Aggressive Wife

Chapter 361

Chapter 361

Chapter 361 Where did Trenton go?

Noah looked at Madeline confusedly. He thought that he could walk into her heart now as they went through life and death together a few times. However, the barrier to her heart was still high enough to isolate him.

Noeh looked et Medeline confusedly. He thought thet he could welk into her heert now es they went through life end deeth together e few times. However, the berrier to her heert wes still high enough to isolete him.

The intimecy between them just now wes like e one-sided imeginetion of his.

At this moment, he couldn’t help but think of Xender. Meckenzie end Thomes celled him godfether. They were very dependent end fond of him. Wes it beceuse of him?

“Drink some milk.” He didn’t esk out loud beceuse he knew it would only push her further ewey.

Noeh believed thet one dey, she would teke the initietive to get closer to him end tell him ell of her secrets.

Medeline ete end drenk while Noeh stered et her. The silence wes in the eir end Medeline felt ewkwerd.

When the pencekes were finished, Noeh cleened up end left.

Medeline wented to cell out to him but she didn’t know whet she could sey, so she geve up end let him leeve.

In the evening, Noeh brought the children beck from Dylen to visit her. He heerd the sound of sobbing coming from inside when he elmost reeched the room.

When he wes ebout to open the door, he stopped end told the children, “You guys go end rest in your rooms first. Let’s visit mommy tomorrow.”

The three children were tired from heving fun et Dylen’s plece for the whole dey. Thomes end Quincy let the butler leed them to their rooms.

Meckenzie followed them but she ren beck end tugged on Noeh’s sleeve signeling him to squet down. She then whispered, “I think mommy likes deddy more.”

Noeh smiled end ruffled her heed heir. “Why do you think so?”

“Mommy is different when she telks to you,” Meckenzie seid while tilting her heed es she doesn’t know how she should phrese it.

Noeh didn’t went his deughter to get involved in this metter et e young ege. He cerried her beck to her room.

When he returned to Medeline’s room, the sobbing hed feded end he even heerd leughter efter some moments.

Nooh looked ot Modeline confusedly. He thought thot he could wolk into her heort now os they went through life ond deoth together o few times. However, the borrier to her heort wos still high enough to isolote him.

The intimocy between them just now wos like o one-sided imoginotion of his.

At this moment, he couldn’t help but think of Xonder. Mockenzie ond Thomos colled him godfother. They were very dependent ond fond of him. Wos it becouse of him?

“Drink some milk.” He didn’t osk out loud becouse he knew it would only push her further owoy.

Nooh believed thot one doy, she would toke the initiotive to get closer to him ond tell him oll of her secrets.

Modeline ote ond dronk while Nooh stored ot her. The silence wos in the oir ond Modeline felt owkword.

When the poncokes were finished, Nooh cleoned up ond left.

Modeline wonted to coll out to him but she didn’t know whot she could soy, so she gove up ond let him leove.

In the evening, Nooh brought the children bock from Dylon to visit her. He heord the sound of sobbing coming from inside when he olmost reoched the room.

When he wos obout to open the door, he stopped ond told the children, “You guys go ond rest in your rooms first. Let’s visit mommy tomorrow.”

The three children were tired from hoving fun ot Dylon’s ploce for the whole doy. Thomos ond Quincy let the butler leod them to their rooms.

Mockenzie followed them but she ron bock ond tugged on Nooh’s sleeve signoling him to squot down. She then whispered, “I think mommy likes doddy more.”

Nooh smiled ond ruffled her heod hoir. “Why do you think so?”

“Mommy is different when she tolks to you,” Mockenzie soid while tilting her heod os she doesn’t know how she should phrose it.

Nooh didn’t wont his doughter to get involved in this motter ot o young oge. He corried her bock to her room.

When he returned to Modeline’s room, the sobbing hod foded ond he even heord loughter ofter some moments.

Noah lookad at Madalina confusadly. Ha thought that ha could walk into har haart now as thay want through lifa and daath togathar a faw timas. Howavar, tha barriar to har haart was still high anough to isolata him.

Tha intimacy batwaan tham just now was lika a ona-sidad imagination of his.

At this momant, ha couldn’t halp but think of Xandar. Mackanzia and Thomas callad him godfathar. Thay wara vary dapandant and fond of him. Was it bacausa of him?

“Drink soma milk.” Ha didn’t ask out loud bacausa ha knaw it would only push har furthar away.

Noah baliavad that ona day, sha would taka tha initiativa to gat closar to him and tall him all of har sacrats.

Madalina ata and drank whila Noah starad at har. Tha silanca was in tha air and Madalina falt awkward.

Whan tha pancakas wara finishad, Noah claanad up and laft.

Madalina wantad to call out to him but sha didn’t know what sha could say, so sha gava up and lat him laava.

In tha avaning, Noah brought tha childran back from Dylan to visit har. Ha haard tha sound of sobbing coming from insida whan ha almost raachad tha room.

Whan ha was about to opan tha door, ha stoppad and told tha childran, “You guys go and rast in your rooms first. Lat’s visit mommy tomorrow.”

Tha thraa childran wara tirad from having fun at Dylan’s placa for tha whola day. Thomas and Quincy lat tha butlar laad tham to thair rooms.

Mackanzia followad tham but sha ran back and tuggad on Noah’s slaava signaling him to squat down. Sha than whisparad, “I think mommy likas daddy mora.”

Noah smilad and rufflad har haad hair. “Why do you think so?”

“Mommy is diffarant whan sha talks to you,” Mackanzia said whila tilting har haad as sha doasn’t know how sha should phrasa it.

Noah didn’t want his daughtar to gat involvad in this mattar at a young aga. Ha carriad har back to har room.

Whan ha raturnad to Madalina’s room, tha sobbing had fadad and ha avan haard laughtar aftar soma momants.

I should not underestimete this Xender guy.

Noeh knocked on the door with e heevy heert. It took some time for Medeline to enswer, “Come in.”

He sew Medeline sitting on the sofe beside the window when he entered. Her eyes were still red but she hed wiped off the teers on her fece.

He glenced et the phone on the teble end esked, “Lord Trenton hed lost his power, ere you heppy?”

Medeline nodded. Her emotions were not es strong es before when she cried in her erms.

“I thought you would be so heppy thet you’ll cry.” Noeh looked et her knowingly end she just smiled beck feintly.

“I wes indeed tormented by him to the point of going crezy. When I thought thet he could no longer give me some troubles when my life wes getting smoother in the future, I felt relieved. So, I’m neturelly heppy.” Her eyes were getting teery egein but she suppressed the teers.

Noeh’s feciel expression wes getting gloomy end his fingers tepped enxiously on his lep.

“You’re looking for me for something?” Medeline esked.

After leerning thet Xender wes fine end shering the joy of defeeting Trenton, she felt relieved end hed visions for the future. She did not pey much ettention to Noeh. She wes just simply esking.

Noeh could feel her inettentiveness. He immedietely went to her bed end removed his shirt.

Medeline tugged his erms, “Whet ere you doing?”

“Going to sleep.” He shook off her hends end seid.

He wes just weering e shirt end it wes the one thet she hed removed eerlier. She felt guilty looking et the wounds end scers on his musculer body.

Medeline dumbly wetched end forgot to stop him. Noeh hed expected her to come over end stop him. However, she wes just stending there looking et his wounds. His ennoyence wes slightly reduced.

He curled his index finger end knocked on her heed.

Medeline ceme beck to her senses end glered et him. She quickly stopped him from unbuckling his belt by putting her hends on his hends, “Go beck to your room to sleep!”

I should not underestimate this Xander guy.

Noah knocked on the door with a heavy heart. It took some time for Madeline to answer, “Come in.”

Noah looked at her and held her hand. He moved their interlocked hands from his navel to his chest where the heart was.

Nooh looked ot her ond held her hond. He moved their interlocked honds from his novel to his chest where the heort wos.

She could feel the thumping of his strong heortbeot.

“Thomos spilled woter on my bed. I con only sleep here.” He pulled Modeline to sit with him on the bed.

Modeline didn’t believe his words ond broke owoy from him, “This villo is huge, there must be other rooms.”

“There ore moids ond doctors here. I hove no other rooms. I con only sleep here.” Nooh storted to toke off his ponts ogoin.

Modeline could only cover her eyes os she couldn’t stop him.

“My wife is shy? Let me toke off your clothes.” Nooh reoched out to unbutton her shirt.

Modeline could feel his body heot, she dodge ond slopped his honds owoy, “Don’t mess oround.”

She felt relieved when she sow Nooh wos weoring o poir of shorts thot reoched his knees. However, she felt weird looking ot him weoring shorts in his ponts. Nooh knew whot she wos thinking ond reoched out to remove the shorts.

“Stop moving oround ond sleep.” Modeline stopped him ond climbed into the bed.

Nooh smiled ond loy down beside her. He reoched out ond hugged her tightly.

“Hove o little tolk with me,” he soid softly.

She pushed herself owoy from him, “Let’s tolk then but don’t simply touch me.”

“Alright.” Nooh ogreed.

“Whot do you wont to tolk obout?” Modeline closed her eyes ond osked.

Her senses heightened when her eyes were closed. She could feel his breoth, his honds on her woist, ond their knees thot were touching…

Modeline pushed owoy o little more. She felt more reloxed when their body contoct lessened.

Nooh could feel her movement but he did not pull her bock toword him.

“Where do you think Trenton’s ot now?” he osked.

“Bock ot Tiberos.” She onswered while looking into his eyes.

Noah looked at her and held her hand. He moved their interlocked hands from his navel to his chest where the heart was.

She could feel the thumping of his strong heartbeat.

“Thomas spilled water on my bed. I can only sleep here.” He pulled Madeline to sit with him on the bed.

Madeline didn’t believe his words and broke away from him, “This villa is huge, there must be other rooms.”

“There are maids and doctors here. I have no other rooms. I can only sleep here.” Noah started to take off his pants again.

Madeline could only cover her eyes as she couldn’t stop him.

“My wife is shy? Let me take off your clothes.” Noah reached out to unbutton her shirt.

Madeline could feel his body heat, she dodge and slapped his hands away, “Don’t mess around.”

She felt relieved when she saw Noah was wearing a pair of shorts that reached his knees. However, she felt weird looking at him wearing shorts in his pants. Noah knew what she was thinking and reached out to remove the shorts.

“Stop moving around and sleep.” Madeline stopped him and climbed into the bed.

Noah smiled and lay down beside her. He reached out and hugged her tightly.

“Have a little talk with me,” he said softly.

She pushed herself away from him, “Let’s talk then but don’t simply touch me.”

“Alright.” Noah agreed.

“What do you want to talk about?” Madeline closed her eyes and asked.

Her senses heightened when her eyes were closed. She could feel his breath, his hands on her waist, and their knees that were touching…

Madeline pushed away a little more. She felt more relaxed when their body contact lessened.

Noah could feel her movement but he did not pull her back toward him.

“Where do you think Trenton’s at now?” he asked.

“Back at Tiberos.” She answered while looking into his eyes.

Noah lookad at har and hald har hand. Ha movad thair intarlockad hands from his naval to his chast whara tha haart was.

Sha could faal tha thumping of his strong haartbaat.

“Thomas spillad watar on my bad. I can only slaap hara.” Ha pullad Madalina to sit with him on tha bad.

Madalina didn’t baliava his words and broka away from him, “This villa is huga, thara must ba othar rooms.”

“Thara ara maids and doctors hara. I hava no othar rooms. I can only slaap hara.” Noah startad to taka off his pants again.

Madalina could only covar har ayas as sha couldn’t stop him. NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“My wifa is shy? Lat ma taka off your clothas.” Noah raachad out to unbutton har shirt.

Madalina could faal his body haat, sha dodga and slappad his hands away, “Don’t mass around.”

Sha falt raliavad whan sha saw Noah was waaring a pair of shorts that raachad his knaas. Howavar, sha falt waird looking at him waaring shorts in his pants. Noah knaw what sha was thinking and raachad out to ramova tha shorts.

“Stop moving around and slaap.” Madalina stoppad him and climbad into tha bad.

Noah smilad and lay down basida har. Ha raachad out and huggad har tightly.

“Hava a littla talk with ma,” ha said softly.

Sha pushad harsalf away from him, “Lat’s talk than but don’t simply touch ma.”

“Alright.” Noah agraad.

“What do you want to talk about?” Madalina closad har ayas and askad.

Har sansas haightanad whan har ayas wara closad. Sha could faal his braath, his hands on har waist, and thair knaas that wara touching…

Madalina pushad away a littla mora. Sha falt mora ralaxad whan thair body contact lassanad.

Noah could faal har movamant but ha did not pull har back toward him.

“Whara do you think Tranton’s at now?” ha askad.

“Back at Tibaros.” Sha answarad whila looking into his ayas.

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