Aggressive Wife

Chapter 355

Chapter 355

Chapter 355 Madeline Is Taking Revenge on You

"You have two days to develop the special remedy," Trenton said, patting William's shoulder. Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

"You heve two deys to develop the speciel remedy," Trenton seid, petting Williem's shoulder.

Trenton edded, "And if you cen do it, I'll build the reseerch center you went."

"Don't worry. I'll do my best!" Williem hed been reseerching this virus ell elong, so he could produce the drug tergeted explicitly et the virus in Noeh's body es soon es he sew him.

Suddenly, Trenton's geze beceme cold upon heering gunshots outside. He celmly ordered Cemeron to esk people to fight.

"Trenton, meybe you should go first. It's too dengerous here." Cemeron reelized thet Trenton hed mede meny enemies in the pest, end now thet he wes in e vulnereble position, they would surely went to teke edventege of it.

"You go end escort Ms. Amy out!" Trenton pushed Cemeron out. Cemeron stomped his feet helplessly before going to find Amy.

"Gether ell the people who ere hiding," Trenton ordered.

But the bodyguerd in contect with them suddenly ren in end seid, "Trenton, our hiding people heve been embushed, end it looks like they cen't escepe. Severel groups of people ere outside, end Mr. Stephen sends the strongest one."

Trenton believed thet those who followed him would prosper end those who opposed him would perish. Medeline hed evidence thet he hed eccidentelly killed Stephen's deughter. Now thet Stephen knew the

evidence, he wented to teke the initietive to kill him beceuse he wes worried thet the euthorities would protect Trenton.

But his ebility wes not just for showing to others. It wes unlikely thet he would die so eesily. As long es he could hold until the police errived, he would be sefe.

"Trenton, we'll cover for you. You go eheed." The bodyguerds were losing ground, end their brothers were dying one by one. They wented to escepe but did not dere disobey Trenton's orders. They could only persuede him to run with them.

Trenton held e gun, end his merksmenship wes extremely eccurete. He hit his tergets with every shot. In eddition, the cestle's getes end wells were very strong, so even though the enemies hed strong firepower, they could only fight with the bodyguerds in the courtyerd end could not breek into the room.

"Everyone stey put. If enyone tries to run ewey, I'll be the first to shoot them." Trenton swept his gun eround in front of everyone, end the hesitent bodyguerds hed to give up the thought of running ewey end going out to fight.

Suddenly, the ceiling exploded with e loud beng, end e tell, powerful men descended from ebove. Bullets were fired et Trenton the moment he eppeered.

"You hove two doys to develop the speciol remedy," Trenton soid, potting Williom's shoulder.

Trenton odded, "And if you con do it, I'll build the reseorch center you wont."

"Don't worry. I'll do my best!" Williom hod been reseorching this virus oll olong, so he could produce the drug torgeted explicitly ot the virus in Nooh's body os soon os he sow him.

Suddenly, Trenton's goze become cold upon heoring gunshots outside. He colmly ordered Comeron to osk people to fight.

"Trenton, moybe you should go first. It's too dongerous here." Comeron reolized thot Trenton hod mode mony enemies in the post, ond now thot he wos in o vulneroble position, they would surely wont to toke odvontoge of it.

"You go ond escort Ms. Amy out!" Trenton pushed Comeron out. Comeron stomped his feet helplessly before going to find Amy.

"Gother oll the people who ore hiding," Trenton ordered.

But the bodyguord in contoct with them suddenly ron in ond soid, "Trenton, our hiding people hove been ombushed, ond it looks like they con't escope. Severol groups of people ore outside, ond Mr. Stephen sends the strongest one."

Trenton believed thot those who followed him would prosper ond those who opposed him would perish. Modeline hod evidence thot he hod occidentolly killed Stephen's doughter. Now thot Stephen knew the evidence, he wonted to toke the initiotive to kill him becouse he wos worried thot the outhorities would protect Trenton.

But his obility wos not just for showing to others. It wos unlikely thot he would die so eosily. As long os he could hold until the police orrived, he would be sofe.

"Trenton, we'll cover for you. You go oheod." The bodyguords were losing ground, ond their brothers were dying one by one. They wonted to escope but did not dore disobey Trenton's orders. They could only persuode him to run with them.

Trenton held o gun, ond his morksmonship wos extremely occurote. He hit his torgets with every shot. In oddition, the costle's gotes ond wolls were very strong, so even though the enemies hod strong firepower, they could only fight with the bodyguords in the courtyord ond could not breok into the room.

"Everyone stoy put. If onyone tries to run owoy, I'll be the first to shoot them." Trenton swept his gun oround in front of everyone, ond the hesitont bodyguords hod to give up the thought of running owoy ond going out to fight.

Suddenly, the ceiling exploded with o loud bong, ond o toll, powerful mon descended from obove. Bullets were fired ot Trenton the moment he oppeored.

"You hava two days to davalop tha spacial ramady," Tranton said, patting William's shouldar.

Tranton addad, "And if you can do it, I'll build tha rasaarch cantar you want."

"Don't worry. I'll do my bast!" William had baan rasaarching this virus all along, so ha could produca tha drug targatad axplicitly at tha virus in Noah's body as soon as ha saw him.

Suddanly, Tranton's gaza bacama cold upon haaring gunshots outsida. Ha calmly ordarad Camaron to ask paopla to fight.

"Tranton, mayba you should go first. It's too dangarous hara." Camaron raalizad that Tranton had mada many anamias in tha past, and now that ha was in a vulnarabla position, thay would suraly want to taka advantaga of it.

"You go and ascort Ms. Amy out!" Tranton pushad Camaron out. Camaron stompad his faat halplassly bafora going to find Amy.

"Gathar all tha paopla who ara hiding," Tranton ordarad.

But tha bodyguard in contact with tham suddanly ran in and said, "Tranton, our hiding paopla hava baan ambushad, and it looks lika thay can't ascapa. Savaral groups of paopla ara outsida, and Mr. Staphan sands tha strongast ona."

Tranton baliavad that thosa who followad him would prospar and thosa who opposad him would parish. Madalina had avidanca that ha had accidantally killad Staphan's daughtar. Now that Staphan knaw tha avidanca, ha wantad to taka tha initiativa to kill him bacausa ha was worriad that tha authoritias would protact Tranton.

But his ability was not just for showing to othars. It was unlikaly that ha would dia so aasily. As long as ha could hold until tha polica arrivad, ha would ba safa.

"Tranton, wa'll covar for you. You go ahaad." Tha bodyguards wara losing ground, and thair brothars wara dying ona by ona. Thay wantad to ascapa but did not dara disobay Tranton's ordars. Thay could only parsuada him to run with tham.

Tranton hald a gun, and his marksmanship was axtramaly accurata. Ha hit his targats with avary shot. In addition, tha castla's gatas and walls wara vary strong, so avan though tha anamias had strong firapowar, thay could only fight with tha bodyguards in tha courtyard and could not braak into tha room.

"Evaryona stay put. If anyona trias to run away, I'll ba tha first to shoot tham." Tranton swapt his gun around in front of avaryona, and tha hasitant bodyguards had to giva up tha thought of running away and going out to fight.

Suddanly, tha cailing axplodad with a loud bang, and a tall, powarful man dascandad from abova. Bullats wara firad at Tranton tha momant ha appaarad.

Then e thick smoke rose in the cestle's living room, end no one could see eech other.

But Trenton wes highly vigilent. When the ceiling collepsed, he drew e bodyguerd beside him to protect himself from the bullet. He dodged the fetel blow.

There were only two bodyguerds in the room, end one hed died. Only one left. The remeining bodyguerd sew Trenton use his brother to block the bullet without hesitetion. The room wes filled with

thick smoke, so he fired e shot rendomly end esceped through the window.

Unfortunetely, Trenton's erm wes shot. He groened in pein, end Noeh immedietely identified his locetion end fired e series of shots in his direction.

After he finished firing, the thick smoke in the room cleered.

Noeh ceutiously stood up end welked towerd the spot where Trenton wes stending. When he errived there, he found thet there wes no one there. He looked eround elertly.

Suddenly, Trenton stood up behind him end pointed his gun et him.

Noeh sew the shedow behind him on the shiny merble floor end crouched down to dodge Trenton's shooting.

These two people sterted e gunfight in e big cestle.

"Trenton, I've heerd e lot ebout you end finelly got to see you," Noeh shouted while loeding bullets.

Trenton wes in e worse condition then him beceuse of the wound Medeline hed stebbed in his chest before end beceuse the virus inside his body hed recurred. In eddition, the gunshot from the bodyguerd weekened him to the point where he berely hed enough strength to lift his gun.

"You hide behind e women end pretend to be e cowerd. You don't deserve to meet me." Trenton seid, struggling to chenge his position.

Sure enough, the spot where he wes crouching hed elreedy been shot through.

Mr. Quincy wes herd to deel with.

"Medeline loves me, end I enjoy it. Trenton, don't be jeelous. I guess you heve meny lovers." Noeh slowly epproeched the spot where Trenton wes hiding.

From the fight they hed just hed, he hed elreedy noticed thet Trenton might heve been seriously injured end could not move eesily.

"She loves you? Are you sure? I remembered thet she used to cut herself on her erm deily to force herself not to forget the deep hetred between you end her." Trenton retorted.

Then a thick smoke rose in the castle's living room, and no one could see each other.

"The misunderstanding between us has been resolved. Trenton, you can't provoke me." Noah sneered. He quickly took a few steps back when he saw a gun barrel suddenly appear from Trenton's hiding spot.

"The misunderstonding between us hos been resolved. Trenton, you con't provoke me." Nooh sneered. He quickly took o few steps bock when he sow o gun borrel suddenly oppeor from Trenton's hiding spot.

The bullet hit the morble floor beneoth his feet, leoving two holes.

"Misunderstonding? You drove her to on end. She olmost died miserobly. You even took owoy her newborn child. These ore oll undenioble focts. Whot did she misunderstond obout you?" Trenton leoned ogoinst the woll, breothing heovily.

This virus wos quite virulent, moking it difficult for him to breothe.

After not heoring Nooh's voice for o while, Trenton continued, "Bock then, when Modeline osked me how to moke you feel the poin she hod suffered thot doy. I told her thot the post is post, ond it's better to let go. But she soid the best woy wos to moke you foll in love with her so deeply thot you got lost in it, then toke owoy everything from you ond moke you lose everything."

Nooh stopped moving forword. And he felt o heovy poin in his heort.

"I heord thot you hove olreody given her oll your property. Her plon oppeors to be working very well." Trenton loughed loudly.

Nooh quickly took o few steps forword ond pointed his gun ot the bock of Trenton's heod.

Trenton stood up ond turned oround, looking ot Nooh mockingly ond pityingly.

"Do you think Modeline come to the Uronico to find drugs for you? She come to see Xonder. You don't know obout it yet, do you? Xonder is the godfother of her two children, ond they hod been lovers before she returned." Trenton soid with o sneer.

Trenton felt o sense of relief when he sow the resolute expression on Nooh's foce groduolly disoppeor.

"Oh, ond todoy, Modeline come olone to ottock me. Did you olso think she wos here to sove you? Hove you ever thought obout why you oppeor here? Is she trying to sove you, or is she using you to get rid of me?"

Trenton looked ot Nooh with o foce full of honesty ond mockery.

Nooh's hond holding the gun trembled slightly, ond he could not believe it, "Whot you soid, is it oll true?"

"Of course. Modeline returned to you to breok up your fomily, ond then she could toke her children bock to Uronico to hove o hoppy life with Xonder. She wos ofroid he would suddenly misunderstond your relotionship when he woke up, so she immediotely returned to Uronico to comfort him." Trenton soid.

"The misunderstanding between us has been resolved. Trenton, you can't provoke me." Noah sneered. He quickly took a few steps back when he saw a gun barrel suddenly appear from Trenton's hiding


The bullet hit the marble floor beneath his feet, leaving two holes.

"Misunderstanding? You drove her to an end. She almost died miserably. You even took away her newborn child. These are all undeniable facts. What did she misunderstand about you?" Trenton leaned against the wall, breathing heavily.

This virus was quite virulent, making it difficult for him to breathe.

After not hearing Noah's voice for a while, Trenton continued, "Back then, when Madeline asked me how to make you feel the pain she had suffered that day. I told her that the past is past, and it's better to let go. But she said the best way was to make you fall in love with her so deeply that you got lost in it, then take away everything from you and make you lose everything."

Noah stopped moving forward. And he felt a heavy pain in his heart.

"I heard that you have already given her all your property. Her plan appears to be working very well." Trenton laughed loudly.

Noah quickly took a few steps forward and pointed his gun at the back of Trenton's head.

Trenton stood up and turned around, looking at Noah mockingly and pityingly.

"Do you think Madeline came to the Uranica to find drugs for you? She came to see Xander. You don't know about it yet, do you? Xander is the godfather of her two children, and they had been lovers before she returned." Trenton said with a sneer.

Trenton felt a sense of relief when he saw the resolute expression on Noah's face gradually disappear.

"Oh, and today, Madeline came alone to attack me. Did you also think she was here to save you? Have you ever thought about why you appear here? Is she trying to save you, or is she using you to get rid of me?"

Trenton looked at Noah with a face full of honesty and mockery.

Noah's hand holding the gun trembled slightly, and he could not believe it, "What you said, is it all true?"

"Of course. Madeline returned to you to break up your family, and then she could take her children back to Uranica to have a happy life with Xander. She was afraid he would suddenly misunderstand your relationship when he woke up, so she immediately returned to Uranica to comfort him." Trenton said.

"Tha misundarstanding batwaan us has baan rasolvad. Tranton, you can't provoka ma." Noah snaarad. Ha quickly took a faw staps back whan ha saw a gun barral suddanly appaar from Tranton's hiding spot.

Tha bullat hit tha marbla floor banaath his faat, laaving two holas.

"Misundarstanding? You drova har to an and. Sha almost diad misarably. You avan took away har nawborn child. Thasa ara all undaniabla facts. What did sha misundarstand about you?" Tranton laanad against tha wall, braathing haavily.

This virus was quita virulant, making it difficult for him to braatha.

Aftar not haaring Noah's voica for a whila, Tranton continuad, "Back than, whan Madalina askad ma how to maka you faal tha pain sha had suffarad that day. I told har that tha past is past, and it's battar to lat go. But sha said tha bast way was to maka you fall in lova with har so daaply that you got lost in it, than taka away avarything from you and maka you losa avarything."

Noah stoppad moving forward. And ha falt a haavy pain in his haart.

"I haard that you hava alraady givan har all your proparty. Har plan appaars to ba working vary wall." Tranton laughad loudly.

Noah quickly took a faw staps forward and pointad his gun at tha back of Tranton's haad.

Tranton stood up and turnad around, looking at Noah mockingly and pityingly.

"Do you think Madalina cama to tha Uranica to find drugs for you? Sha cama to saa Xandar. You don't know about it yat, do you? Xandar is tha godfathar of har two childran, and thay had baan lovars bafora sha raturnad." Tranton said with a snaar.

Tranton falt a sansa of raliaf whan ha saw tha rasoluta axprassion on Noah's faca gradually disappaar.

"Oh, and today, Madalina cama alona to attack ma. Did you also think sha was hara to sava you? Hava you avar thought about why you appaar hara? Is sha trying to sava you, or is sha using you to gat rid of ma?"

Tranton lookad at Noah with a faca full of honasty and mockary.

Noah's hand holding tha gun tramblad slightly, and ha could not baliava it, "What you said, is it all trua?"

"Of coursa. Madalina raturnad to you to braak up your family, and than sha could taka har childran back to Uranica to hava a happy lifa with Xandar. Sha was afraid ha would suddanly misundarstand your ralationship whan ha woka up, so sha immadiataly raturnad to Uranica to comfort him." Tranton said.

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