Beauty and The Beta (Bailey)



Chapter 39 Bailey

The drive so far had been long, my Dad had been quiet now the time for me to leave had arrived. I didn’t know if he was beginning to second-guess his decision, but irrelevant of that, I was not changing my mind, nor was I going back on the plan we had made. Morgan was still unaware of the plan we had made. After overhearing the snippet of her conversation with Miles, I had decided saying goodbye was not the best thing to do. She could mention my departure to the one person we did not want to know about my exit from our pack, and the whole plan would be destroyed. My mind was still reeling from the fact that my younger sister was involved with someone like Miles, in whatever way it may be. I did not stick around to listen any further to hear just how serious it had been between them. But, hearing what I had, told me all I needed to know. Morgan had always had a soft spot for our upcoming Alpha, as had so many of the young she-wolves within the pack. Seeing him as somewhat of a heartthrob. A hero. A role he relished and played up to. I, however, knew him for what he truly was I was torn whether or not I told my father of this new development. As much as Morgan and I may have clashed over the years, as sisters so often do, she was still my sister, and Miles was dangerous. He could do her some serious harm if he got his claws into her. She was young and she was naive. Probably seeing the potential of a relationship with him through rose-tinted glasses. Hoping to be his Luna. Loved and worshiped by the man in the pack that all the she-wolves wanted… the thing is, so many of them knew he was not capable of loyalty. In recent years, he was a well-known womanizer. A lothario. He had the potential to break my sister’s heart. And I could never forgive him if he did that to her. Destroying her innocence and happiness all for his own gain. I looked briefly across to my Dad, his face frowning as he sat alongside me as I drove. He had decided to come with me to my new pack, planning on getting my brother to collect him tomorrow. Though, by the time we had arrived there, it would be the early hours anyway. He truly looked deep in thought, like his mind was full of too many things… so many worries. I felt bad for him, because I

had likely caused so many of them….. “You know you didn’t need to come with me, Dad.” I told him with a smile. “I would have been fine coming on my own.” “I wanted to make sure you got there okay.” He tells me softly. “Ask them to take care of my little girl.” I find myself smiling again, my Dad once again referring to me as his little girl. I swear he would never consider us grown up… but I do appreciate that he was taking it upon himself to ensure everything was okay, and to ensure I was taken care of now, I just wish they had done a slightly better job of this over the last few years…. “Well, I appreciate that, thank you. Though, I am going to have to get used to being out there on my own now. Besides, I think you need to speak to Morgin when you get home.” I said to him quietly, totally unsure if this was the right thing to do or not, but desperately worried for the safety of my sister. I feel my Dad’s eyes upon me, add as I momentarily glance across to him, before returning my eyes to the road. I see confusion in his eyes, Did not explain to her your reasons for leaving when you said goodbye?” he asked me. This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

have lied, but it seemed like the better thing to do at that moment to make sure Morgan didn’t know what was happening. I could not risk her telling Miles we were leaving the pack, and stopping it from happening “I didn’t say goodbye to her Dad” I said, my palms becoming sweaty upon the steering wheel, unsure of just how he was going to react to the things I was about to tell him. “Bailey!” he chastises me. “I know you and her don’t always get on, but she is still your sister. You should have said goodbye!” 1 smile sadly, knowing he is right, but I know I still did the right thing, or I would have been forever trapped within that pack. Forever a prisoner to Miles. “I was going to Dad, but as I went to say goodbye. I heard her on the phone to Miles. I told him, and again I saw the confused expression

appear on his face. “Miles? Why would she be talking to him? Especially at that time of night. They are not friends, are they? He is years older than her.” He says, like he is trying to process the information I had given him. and he is right, Miles was a number of years older than Morgan, but not massively so that it would be frowned upon. “Obviously they would be considered friends, Dad, because of you and Uncle. Miles and Jordan. But, from what I heard, they may well be more than friends.” I said slowly, knowing this would be the piece of information he took the worst, as he is ever so protective of Morgan with her being his youngest child, and daughter. “They are dating?” he almost roared from by my side. “That I don’t know, as I didn’t stick around long enough to find out. But they sounded pretty close. So, I didn’t want to say goodbye just in case she accidently mentioned to him that we were leaving, and he blocked it happening. You know if he knew we planned to leave the pack without their permission. Dad, he would have done everything within his power to stop it happening.” I explained my reasoning. “Why would you not tell me about this?!” he demanded, and I could tell he was furious. “Because I feared if you knew while we were at home you would go in there all guns blazing Dad. Delay us leaving. Potentially let it slip I was leaving and again Morgan could have mentioned it to Miles. We could not risk him discovering our plan, you know that!” I told him, but from the dark scowl forming upon his face he was not best pleased with my decision. “She is not to be seeing someone like that. I forbid it! he snapped. Like it was anything to do with me! “Well, Dad, that is something you will have to discuss with Morgan and Mum, too, when you get home, but I can tell you now, that unless you explain the situation with me and Miles to Mum first, then Mum will be all for Morgan being with Miles, because she thinks the sun shines out of his a**” I say with a sideways glance to my Dad who chuckled. “Hmm. Don’t they all. Well, the f**g glow-worm will soon have his light turned off, I am afraid,

because I am going to ensure oug whole pack sees him for what he is!” My Dad says with a snarl, making me look at him with a shake of my head. “A glow-worm?” I questioned, and he grinned.

and I find myself laughing at his weird attempt at humor. But nod “If you say so Dud. Either way He needs stopping, and you need to make sure Morgan does not get hart in the process Not just physically, but emotionally too. He has the potential to break her heart. She has worshiped him for as long as I can remember. Thinks he is some sort of g**d. Please, stop this before it goes any further 1 told him, genuinely concerned for my sister now, the more I think about it. If they did go further to actually doing things together, then it would devastate Morgan that she had been foolish enough to fall for someone like him….. This is such a mess. That boy seems set on destroying our family” My Dad says, running his hand through his hair in frustration. “Oh, he will be the moment he realizes what you plan to do to him, Dad. So, you need to be careful, and ready for any s**t he throws your way. He will not go down without a fight.” I warned him. *I am more than ready for him, Bailey, as is your brother. More than ready to fight for my family and my pack

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