Chapter 23
Chapter 23
My eyes wander around to find Daniel, my friend since I started studying here in Melbourne. As soon
as I see him heading towards me with a smile on his face; I begin to smile back at him.
''Man, it's been awhile. How are you?'' He asks.
Before I can answer, he continues to speak, ''Wait. Don't tell me. You're the prince of England who left
Australia in order to get married with the current princess, Emma. What a surprise,'' He adds.
Well, the truth is, I've never told anyone about my title or about anything that goes on in my country. It's
because I don't want them to know; I want to live the normal life where I'm able to blend in without them
treating me differently just because of my title.
''I'm sorry I didn't tell you,'' I reply.
''We were shocked at first. Hannah was shocked. You didn't tell us shit. We found out that the prince of
England was getting married so yeah, of course everyone would change the channel and watch.'' He
chuckles for a bit while I just smile at him.
''Guess what? We found you saying your vows. Imagine our faces. Holy crap,'' He adds.
''I don't find things like this were necessary, honestly. It's just that—I came here in order to live a normal
life so I didn't bother bringing my background with me,'' I say, trying to make him understand.
''No worries but you should've told Hannah,''
''Why should I?'' I ask, frowning in confusion.
Daniel looks back at me with a frown. ''I thought you and Hannah were dating? The times you two
spent together. There must've been something going on,'' He states, somehow saying the obvious.
Hannah and I have been hitting it off for the past few months before I left but I have never thought of
her more than just a friend—yes, we spent countless nights together that people would assume us
dating but both of us know better. I don't have feelings for her nor was I serious about our thing that we
It was for fun. She agreed too.
''We weren't dating. She knows that too,'' I reply before adding, ''We've been spending a lot of nights
together, yeah, that's true but there's nothing more than just being friends with benefits. I don't even
have feelings for her that way,'' I try to clear out any misunderstandings so that it'll be fine.
''I'm guessing she feels more than you think,'' He says. noveldrama
''Then, she should stop. I'm married. We're not going anywhere and whatever fling I had with her, I left
it all behind when I left here. Just tell her that,'' I say, looking down at my wrist watch for a few seconds.
Daniel chuckles, ''Okay, man. You hungry?''
We start to walk side by side as we head towards one of the restaurants here in the airport. As we eat,
we talk about what has been happening in life especially for him—what has been going on ever since
graduation because life has been great for me.
Once we're done eating, he drives me towards my apartment—where I used to stay when I was here.
''We're hanging out tonight. You should come. I'm pretty sure they all missed you too,'' He says, turning
to look at me—wanting to know if I'll be there or not.
''Sure, see you tonight.'' I answer, stepping out of the car after picking up my backpack and enter my
apartment; seeing that the things here haven't changed, obviously. Why would it change?
I look down at the floor as soon as I enter.
Letters. Letters scattered on the floor. As I close the door behind me, I crouch to pick up the letter
before placing them all on the kitchen island; sighing.
With another sigh, I drop my bag onto the couch before slowly heading towards my bedroom; dropping
myself onto my bed—immediately closing my eyes in tiredness. The amount of fatigue I feel is just
As I look up at the ceiling, I am reminded of the memories when I was here in Melbourne. Memories
with my friends, they were all good times but I have left some of it behind; in order to start fresh.
I turn my body to the other side, staring at the painting on the wall before closing my eyes again;
images of Emma come into my head immediately. Truth be told, she's perfect. Beautifully perfect.
Right now, I miss her more than anything.
If only I could bring her with me here but I couldn't. Yes, I have to settle about my education here at the
university but I also have to settle things nicely with my friends and I don't want her to get in between.
I want to get back home with everything settled.
Then, I wouldn't be bothered by my past life here.
Without me realising, I have already fallen asleep just by thinking about her; mixing with the amount of
fatigue that I feel due to my flight from London and straight to Melbourne—one hell of a flight.
My eyes open wide as I hear the doorbell ring.
Within seconds, I find myself grabbing onto my phone near my head and see that it's already six in the
evening; I've fallen asleep for three hours. Just like that, I sit up straight before heading towards the
door; wanting to see who's at the door right now.
I pull the door open to find Hannah, smiling at me.
''Hey. Daniel told us that you're back,'' She says.
It takes me a few seconds to respond but I smile back at her slightly, knowing that she's my friend.
''Yeah. You didn't have to come here though because I'll be there tonight to meet you guys,'' I reply.
She nods her head before glancing at my fingers.
It doesn't take me long to realise that she's looking at my wedding band—which is obvious but I don't
bother to pull my hand away from the door, just letting her see the ring so that it'll clear things out.
''I just wanted to come and pick you up,'' She says.
I stay still only looking into her eyes before pulling the door open a little, enough for her to walk in
I stay still only looking into her eyes before pulling the door open a little, enough for her to walk in. Her
lips are curving up into a smile as she stands in the middle of the living room as I close the door behind
''I'll just get ready,'' I say, entering my bedroom.
After taking washing my face and fixing my hair so that I'll at least look presentable, I head towards my
walk-in closet to change into a shirt and a leather jacket before changing into a different pair of jeans.
Once I'm done, I step out of the bedroom with my phone in my hand as she just sits on the couch;
waiting for me to get ready—then, she smiles.
We both look at each other before I break the gaze, ''Right. Let's go,'' I say before heading towards the
front door and waiting for her to exit which doesn't really take me long—then, I close the door.
We enter the car and she starts to drive down the road after glancing at my direction for a few seconds.
My eyes are only focusing down the road; not really bothered to turn and look at her. Yes, we're friends
but I can't let her think that we're still the same.
We're friends and nothing more now. Just friends.
''You know, you left without telling anyone. Then, one day we found out that you're actually a royalty;
who is now married. You should've told us,'' She breaks the silence between us as she continues to
''There was nothing to tell, Hannah.'' I look at her.
''Nothing? There was something to tell! I mean, yeah, great timing because you left after graduation but
you couldn't just leave us like we were never your friends in the very beginning. Especially me,'' She
''Especially you?'' I raise an eyebrow at her before turning to look at her so that I'll get a better view,
''Hannah. We're still friends and I know that we've been treating each other differently before I left and I
know how I must've been leading you on but I didn't and don't have feelings for you. Not more than just
a friend because I didn't want a serious relationship,''
''Yeah. Sure. Now you're married,'' She looks away.
''That's my choice,'' I reply after sighing deeply.
''What we used to have, I want you to forget about it. We didn't have any special relationships and I
want you to keep that in mind—I don't want to lose you as my friend and the only reason I came back
here is to settle things about my degree and settle things with you guys so that we can still stay the
same,'' I add.
She presses onto the brakes and I turn to see that we are already here which makes me step out of the
car immediately; not liking the tension between us.
As soon as I enter the bar, I start to see my group of friends; friends that I used to have a lot of fun with.
The type of friends that would really risk something in order to achieve another—that's who they are.
''Yo, Emery!'' I smile widely as they call out for me.
''It's been awhile. Glad you're back,'' They say once I'm close enough while I just respond to their
handshakes and wave at them; we're not like a small group of friends but actually a big one.
''Emery, can we talk for awhile?'' Cole, Hannah's brother grabs me onto my arm and I nod in respond;
knowing that he has something to say.
We walk towards the nearest corner where they're no one here so it's a little private. I turn to look at
him, seeing that he's currently eyeing our friends. Cole and I have been quite close since we first met in
our first semester—ever since then, we hang out a lot.
''Look, I'm glad you're back and all but would you help me out a little bit? It's my sister,'' He frowns.
''I don't know how many times I'm supposed to say this, Cole but your sister and I had nothing even
before I left. Yeah, we had a few things going on. People would assume that we're a couple but there
clearly was nothing going on,'' I reply, answering truthfully so that he can understand even more.
''She has feelings for you,'' He interrupts.
''I didn't know that. Look, before things between us started to get a little bit steamy or sexual, I told her
that we would never have a serious relationship other than being friends. She was okay with it, how
can you blame me on this?'' I let out a deep sigh.
''I don't blame you, man. I know how girls are with this kind of things—my sister is no different,'' He
says before turning to look at the doors. Within seconds, I am already following his gaze; seeing
She heads straight towards our group of friends as they all smile widely before pulling her in for a hug.
''Whatever it is, just tell her and make her understand because I don't want her to think of us differently.
I'm married and I'm happy, that's all you need to know.'' I say before heading back towards Daniel and
the other guys where they are busy enjoying their drinks.
Hannah turns to look at me while I look away.
''How are you, Your Highness?'' Finn, a close friend of Cole and I begin to joke around while the others
laugh before turning to look at me with a smile.
''I'm fine and don't call me that,'' I laugh.
''Our friend, Emery, here is already two steps ahead of us. He got himself a degree, hopped his ass
back to London and got married to a beautiful woman. He's already winning in life,'' Daniel says and
the others agree on his statement—I agree on the part that I married a beautiful woman, that's not a lie.
I turn to look at Hannah who has been glancing.
''Let's just enjoy our night!'' Winston shouts and each one of us begin to cheer loudly; which earns
almost everyone's attention here in the bar.
The night goes on smoothly with me enjoying my drink, something, light but enough to make me less
sober yet I don't tend to drink anything heavy.
I run my fingers through my hair before looking up at Hannah who has kept herself busy by talking to
the girls but I can't help but notice her looking at me. She would be talking to them but her eyes are on
''Your sister needs to stop looking,'' I say before taking a sip of my beer; not really being comfortable.
''Just ignore her. She'll get it over with,'' Cole replies, drinking his own before laughing to some stupid
jokes that Finn makes with Daniel.
For some reason, I feel like I'm too old for this. Well, old doesn't really fit the category but I feel like I
don't have time to enjoy myself in a bar with my group of friends because my mind is constantly
reminded of home. Of Emma and of everything about her.
I used to love hanging out with them and just waste our time by having endless shots or being drunk
almost every time after our hardcore tests end but now, I feel like this is not getting me anywhere.
Right now, the four of us are playing snooker while the others are still busy enjoying their drinks. I look
at the balls—frowning afterwards, ''How are you guys?'' I ask after realising that I haven't asked about
Finn looks at me, ''You okay, man?''
''Yeah, it's just that I want to know what you guys are doing since we've graduated. I want to know
where you guys are heading,'' I shrug, looking at them.
''Finn's going to Boston,'' Daniel answers.
''Really? That's great. When?'' I ask.
''In three weeks. I'm going to work with my cousin, he owns a company there. Besides, I've always
wanted to go to Boston so it's an opportunity,'' He replies.
''Well, I'm going to continue my studies. Going to get a second degree—it's what I feel like doing,'' Cole
answers before drinking his beer.
''What about you, man? Got anything?'' I refer to Daniel who immediately laughs at my question which I
don't find funny; not even a little bit.
''I'm staying here and going to apply for an interview at Joe's, always wanted to work in an office.'' He
says as he runs his fingers through his hair—sighing afterwards before glancing back at me.
My lips are curving up into a smile at them.
''We pretty much know you're going to rule your country but what else do you have in mind?''
''I have a country to take care of and a company to handle. It's only a matter of time,'' I reply and just
seconds before they can say anything, my phone starts to ring which makes me turn to look at the
Evelyn. Why would she call me out of the blue?
I slide to answer the call before heading towards the other side where they won't be able to hear
anything. ''Hey, you landed in Melbourne? Just wanted to call and make sure that you stay out of
trouble,'' She says through the other line which makes me laugh.
''Of course, doing your job as a big sister.'' I reply.
She chuckles before staying quiet for a few seconds, ''Uh, what is Emma doing? Is she doing alright?''
''You've been gone for twenty-four hours so she's still functioning well. We don't know if she starts to
miss you more in the next hours,'' She replies.
Before I can answer, Cole calls out for my name.
''Let me guess. You're out getting drunk and having fun just like how you used to be,'' She mutters in
which I just deny with a groan; of course not.
''I'm just meeting my friends. I got to go, I'll call you when I'm free. Take care of Emma,'' With that, I end
the call before heading towards them—seeing that they are having endless shots before cheering.
Things are going to get a little wild tonight.
Hours have passed and most of them are already drunk enough to not remember their own name.
To my surprise, Hannah begins to sit next to me, both of her eyes are looking straight into mine—
realising that she's also drunk. I let out a deep sigh, trying to slowly push her hands away from being all
over me.
''Don't do this. Just don't,'' I say, standing up.
''Emery, wait!'' Then, all of a sudden, I hear her stumble onto the ground which causes me to let out
another sigh before glancing at her brother who is currently making out with his girlfriend.
Just this once. Never going to happen again.
''Come on, I'll take you home.'' I say, picking her up bridal style before heading towards her car and
seeing that she's busy eyeing my whole feature as I place her in the back seat—not bothered to pay
more attention.
Before I can enter the car, she begins to step out and pull me by the arm which causes me to frown at
her in disagreement, ''What is wrong with you?'' I ask.
Without me expecting, she immediately cups me on the face before kissing me on the lips;
passionately slow and almost rough enough to show her true feelings in order for me to see but I don't.
I push her away a bit too harsh but it doesn't matter right now—she needs to know her limits and she
have to understand how things are no longer the same.
''Hannah, what the hell are you thinking? Stop trying to make a fool out of you! You need to stop trying
to earn my attention because you're not getting any,'' I say out of anger while I look into her eyes. They
are a little bit teary but I have to say the truth.
''I'm married. Get that in your head. I'm sorry if I'm only hurting you more but you need to know that I
am no longer there for you. We are no longer the same. I don't have feelings for you because I love
someone else. I love my wife. Please respect that,'' I add.
Tears are streaming down her cheeks, endlessly.
Just like that, I begin to walk down the road; leaving her there outside of the bar because I'm only doing
this for myself—I don't want her to think that I'm still letting her act like that because I don't.
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