Bye, My Irresistible Love

Chapter 297: She Came Here

Chapter 297: She Came Here 

Charles's POV:

"Charles, I just saw Scarlett.She's in this hospital right now.She took the elevator to the tenth floor."

Hearing this, I instantly sprang up from bed.I took a deep breath, willing myself to calm down.

Scarlett was here! She came here! But...the tenth floor? That wasn't where I was.

Hadn't she come to see me? A sense of loss surged up in my heart, but the next moment, I was drowned in worry.Why had she come to the hospital? Was she hurt? Had she not yet recovered from her leg injury? The image of her bloodstained legs flashed in my mind.

I shook my head, jumped out of bed, and yanked out the infusion needle.I ran to the tenth floor, and by the time I got there, I was out of breath.

Spencer rushed over to me.

"Where is she?"

"I have no idea."

We looked around but didn't find any signs of Scarlett.

In the end, Spencer decided to ask the receptionist.

"Hello, have you seen two women come up just now?"

"No, sir.I'm sorry.Several women had passed by here.Who are you looking for?" the receptionist answered, eyeing the women standing nearby.

Spencer followed her gaze.

"Not those women.The one we're looking for is very beautiful," he blurted out with a serious look on his face.

The women nearby heard him and flashed him a hostile look.I felt so embarrassed for him that I wanted to disappear.

But despite our efforts, we weren't able to find Scarlett.

"I'm sorry I lost her, Charles," Spencer apologized.

"Are you sure you saw her? Maybe it wasn't her that you saw." I said that not only to comfort my friend but also to comfort myself.

"No, I'm sure it was her.I really saw her.I followed her all the way from William's villa.Although she has lost a lot of weight, her behavior is still the same.I'd recognize her anywhere.Also, Tracy was with her.It had to be Scarlett."

Hearing Spencer's words, I felt my heart break into a million pieces.I walked toward the elevator with my head down.

"Let's just go back."

Scarlett's POV:

It was pitch black outside.

The rain was pouring violently and accompanied by howling winds.

A typhoon was coming.

I was sitting in a hospital lobby, waiting for my X-ray results to come back.

My phone suddenly rang, shattering the deafening silence.

William was calling.

"Hello, William."

"Are you on your way home yet, Scarlett? There's a typhoon coming.Please come home as soon as you can.The kids are waiting for you."

"Okay, I will."

After hanging up the phone, I looked at the quiet corridor and felt gloom settle in my heart.

Soon, Tracy came over with my report.

"I got the results, Scarlett.Let's go."

On our way back to the villa, we happened to pass by the seaside.I saw a group of people anxiously fumbling with all kinds of filming equipment under the torrential rain.

They must be reporters or journalists.

Only they would be required to work in such bad weather conditions.

A strong gust of wind blew, and a nearby billboard snapped out of its bolts, soared into the sky, and then fell on one of the media people.I could only scream.

"Stop the car!"

Tracy pulled over immediately and turned to look at me in confusion, "What is it, Scarlett? We can't stay here.It's dangerous.We have to keep going back to the villa."

"Someone's hurt.I have to go help."

Despite Tracy's dissuasion, I got out of the car and ran toward the reporters.None of them were hurt too badly, but one of them did sustain a wound to the leg that was bleeding profusely.

"You're losing too much blood.We need to get you to a hospital," someone exclaimed.

"But I have to do a live broadcast."

"Tell the TV station to send someone else to take your place."

"It's too late.The live broadcast is about to begin."

Chaos ensued all around us.

I overheard their discussion and asked tentatively, "What if I do the live broadcast for you?" Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Charles's POV:

Because of the wind and rain, it was a bit difficult to see the face of the reporter on TV.

But even if the picture was distorted, I could still tell that it was Scarlett.

Her face was pale, and even though the raincoat she was wearing practically swallowed her, it did very little to protect her from the harsh weather.

She was drenched like a wildflower in a storm, but she was still reporting what was happening around her like the excellent reporter that she was.

"Is that Scarlett?"

Spencer pointed at the TV excitedly.I ignored him and just stared at the screen.I hadn't seen Scarlett for a year.

She seemed to be thinner, and she looked so weak and fragile.

Damn! Didn't William take good care of her?

"Look at her, Charles! Do you think Scarlett really has lost her memory? I bet William's just playing us."

Spencer spoke in an exciting voice.

But I wasn't able to process what he just said.I was too busy staring at the brave woman on my TV screen.

Something that resembled hope sparked in my heart, and it produced a single ember that started a wildfire inside of me.

Scarlett still remembered how much she loved her career.

If that was the case, would she remember how much she loved me? I half-smiled at the idea, and the fire inside me just grew and grew.The typhoon came and went quickly.

I was worried about Scarlett, so I invited Tracy to Swarms of Stars.

"Hey, boss." I looked up at her.

She didn't change much in the past year.She was still so formal and cautious in front of me.

"Am I still your boss?"

Tracy lowered her head and didn't answer.

"Does Scarlett know that you're here to see me?"

Tracy looked up at me and pressed her lips together in a thin line.

She bit her lip and replied, "No, she doesn't."

I stood up and walked to the window.

Looking at the scenery outside, I couldn't help sighing.

"Is she all right?"

"She has almost recovered.We went to the hospital yesterday for a reexamination.The doctor said that she was on the right track to full recuperation and that she would be fine as long as she followed up every six months."

Hearing this, I felt relieved.

"Has she mentioned me during the past year?"

I looked forward to Tracy's answer like a child yearning for some sweet treats.

"No, she hasn't,"

Tracy muttered, keeping her head down.I was stunned for a moment, but I decided that I wasn't hurt by her reply.I turned around, approached her slowly, and stared at her.

"Look at-me, Tracy."

Hearing this, Tracy raised her head and looked at me timidly.

"William said that Scarlett had lost her memory.Is that true?"

Tracy took one step back and nodded.

"Ye-yes, that's um...that's true.Scarlett really has lost her memory."

Then, she lowered her head and nervously continued, "Scarlett and William have been together for a year now, and they're new parents to the twins.Scarlett seems happy and content."

I didn't say anything.I just looked at Tracy.

Her words might say one thing, but the nervous look on her face told an entirely different story.

Even though she assured me again and again that Scarlett was with William, my intuition told me that she was lying.

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