Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 44

Unice’s PoV

When Tom and I were going home on his big bike, I told him we didn’t need to go to Ace Company because I would just be disrupting his work. I decided to go home early even though I wanted to go somewhere else. I need to be careful next time about what happened earlier.

“I’m sorry I didn’t secure or even check the café; I’m not sure how he found you,” Tom said as we drove home.

“It’s all right. It’s not your fault; it’s my responsibility to be more cautious the next time.” I replied, and we arrived at Ace House.

“I beg you not to tell Ace the truth about what happened today; if he finds out, I will cover up for you and handle the rest,” I said and took off my helmet.

“I’ll tell him that you and your friend are just talking, and then you go home,” Tom said, and I nodded.

“Thank you very much! Will you remain here to protect me?” I inquired of him.

“Yes, that’s what the boss told me to do,” Tom replied, and I simply nodded before he handed me the duplicate key for the house.

I opened the door and returned the duplicate key to him. I went inside and went to the kitchen first to drink some water. I picked up my phone after drinking water and saw a text message from Ace.

From: Ace

Did you have fun going outside? Where are you now?

To: Ace

I’m home now, and I just talked to my friend, Zoey, who I told you about.

From Ace:

Why did you go home so early? You don’t want to be outside? Or would you just like me to accompany you when you go out?

To: Ace

I remember it’s still dangerous without you, and even though you sent Tom here to protect and guard me, I need to be cautious.

From: Ace

You’re right; if I have time, let’s go on another date.

Ace’s last text I didn’t respond; I sighed and set the glass down after drinking water. I washed the glass and then went to my room to change my clothes.

After changing my clothes, I decided to watch a movie because I had nothing else to do. I went to the living room, turned on the LCD TV, and then set it to Lulu Movies. I discovered this on social media, and it’s brand new. It already has many movies and a series.

I looked for something to watch, and after deciding what to watch, I decided to watch ‘The Big,’ a fantasy film that I think will be interesting as I begin to watch it. My eyes began to weaken after a few hours.

I awoke unaware that I had fallen asleep, and I noticed that the movie I was watching had already ended. I looked outside, and there was still light. It’s 3 p. m., according to the wall clock. I was surprised to see that, especially since I hadn’t eaten lunch yet.

I got out of my seat and went to the kitchen to look for something to eat when I remembered Tom. Was he still outside? Has he eaten yet? I looked out and saw him smoking. I wanted to ask if he had eaten lunch.

When I approached the door and opened it, he stood up and looked at me while smoking his cigarette.

“Do you require anything, Miss Unice?” He inquired.NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

“Did you eat lunch yet?” I inquired.

“I didn’t because I was waiting for your signal to invite me,” Tom explained, making me laugh.

“I dozed off. I’m sorry, but I’ll cook something for you; can you wait?” I inquired of him.

“I can wait, and the boss texted me that he will buy dinner for you two,” Tom advised, and I simply nodded; there are so many foods to prepare, why would he even go out to buy food?

“I’ll cook now,” I said as I returned inside the house and went to the kitchen to cook.

I opened the fridge and saw the packed whole chicken, but I was thinking about eating garlic fried rice. I made garlic fried rice as I began preparing the ingredients. I started by cooking rice, then I prepared garlic, and finally, I minced the garlic.

After mincing the garlic, I waited fifteen minutes for the rice to cook. After a few minutes of waiting, I began cooking garlic fried rice. After a few minutes, I finished cooking and selected two plates to serve Tom the food that I had prepared.

I took a pitcher of water from the fridge, went outside, and saw Tom on his phone, so I gave him the plate and bottle of water.

“Are you going to be fine eating outside?” I inquired of him.

“It’s fine,” Tom said, and I nodded before returning inside.

While eating, I go to the kitchen where the dining table is and sit down before beginning to eat; while eating, I check my phone, and there is no text from Ace. I believe I should work as well to avoid boredom.

I’ll tell Ace if he gets home tonight that after I finish eating, I wash the plate, glass, fork, and spoon. After that, I went to Ace Room and opened the air conditioner before sitting in the gaming chair he had. When I opened the computer and saw the entered password, I was surprised because I didn’t know his password.

I put in the date we met, and I was shocked when it opened; I couldn’t believe he had set that as a password on his computer.

Starting to browse a game and noticed he had a game, but I think he had a level there, so I couldn’t play it.

“It’s still boring after playing in the browser; they have an addictive game, but it’s still boring,” I murmured to myself as I picked up my phone. I made the decision to call Ace.

His phone had been ringing for a long time, and I assumed he wasn’t hearing it; perhaps he was talking to someone; I didn’t hang up, and he answered it in a few seconds, and I listened to his voice.

[How did you get my number?]Ace asked as he finally picked up his phone.

“I’m bored here; I miss you already,” I told him as I turned on the loudspeaker.

[I also miss you; when I get home, we can have sex in the bathroom if you want.] I was taken aback when he said that.

“Okay, I’m fine with that, but you’re tired from work. Is that okay?” When I asked him, I heard him groan.

[It’s okay, I’m strong, and I have a lot of energy,] he said, but I think he’s busy right now.

“What are you doing right?” I inquired.

[I’m masturbating because I heard your cute voice.] That shocked me.

“Are you insane? Are you alone in your office when you do that?” When I asked him, I heard him laugh.

[I’m always alone in my office; I don’t have a secretary because I can handle everything on my own; let me finish masturbating, and can you moan for me?] Ace said, and I took a deep breath.

I moaned, and I heard him groan, and I heard him breathe, and it appeared that he had finished masturbating.

[Now that I’ve finished masturbating, will you tell me something?] Ace inquired.

“I’m not going to tell you anything. Bye, go back to your work. You just masturbated in the middle of our conversation,” I chuckled as I hung up the phone, pouted, and shut the computer.

I stood up from my seat in the gaming chair. I was laying down on the bed, using my phone, when I noticed Zoey posting something. It was the muffin and cappuccino I had previously ordered for her.

I began to wonder how Edward discovered my location. Is there someone following Tom and me when we go out? I know Ace would be upset if I told him about this, but I need to keep it from him.


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