Blood And Silver:Rise of the Alpha’s Rejected Mate

Chapter 56

Chapter 56 DANE I burst through after her and the strange , massive monster that seemed to be made of slime like shadows that could coil and grab .

Wed come this far .

I wasnt going to let her go now .

She had jumped in front of me .

Saved me .

Why ? Fucking why ? It didnt matter .

All that mattered was that she had , and now I had to get her back .

Whatever this beast was , it was huge .

I couldnt kill it alone .

But I didnt have to kill it .

I just had to save Aurora .

I clawed at the creature , gritting my teeth against the cold .

It screamed and deep red ooze gushed from its side .

Using my claws , I climbed over its writing coils , using every ounce of my wolf sight to search for her .

I finally spotted her .

Her face was pale and drawn with pain .

Her eyes fell on me , and she gasped out , You have to get out of here .

Her words took me by surprise .

What ? The shadows want you .

Your family … Chapter 56 Iler words were cut off as the creature shifted and roiled , dragging her deeper into the tunnels beneath the house .

Alpha ! Archer was at my side , then Trajan .

2/5 We have to get her out , I said .

Get in front of it .

Slow it down .

Get her out .

Thats all that matters .

They leapt away from me and attacked .

The monster roiled and churned .

I never saw any kind of head to attack , so I just kept trying to get to Aurora , using tooth and claw and whatever else I could .

Finally , after what seemed like forever , I reached her .

She had passed out .

The monster tried to wrench her away from me again , but I wasnt going to let that happen .

I clawed down into its coils , wrapped my arms around her , and pulled .

Inch by inch , she slid free .

I gathered her in my arms , crouched , and leaped free of the mass of shadows .

Ive got her ! I called .

I waited just long enough to see if they were alive , then I ran .

It tried to follow , but as Aurora jostled in my arms , the pendant that I thought she was supposed to give Evelyn fell free from where it had been tucked beneath her shirt .

It flashed bright , lighting the room with a white blue light .

Chapter 56 3/5 The monster screamed .

Suddenly , it wasnt chasing us anymore .

It was retreating .

I didnt know what the hell had happened , and I didnt care .

I just knew I had a chance to run , so I took it .

***** We found a way up and out of the house .

Aurora was still in my arms , but she was limp .

I crouched and brushed hair away from her face .

I still wore my lycan form , and my hands were massive claws against her pale , delicate skin .

Let me see her , Trajan barked , striding over .

Archer jumped in front of us .

Get .

Back .

The Alpha has her .

Like he had her during those years they were married ? he matched Archers snarl with his own .

Let go of her , Montague .

You never cared for her when you had her .

You have a fiancé .

You dont get to start now .

Theres no time for this , I snapped .

Get me some light .

I shrank down into my human form and ripped open the front of Auroras shirt .noveldrama

The shadows had stung her the way they had my grandfather .

Id seen it .

Darkness would be spreading from the injury , poisoning her veins .

We had to get her to Evelyn .

Only she could stop it .

Chapter 56 4/5 Light flashed on .

Trajan knelt across from me .

He had Auroras phone in his hand , the flashlight on .

The wound was there , to the right of her heart .

The creature had missed it by inches .

The dark , sickly coloring was already around the wound , spreading through her veins .

All because it had been aiming for me , and shed stopped it .

I couldnt stop my own voice from screaming why inside my head over and over and over again .

She was injured .

Maybe dying .

We were too far from a car , too far from any kind of help this far into the wilderness .

If I ran , it would still be forty minutes or more before I could get her to Evelyn , to pack healers , let alone the nearest hospital or witch who would treat shifters .

Except ….

Trajan , shine the light here .

He shifted so I could see , and I bent closer .

Aurora was wearing the necklace she was supposed to give Evelyn .

The silvery pearl meant for the goddesss chosen .

It hung near the place the creature had gotten her … and where the pearl sat , there was no sickness spreading through her .

I touched the pearl , shifting it closer to the wound .

The spreading black veins faded and seemed to fade in its wake .

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