Chosen By The Moon

Chapter 0198

Chapter 0198

Dylan POV

"In that case, we will need to start building your strength up." V much to my surprise actually and looked me in the eye before speaking.

"First things first is you'll need to meet the alpha!" The alpha? The alpha of what? Of where? I'd just escaped the alpha king and now I was being forced to meet with yet another Lycan who thinks he's in charge of things.

"What do you mean the alpha?" It was only then that my mind had started to turn. The Lycan that stood beside V had a thick western accent, which meant she must have been from around here. If the weapons were bought here before going to the actual rebellion then the base mustn't be too far.

Actually come to think about it, I don't think I've ever seen a shifted wolf inside this community, the wolfsbane covering the entrance must make it difficult for the lycans to shift. If that was the case, then they must be going elsewhere... the guns, the trucks, the smuggled items had to have come from somewhere... Not a single simple human could manage the gathering of such items, not without the help of a wolf, and it would have had to be a higher ranking wolf at that.

"It's a pack!" I stated before I could stop the words coming out of my lips. "The base of the rebellion, is a pack!" Everything suddenly began to make sense, I also quickly came to understand why I was bought here in the first place instead of the pack, V was right, after everything maybe my mind wouldn't have coped.

"Every item that was ever smuggled, came from a pack... I'm right aren't I?" I was right, I couldn't understand why I never figured it out sooner.

"There's no way my father would have been able to help start the smuggling trade without the aid of the local pack. It was only the extra milk tokens that came from you." Victorias words shot through

me like a brick. How had I not clicked on to the fact that I had been in contact with Carlos, long before we met in the palace dungeons. "Trina will speak to her mate tonight and report back. Hopefully we can transport you safely to the pack tomorrow. Personally however, I think you are much safer here." My head shot to the woman beside V and my mouth opened ever so slightly out of shock.

"I wouldn't have guessed you were a Luna." Ooop, if I’d have said that back in my old district, that would have been a sound lashing, I just knew it. NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

"Oh yes, I help my mate with everything work related. Although, I think you'll find I do much more fieldwork than Gilliard." She chuckled and instantly I could see the love swimming around within the depth of her brown orbs. This alpha had a very loyal Luna.

"Well then, Luna, I'll make arrangements to visit the pack often, but will remain here for the majority of the time. I can possibly learn under a lycans tutelage, but there's no way in hell after everything that's happened that I would be able to sleep there." There we're multiple nods of agreement and I sighed, finally knowing that the wheels were starting to turn.

It had been a long time coming, and if I was being taught by an actual Lycan I suppose I could guarantee I'll get stronger, and hopefully I will get stronger fast.

"You need not call me Luna, your grace, I am simply Trina to you. In fact it's truly an honor to meet such a strong and courageous young lady." If my head got any bigger than it already had done, then it truly would explode. Everyone really was being far too nice. It just didn't feel like I deserved it. I had done nothing to invoke such loyalty.

I slowly walked away from the scene that had just occurred and took in the scenery around me. Birds chirped musically and the sun rested on my face. It was yet another lovely day, so why did I still feel so weighted?

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