—Addie’s Secret Thoughts
“Addie,” Coraline calls from the foyer while I sit on the couch, feeding Lennox a bottle later that afternoon. “There’s a delivery for you.”
I run a finger along Lennox’s soft skin, loving the way her big eyes get heavy with each new swallow, and ignore my sister’s loud voice. If I yell back right now, it will scare the hell out of my baby, and there are few things in this world worth destroying this kind of fleeting peace for.
An oversized navy-blue package, wrapped with a bright red velvet ribbon tied in a bow, completely blocks Coraline from view as she stumbles into the family room. Izzy follows behind, desperate to unwrap the gift, and my stomach drops. “What’s that?”
Cori lays it on the coffee table and hands me a card. “The courier said Mr. Sinclair asked that this be delivered before the game.”
“Open it, Mom.” Izzy vibrates with excitement.
I wish I felt a tenth of it as I look at this gift, but I don’t.
None of this was how I saw today going.
Not our initial discussion about marriage or the timeline we all agreed to.
Tonight is our official coming-out with a few strategic dates before the end of the month, followed by a quickie wedding. I wanted to get it over with at the courthouse, but Leo said we’re going to have to talk about that. He thinks we need to do something small with his family.
It makes me sick to even think about it.
“Mom . . .” Izz whines. “Come on. Open it.”
“How about you open it for me, Izz?”
My feral little girl tears into the package like a dog who’s being given a steak after starving for days. Navy-blue wrapping flies everywhere before she’s finally able to lift the lid and gasps, “Mom.” She squeals and tosses tissue paper to the side. “These are jerseys.”
She pulls them out, one after the other. Two are clearly sized for Coraline and me, and one is smaller, unmistakably for Izzy, and there’s a whole outfit for Lennox, including what I’m assuming are noise-canceling headphones with the Philadelphia Revolution logo on them. He thought of it all. “There’s sweatshirts too, Mom.”
By the time she’s done pulling all the Revolution gear out of the box, I feel like Leo has properly peed all over my entire family, making sure no one can miss that he’s claimed us as his. And damn him for doing it in a way that makes my daughter so happy. If she likes him this much, how is she going to handle it when we get divorced?
Cori whistles, long and low. “Looks like we’re all wearing number ten at the game tonight.”
“What?” Izzy’s head snaps to her aunt so sharply, I should be scared it’s going to break off her neck. “We’re going to the game? The Revolution game? Tonight?”
Contagious glee laces every single word, making it really hard to be frustrated with Leo. She’s so happy . . .
“Well, sissy . . . ?” Corline puts me on the spot. “Are we going to a hockey game or what?”
I run my thumb over the silver embossed Revolution logo in the center of the card in my hand, then flip it over.
I promised you everyone would know you were mine after tonight. I thought this would make my intentions crystal clear, in case there was any question who you’re there to see. Can’t have anyone doubting, now can we, wife?
I kinda like the sound of that.
Coraline helps Izzy get her jersey on, and my girl spins in a circle. “What do you think? Does it look good?”
“It looks perfect, Izz.” I put Lennox on my shoulder and run my hand over her back. “Guess we’re going to a hockey game.”
If I thought I was nervous earlier, it doesn’t hold a candle to the anxiety building as Coraline and I step off the elevator with the girls. I look around at the hall of private suites and try to ignore the déjà vu. I grew up in this world, and I’ve avoided it like the plague for nearly a decade. I never thought I’d be back in a suite and certainly not wearing another team’s colors.
It feels wrong, except for this small little flicker of a piece that feels incredibly right.
I’m choosing to ignore that little flicker.
Izzy’s excitement grows with each step we take. “This is so cool.”
The awe in her voice breaks my heart.
Maybe one day, I’ll take her to a Bay Hawks game and watch the way her eyes light up. That should have been her first hockey game. But instead of her grandfather or her father taking her . . . taking care of her, Leo Sinclair is the first man in her life who stepped up, and I’m not sure how to feel about that.
I find the door to suite eighteen and glance back at Cori, desperate for a reason to turn around.
“We can’t watch it from out here,” she teases, and I know she’s right. I might not like it or anything about this for that matter, but there’s no turning back now.
I’m not sure what I expect when we walk in, but it certainly isn’t for all the conversation in the suite to halt. The room that was humming with conversation and laughter just a moment ago now stands completely silent as everyone stares.
Izzy tugs on my hand when I don’t move. “Why are they all staring, Mom?”
Out of the mouths of babes . . .
I squeeze her hand in mine and open my mouth to answer, but before I can, a familiar little blonde with two space buns runs up to Izzy and squeals, “I didn’t know you were coming tonight.” The girl, I think she’s Leo’s niece Molly, excitedly takes Izz’s other hand and pulls her away from me.
Izz goes without so much as looking back at us.
“Isobel,” I call out. She turns around, already happy and smiling. “Behave.”
The room is full of women and kids, and I swear to God, if Leo threw me to the WAGs wolves, I’m going to kill him.
“Hi,” I say with a shaky voice, and an actual lineup of gorgeous women descend on Cori and me in perfect sync. Fuck me.
“You’ve got a shit-eating grin tonight, Sinclair. What’d you do?” Ares asks as we both take shots on goal during warm-ups.
“Do I?” When all else fails—deflect.
Guess it’s showtime. I shoot my shot and enjoy the way it sails right past our goalie, Easton’s, shoulder. We’ve got the best goddamned goalie in the league, so you gotta enjoy the shots when you can get ’em.
“You finally get laid, Leo?” Cross asks from my other side.
Fucking brothers-in-law are as bad as my brothers.
“Watch it,” I warn, and their faces morph from joking to holy shit.
“Dude. You finally popped your cherry?” Cross throws his arm around my shoulders, and I shove him off me with a grin.
“Yeah, old man. Guess I was holding out.”
“The fuck?” Nixon groans as he skates up next to us and sprays ice, like a dick. “Who’s the hot blonde in your jersey standing next to the penalty box, brother? And who’s the kid? Something finally catch up to you?”
“Dude, one of you thinks I’m a fumbling virgin, getting his first taste of pussy, and the other thinks I’m a whore with a kid he’s never met. Make up your mind, guys.” I grin, not at all pissed. Actually, I’m kind of enjoying their confusion because standing there next to the penalty box, holding Lennox, is Adelaide. She’s a vision in my jersey with my name on her. I want to bang my chest and make sure the entire arena knows she’s mine. Her and the girls.
Fuck . . . it’s like the weight of it all smacks me across the face with all its force.
Whether she wants to or not, she’s depending on me to do this for her, and there’s not a goddamned thing in the world that’s gonna stop me from making that woman my wife.
Ares grins like he always fucking does, and I know he just put it together. “Wait . . . You’re with the hot mom?”
My twin sisters move next to Addie behind the glass, and Everly calls out to Cross, while Adelaide’s cheeks grow red from the already-growing fascination. “You boys going to warm up or stand around and talk like a bunch of little girls?”
I look at the guys and decide now is as good a time as any.
I skate over to Adelaide in two quick strides and stop right in front of her. “Hey, sweetheart.”
Her chilled pink cheeks flush, and fuck . . . I want to see if that pretty red covers her whole body.
I move into the sin bin and lean over the side until I can press a kiss against Lennox’s Revolution-ribbon-covered head, then move my gloved hand to Addie’s head and pull her toward me with every intention of kissing her lips but move mine to her forehead at the last second.
One day, I’m going to kiss this woman, but the first time it happens will not be in front of an arena full of people for show.
She sags under my touch the smallest bit and leans into me, and damn . . . that one little movement shows more trust than most people ever convey. “Hi,” I whisper. “You doing okay?”
She nibbles her bottom lip and nods.
“My sisters behaving?” I ask, aware they’re watching the whole interaction with interest. I haven’t brought a woman around my family since high school. This should basically tell them all they need to know.
“Yes.” She smiles, and Lennox reaches for me.
“I can’t take you right now, baby girl. But I’ll be over tonight after the game,” I tell her.
“You will?” Adelaide whispers as she switches Lennox to her other arm and runs her hand down the front of my jersey. Damn.
I almost believe that move and the heat behind it.
It’s my turn to nod. “That okay?”
“Yes,” she whispers so quietly, I’m almost not sure I heard it.
“Ohhh . . .” Everly dramatically bellows. “Our baby boy is growing up.”
Adelaide drops my jersey as if burned by her words. “Have a good game, Leo.”
She turns away and walks back up the steps before Everly and Grace descend on me like locusts.
Everly smacks my arm. “Damn, Leo. So it’s like that with you two?”
“Don’t hit him,” Gracie scooches Everly out of the way. “I like her. I mean, I wasn’t expecting anyone to show up in your jersey, but we were talking in the suite. Molly talks about Izzy a lot.” My much more passive sister narrows her eyes on me. “How long have you been dating her mother?”
“Yeah, brother . . .” Nix joins our conversation, like he hadn’t been hanging back, listening to the whole thing already. “You haven’t mentioned her.”
“Sinclairs—” Coach Kane yells. “Sorry to interrupt this little powwow you’ve got going on, but if you’re done gossiping like a bunch of teenage girls, we’ve got a game to play. I’d love you to join us, if it’s not too much trouble.”
“Sorry, Coach,” Nix and I both answer and skate away.
Game on.
“Sinclair.” Coach stops me before I can get the hell out of the locker room after the game.
I’d usually follow a win over the Dallas Devils with a night out with some of the guys, but tonight, there’s only one person I want to talk to, and I’m not going to find her partying at West End. “Yeah, Coach?”
Unsurprisingly, Nix, Cross, Ares, and even Easton all crowd together to see what’s up. Coach Kane isn’t just our friend, he’s Everly and Grace’s best friend’s husband, and we’re all close. But inside this building, he’s in charge. When he says stop, you stop.
Coach smacks my back with the blue clipboard that’s permanently attached to his hand. “You played like a fucking beast out there, Sinclair. You keep it up, and you’re going to be setting a record this season.”
“That’s the plan,” I agree and flip the guys off behind Coach’s back as he walks away. “Later, shitheads.”
“Running off to your new woman, Leo?” Cross asks as I pocket my phone and keys from my locker.
“Who said she’s new?” I answer and shoulder my bag. “See you assholes tomorrow.”
Should I feel bad about lying to the guys?
Maybe I should.
But do I?
Fuck no.
Less than twenty minutes later, I pull into Addie’s driveway and park behind Mrs. Murkey’s ancient Caddie. Pretty sure that thing is older than me. First thing I’m doing is getting this woman a damn car. A safe one. A fucking big one I don’t have to worry about her driving. I smile, thinking about how feisty she’s going to be when I do it. She’s fucking cute when she’s pissy.
With more energy than I typically have after a game, I’m a man on a mission when I knock on her door and wait. Footsteps shuffle to the door before I catch her peeking through the glass and mumbling. And holy fucking hell . . . Addie opens the door tonight, instead of Coraline, and I think I just swallowed my damn tongue.
It’s freezing fucking cold outside, but she’s so damn hot, she could melt ice.
Short pink plaid boxers sit so high on her shapely thighs, the curve of her ass is peeking out. An ass I’m dying to hold in my hands. And a white, ribbed tank top clings to her chest. Fuck me, I think I’m going to hell. Because I was supposed to be coming here to calm her nerves, but all I can think about is how much I want this woman.
“Leo . . . ?” Confusion tugs at her brow when I don’t answer. “It’s freezing out. Come inside. It feels like the rainforest in here. I thought when the heater died, it would stop working, but apparently, it’s stuck on a temperature somewhere around tropical rainforest hot.”
“I’m good.” I shake myself out of the sex dream I think I’m having while I’m wide-awake. “Did you like the game?”
Smooth, Sinclair. Real smooth.
“Uhh . . . I guess so. Your family seems nice. And Izzy had a great time. Grace and I are going to get the girls together over Christmas break next week.” She crosses her arms, then looks at her cleavage and uncrosses them. “Unless you don’t want me to. I mean, if you changed your mind, I’d completely understand. You probably should . . . change your mind, I mean. This is all a little crazy. More than a little. A lot. A whole lot. Like insanely crazy. And seriously . . . what are you even getting out of it?”
Before she says another word, I gather her soft face in my hands and enjoy the sweet oh that forms on her lips. “What are you doing, Leo?”
I drag my thumb along her bottom lip and fucking love the way she closes her eyes. “Waiting for permission.”
“Permission for what?” she whispers, her warm breath turning to smoke in the cold air.
“To kiss my wife, Adelaide.”
She catches the pad of my thumb with the tip of her tongue, and my cock presses so fucking hard against the zipper of my jeans, I’m going to have a damn imprint when I get home later. “I’m not your wife yet, Leo. I don’t even know why you’d want me to be. There’s nothing in this for you.”
Her words aren’t harsh. They’re sad, and damn, if I don’t decide right here and now, I never want to see her sad again.
“Tell me yes, Addie,” I groan, holding on by a fucking thread. “Tell me yes, and I’ll tell you why.”
She runs the backs of her fingers over the scruff on my face, then wraps her hands around the collar of my wool peacoat and takes a tentative step closer.
I slide my hand to the back of her neck, and Addie’s pulse thrums beneath my fingertips.
The sweetest sigh slips past her lips, and I have to force myself to stay in control. “Fuck, I’m going to savor you.”
“Kiss me, Leo.”
Like a crack in a dam, I break behind the force of those three words. I brush my lips over hers, tasting her. Teasing her. Savoring her taste and devouring every sexy little breath that leaves her as she lets me back her into the house. I pick her up and spin us, so she’s pinned against the closed door.noveldrama
Addie clings to me, wrapping her legs around my waist and her hands around my neck. And damn, when I finally get my hands on her perfect fucking ass . . . shit.
I pull back but don’t put her down, and instead, I press my forehead against hers and enjoy the little whimper that leaves her throat at the loss of contact.
“Ask me why I’m doing this, wife.” I’m holding on by a thread, but I’m not sure she knows it.
“I’m not your wife yet, Leo.” She sounds hot and dazed and still so fucking feisty. “But I’ll bite. Why are you agreeing to this?”
My chest is heavy as I struggle with what I know we both want and what I know she’s ready for. And she’s not ready. Not yet.
“Because Adelaide . . .” I breathe her in and slow down. “The minute I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were everything. Somehow, I just knew it. And I knew you were supposed to be mine. You and those girls. But you were never going to let me prove it. This way, I can show you why.”
“But . . . why? That doesn’t even make sense.” She shakes her head but keeps her hands around my neck, holding me to her. “You don’t even know us.”
“I’m a Sinclair, sweetheart. I know everything I need to know.” I’m not sure I ever really understood it before, but I do now.
Dad always used to say, when you know, you just know, and there’s no stopping it. When I’d ask him what he meant, he’d tell me, we’re Sinclairs, we love hard, and we love fiercely. He’d say Sinclairs are scared of finding the right women. And when you find her, don’t let go.
Well, I’m not letting go.
Gently, I drop her feet to the floor and steady her against me. “I leave tomorrow afternoon for an away game the next day. I won’t be back until early Christmas morning. Do you have plans?”
Her eyes flash with something that looks a whole lot like fear. “Caitlin, Coraline, and I are taking the girls to volunteer at the soup kitchen that afternoon.”
“Can I come over that night? I could bring dinner with me. Maybe we could watch a Christmas movie.” She licks her lips, then drags her teeth over her pouty bottom lip, and I press down with my thumb, freeing it. Desperate to have it between my fucking teeth. “Say yes, Adelaide.”
Her eyes hold all her fear, right there at the surface, and it’s like taking a puck to the guts. Enough to knock the wind right out of you. Someone hurt her. Badly. And I’m going to make sure no one ever does it again.
“I’m not going to hurt you, Addie. Not you. Not your girls. If any of this is going to work, you have to trust me.”
“I don’t know if I’m capable of trusting again, Leo . . .” She closes her eyes for a moment, and when they open, there’s a fire there that was missing before. “But I think if I was ever going to try to trust someone, it would be you.”
I press my lips against her forehead. “That’s a start.”
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