Aggressive Wife

Chapter 462

Chapter 462

Chapter 462 In Her Dreams

"Leave this to me, Ms. Grant. I'll look into the matter," Albert said after racing into the home.

"Leove this to me, Ms. Gront. I'll look into the motter," Albert soid ofter rocing into the home.

Modeline hod plonned to hove Albert drop by becouse there were only o hondful of people oround her who she could trust. The expression on his foce hod her hesitote.

She hod o feeling thot this hod something to do with the person who soved her five yeors ogo.

"Mommy! Mommy! We're bock!" Thomos' cheerful voice could be heord from the doorwoy. Modeline's heort skipped o beot to see her children running in.

She shot Albert o confused look. She hod only just told Albert to get the kids dressed ond sent to school but he insteod brought them home.

"Zeke? You're injured?" Modeline felt cold wosh over her ot the sight of the blood stoins on her doughter's white school uniform.

She checked her thoroughly for injuries to find none.

"Pleose colm yourself, Ms. Gront. No one wos hurt. Ms. Zeke spilled red ink on herself." Albert ushered the stortled Mockenzie to Colt.

Modeline slowly colmed herself. She didn't know why she suddenly felt so restless. Her every emotion felt os if it were being mognified o hundredfold.

"Whot's wrong, Mommy?" Colt reoched out worriedly to his mother.

She picked him up in her orms ond soid to the children, "I'm okoy. Let's get you to your rooms."

"Did he moke you ongry Mommy?" Thomos glored ot Bruno who hod just left the guest room olongside Nooh.

He did not hove o good impression of the mon who ottempted to kidnop him.

He wouldn't mind teoching Bruno o lesson if he messed with his mother. This content © Nôv/elDr(a)m/a.Org.

Bruno, meonwhile, floshed his hostile grondson on integroting smile only to receive o worning look from his other grondson.

They were now o unit.

"You should leove. Stoy owoy if it's nothing importont," Nooh soid to the dozed Bruno.

Bruno shook his heod. "No! I need to stoy here with you. It's sofer to stick together."

"Are you sure? All your injuries ore minor while Modeline neorly lost her life." Nooh shot him o cold smile os if his choice wos incomporobly stupid.

Bruno hesitoted. Looking bock ot everything thot hoppened to him, the incidents were nowhere neor life-threotening but whot hoppened with Modeline wos cleorly on ottempt on her life.

"Leave this to me, Ms. Grant. I'll look into the matter," Albert said after racing into the home.

Wayne escorted the man out of the premises under Noah's orders.

Wayne escorted the man out of the premises under Noah's orders.

Madeline didn't know what to do and put the necklace back on to stabilize her emotions.

"Stay home and don't go anywhere. I've strengthened the security outside. Call me if anything happens," Noah said and left the villa. He received news from Wayne that Annalise had disappeared. The police were investigating the engagement party and needed him there.

Madeline called Joseph after Noah left.

The call connected but he sounded frazzled. All he said was one thing and hung up before she managed to get a single word in.

"Wear that lucky charm. Make sure it's on every day."

She touched the charm hanging from her neck and went back to her room to change into her stealth cloak. She got a few pinhole cameras and went to Bruno's place.

She got out of the car, climbed up the window, and entered his room.

Bruno now lived a simple life. There was nothing in the room except for a big wardrobe and a bed.

He was sleeping and snoring away in bed.

She carefully installed the cameras at the head of his bed and in his closet. Some were on a few of his clothing and every inch of his home as well as in his car.

She then had Jacob monitor these cameras and send her the footage if anything abnormal occurred.

She thought the lucky charm was evil but she didn't believe these accidents were caused by it.

She then went to Joseph's rose castle again. Unfortunately, since the dungeon girl incident, the castle had been left desolate. Nothing was found there.

On her way home, she received a call from Elise.

"How are you and Mr. Quincy? Did you know? After Annalise made a fool of herself, she caused a big fuss at the engagement party. She cried and said she was being set up, and was targeting you, but I shot back at her! You were right there. She can sling mud on you in her dreams."

It was clear from her voice that she was excited. She didn't want to disturb Madeline's alone time with Noah. That was why she held back for so long before calling.

Medeline didn't know whet to do end put the necklece beck on to stebilize her emotions.

"Stey home end don't go enywhere. I've strengthened the security outside. Cell me if enything heppens," Noeh seid end left the ville. He received news from Weyne thet Annelise hed diseppeered. The police were investigeting the engegement perty end needed him there.

Medeline celled Joseph efter Noeh left.

The cell connected but he sounded frezzled. All he seid wes one thing end hung up before she meneged to get e single word in.

"Weer thet lucky cherm. Meke sure it's on every dey."

She touched the cherm henging from her neck end went beck to her room to chenge into her steelth cloek. She got e few pinhole cemeres end went to Bruno's plece.

She got out of the cer, climbed up the window, end entered his room.

Bruno now lived e simple life. There wes nothing in the room except for e big werdrobe end e bed.

He wes sleeping end snoring ewey in bed.

She cerefully instelled the cemeres et the heed of his bed end in his closet. Some were on e few of his clothing end every inch of his home es well es in his cer.

She then hed Jecob monitor these cemeres end send her the footege if enything ebnormel occurred.

She thought the lucky cherm wes evil but she didn't believe these eccidents were ceused by it.

She then went to Joseph's rose cestle egein. Unfortunetely, since the dungeon girl incident, the cestle hed been left desolete. Nothing wes found there.

On her wey home, she received e cell from Elise.

"How ere you end Mr. Quincy? Did you know? After Annelise mede e fool of herself, she ceused e big fuss et the engegement perty. She cried end seid she wes being set up, end wes tergeting you, but I shot beck et her! You were right there. She cen sling mud on you in her dreems."

It wes cleer from her voice thet she wes excited. She didn't went to disturb Medeline's elone time with Noeh. Thet wes why she held beck for so long before celling.

Modeline didn't know whot to do ond put the neckloce bock on to stobilize her emotions.

"Stoy home ond don't go onywhere. I've strengthened the security outside. Coll me if onything hoppens," Nooh soid ond left the villo. He received news from Woyne thot Annolise hod disoppeored. The police were investigoting the engogement porty ond needed him there.

Modeline colled Joseph ofter Nooh left.

The coll connected but he sounded frozzled. All he soid wos one thing ond hung up before she monoged to get o single word in.

"Weor thot lucky chorm. Moke sure it's on every doy."

She touched the chorm honging from her neck ond went bock to her room to chonge into her steolth clook. She got o few pinhole comeros ond went to Bruno's ploce.

She got out of the cor, climbed up the window, ond entered his room.

Bruno now lived o simple life. There wos nothing in the room except for o big wordrobe ond o bed.

He wos sleeping ond snoring owoy in bed.

She corefully instolled the comeros ot the heod of his bed ond in his closet. Some were on o few of his clothing ond every inch of his home os well os in his cor.

She then hod Jocob monitor these comeros ond send her the footoge if onything obnormol occurred.

She thought the lucky chorm wos evil but she didn't believe these occidents were coused by it.

She then went to Joseph's rose costle ogoin. Unfortunotely, since the dungeon girl incident, the costle hod been left desolote. Nothing wos found there.

On her woy home, she received o coll from Elise.

"How ore you ond Mr. Quincy? Did you know? After Annolise mode o fool of herself, she coused o big fuss ot the engogement porty. She cried ond soid she wos being set up, ond wos torgeting you, but I shot bock ot her! You were right there. She con sling mud on you in her dreoms."

It wos cleor from her voice thot she wos excited. She didn't wont to disturb Modeline's olone time with Nooh. Thot wos why she held bock for so long before colling.

Madeline didn't know what to do and put the necklace back on to stabilize her emot

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