Elias’ Crimes and Punishments of Romance

Chapter 173

Chapter 173

Chapter 173 Mommy, Uncle Elias Is Bleeding

As the first light of dawn painted the sky the next day. Elias found himself unable to sleep, keeping a vigilant watch throughout the night. Yvonne’s mom emerged from her neighboring tent, awakening to the sight of him sitting beside the extinguished campfire.

“Hey, Mr. Winters. Why are you up so early? Did you not get any rest?” she inquired with genuine concern. Having received Elias’ assistance in setting up her tent the previous day, she felt a sense of gratitude toward him.

He looked up at the sound of her voice, his countenance unchanged, and responded calmly, “I couldn’t sleep. Oh. There might be serpents, ants, mosquitoes, and insects lurking about during the night. I suggest you exercise caution and ensure the tent is securely zipped.”

“Really? This location was selected by the kindergarten, so I presumed there wouldn’t be any creatures of that nature…” She suddenly became anxious.

Just then, Amanda awakened and unzipped her tent, catching sight of Elias engrossed in conversation with Yvonne’s mother. Her eyes filled with disdain as she muttered, “Flirting so early in the morning and behaving like a peacock flaunting its feathers. Heartless man…

Yvonne’s mother was the first to notice Amanda’s presence and courteously nodded and greeted fier, “Good morning.”

“Good morning,” she replied, maintaining a vencer of politeness, although she felt a tinge of displeasure.

She responded with a sweet smile and stepped out of her tent.

“I must say, you are truly fortunate. Your husband remained outside all night to protect you and the children from snakes, ants, and mosquitoes, Yvonne’s mother remarked, finally understanding why Elias had forsaken sleep. He had done so to ensure the safety and peace of mind of his wife and child, a realization that stirred a sense of envy within her as a single mother.

Amanda paused, comprehending Yvonne’s mother’s sentiment, and cast a glance at the faint dark circles beneath Elias’ eyes. With a smile, she uttered a heartfelt thank you.

Yvonne’s mother proceeded to fetch water for their morning ablutions while Amanda turned her gaze toward Elias, weariness etched on her face. “How do you plan to accompany the children on the mountain in this condition? Rest in the tent for a while, and I can take Aiden climbing instead.”

Her concern centered mainly around the snake bite on Elias’ ankle. Even if the snake had not been venomous, the wound must still have been painful. Hiking with only one fully functional leg would undoubtedly be arduous.

However, he furrowed his brow and replied, “No, I must accompany you.”

The ascent up the mountain held its dangers, and should an unforeseen event occur, he needed to be by their side at all times. He could not afford to be absent once again.

“Are you sure your injury will permit hiking?” She glanced at his wounded ankle.

“It’s nothing serious. It has already scabbed over. I tended to it last night. Just a minor inconvenience,” he assured her.

“Suit yourself,” she relented. She contemplated saying more but thought better of it, choosing to turn and collect water, preparing to rouse Aiden.

As Amanda walked away, Elias cast a downward gaze at his injured ankle. In truth, the snake had delivered a rather deep bite, and he had not properly tended to the wound.

Yet, he was determined to accompany her and Aiden on their mountain trek.

After breakfast, the kindergarten organized a hiking trip for everyone. As they were all children, the trail they followed was not perilous, allowing them to enjoy a gentle immersion in nature. With Elias’ injured. ankle, each step he took felt like treading on a knife’s edge. Nevertheless, he silently trailed behind. Amanda and Aiden. NôvelDrama.Org content.

“Mommy, look! A butterfly! It’s so beautiful!” Aiden exclaimed, pointing at a delicate blue butterfly gracefully fluttering through the air.

She followed the direction indicated by her son’s tiny hand and spotted the marvelous creature. It had been quite some time since she had last seen such beauty.

Meanwhile, Elias settled on a nearby boulder, maintaining an outward appearance of tranquility. However, his wound had reopened slightly due to the strain of walking, and fresh blood began to trickle forth.

Aiden turned back to him, brimming with happiness, and pleaded, “Uncle Elias, catch the butterfly for me! I want to catch one too!”

Just as he was about to rise and fulfill the child’s request. Aiden’s innocent eyes caught sight of the blood staining Elias’ ankle, a few droplets marking the ground.

The kid was startled by the sight, fear gripping his heart as his adorable voice tinged with panic. “Mommy,” Uncle Elias is bleeding! It’s blood…”

Amanda instinctively looked toward Elias’ ankle and witnessed the seeping blood, which left its mark on the ground. Worry instantly took hold of her. Is the wound reopened?

Elias stood up, his tall figure and large hand gently patting his son’s head to comfort him. “It’s fine. I accidentally scraped it just now.”

“Does it hurt?” Aiden asked, tilting his head.

“Not at all. Men shouldn’t cry out in pain.

Amanda retorted coldly, “Can you not instill such thoughts in him? What do you mean men shouldn’t cry out in pain? Are men not human? Pain is pain.

He remained silent.

She crouched and patiently explained to her son, “Aiden, Uncle Elias hurt his foot. Let’s go back to the city and take him to the hospital to have the wound treated, alright? We can go camping again when we get another chance, okay?”

Although Aiden initially resisted, the sight of bloodstains on the ground softened his heart, and he obediently nodded.

“Good boy. Next time, we’ll take you to an even more exciting camping spot, and you can even try fishing.” she assured, hugging her son. Once again, she was moved by his thoughtfulness.

She could tell he did not want to leave, but seeing Elias bleeding scared him.

Thus, she informed the teacher before they left early, returning to the city.

Upon arriving at the hospital, a sense of relief washed over Amanda as the doctor tended to Elias’ wound, assuring her that it was not a severe issue.

“The wound became infected due to delayed treatment, likely from bacteria in the wilderness. There’s some pus, but now that we have treated the wound, all you need is to rest and avoid excessive walking. Remember not to consume seafood or alcohol…” The doctor provided instructions while Amanda. attentively jotted down notes.

However, Elias appeared indifferent as he played with Aiden, their bond resembling that of a loving father and son, especially due to their striking resemblance.

“Alright, let’s go home and rest. Did you hear what the doctor said? Don’t exert yourself, and take it easy. Otherwise, the wound may reopen,” Amanda nagged, her concern evident.

Yet, he merely responded with a faint hum..

Just as she was about to send him home, the sound of Howard shuffling with a cane reached their ears, emanating from the corridor. “You mischievous rascal, what trouble have you gotten into now? Did a snake bite you again?” he bellowed as he entered the room, but his expression swiftly changed upon catching sight of Amanda and Aiden.

“Oh, Amanda, you’re here too! Oh my, my adorable great-grandson is here as well,” he exclaimed, a wide smile spreading across his face. He approached, gently clasping the chubby little hand of the child, unable to resist the affection that welled up within him.

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