Beauty and The Beta (Bailey)



Chapter 45 Asher I stood waiting for the new girl for quite some time. As time was passing my irritation was beginning to build. I mean, how long does it take to get ready? I paced the landing. I stood waiting I got bored…. all until she emerged from her room looking somewhat more alive than she had when the opened her door to me earlier. She looked a whole lot different in fact Her long dark hair was now neatly twisted back into a long braid down her back, with a few loose strands curled by the sides of her face. A face that I was almost certain had make-up on now too. Her big brown eyes were framed by long lashes, and those big brown eyes were glaring at me something chronic right now. Hmm, I think I may have not made the best of impressions on this one. “All sorted?” I said with a smile as she approached me. “Well do I look like I am still in my Pjs she smirks back, and straight away I am ready to turn around and walk back to my office. I was not ready to deal with someone who was going to be dever with me. I had tried to be friendly, and I think it was safe to say, it just wasn’t for me! “Oh please do stay and let her be clever with you!” Zion chuckled, and I could sense his amusement her sarcasm. She is funny! “Well, because you took so long. I am not sure that there will be all that much left for breakfast, but let me show you where the dining hall is. There is always the option of using it, though a lot of families tend to use their own homes. I explained as we walked down the stairs. She followed without much of a response. Today she was dressed in black jeans and a simple white tank top. Red converse upon her feet. Evidently, she was going for the casual look. Though. I guess she wasn’t starting her teaching job as of yet, so there was no need for a more professional look. We walked into the dining hall, a place I generally avoided at all costs, because it was always far too loud and far too busy. Too many people and too much h**le. But, I had been put in charge of this girl’s induction, so I was going to do it to the best of my ability, because if I didn’t, then Eden would never shut up about it, and quite honestly, that woman could complain until you felt like your ears would bleed if you didn’t do things the way she thought they should be done, and I did not need to be dealing with that! Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

The dining hall was oddly still quite busy, and many curious faces turned to look in our direction as we walked in, and I had a few pack members waving in my direction as they saw me walk in. I nodded. politely, quickly looking down, because I knew the moment they made eye contact I would be dragged into conversation and that was the last thing I wanted. Some of this lot could talk forever. “Well, Miss West, this is the dining hall, as you can probably tell.” I tried to be amusing, but she looked at me like I was s**d, so evidently my humor failed.. again. So, I simply continued. “The food is set up along here” I pointed to the serving area, before pointing to the area where the drinks are. “And drinks there. You simply line up, wait to be served, or help yourself if no omegas are there to help. “Okay. Thanks.” She nods at me with a polite smile. So, if you would like to grab yourself some breakfast, go right ahead, because I plan to go and grab a coffee” I explained, moving toward the wall where the coffee machines are located, desperately in need of another coffee, despite the fact I had already had multiple since I had got up this morning. Coffee was the one thing I needed to help me function, especially with so little sleep. As I fiddled with the machine, setting it up to make my coffee, and turned to grab a mug. I realized the girl was still behind 1/2 12 16 Wed, Jul 31 G Checiter 45 ksber Finished me. Did she think I expected her to stay with me? I really hoped she didn’t… I wanted my coffee in peace. “You can help yourself to breakfast, you don’t have to stay with me, you know” I said to her, maybe being a little blunt. But, I like my space. Is there a crime in that? It is bad enough I have to be here with all these people.. She raised her brow at me almost critically. “Yes, I heard you. And, I am not really one for eating

breakfast. I would like a coffee. Or would you rather me wait until you have finished making yours before I come over?” I can hear Zion chuckling in my mind. He seems to like this girl and her lack of filter with me. Though I suppose all she is doing is giving it as good as she gets back, because I haven’t exactly been the best. with her. I chose to ignore him because now he, too, is p*g m**e off, but he is the one person I cannot escape from, since we are almost the same f*g p**erson. D**n wolf! How did she manage to make me feel bad?! “No, it is fine. Do you need me to show you how to use the machine?” I asked, trying to be kinder. “Tam sure I can work out how to use a coffee machine thanks Beta Asher.” She says sharply as I pick up my coffee, throwing my kindness back in my face “Bailey”” a voice calls from across the dining hall, and I look up just as she does to see her Dad arriving with the former Alpha. F**ki**g marvelous. Dealing with him last night was bad enough, let alone with my bl**dy Uncle thrown in for good measure… “Dad! I wondered where you are. I thought you might have come to meet me this morning. She greeted him with a bearning smile. So bright her whole face lit up. Those big brown eyes almost t**d… It was a smile so big… clearly she was pleased to see her Dad… a smile I most certainly was not honored with when she saw me. “I am glad I found you, your brother will be here any time to take me home. So, I wanted to say goodbye.” He told her and I see her face fall. And, a small part of me feels bad for her. She looks quite scared even at the prospect of her father leaving her, but then, at the same time, a part of me is trying hard not to be harsh and thinks, this is what she had chosen to do, was it not? It was time for this little. girl to grow up and be a big girl. Join the grown-ups if she plans to stay in our pack…

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