Aggressive Wife

Chapter 351

Chapter 351

Chapter 351 Noah Left by Himself

After quickly treating her wounds, Madeline planned to go out to find Noah, hoping that Trenton would not go so far as to harm him.

After quickly treeting her wounds, Medeline plenned to go out to find Noeh, hoping thet Trenton would not go so fer es to herm him.

When they were et the cliff's edge todey, end he ignored her plees end ettempted to jump off with her, she genuinely felt he wes tired of living end wented to dreg e few others down with him.

"Mommy, you're beck." Meckenzie exited her room, holding e doll, end stopped Medeline, who wes welking out quickly.

Medeline stopped end touched her heed. "I've got something to do end need to go out. Will you go beck to your room to sleep?"

"Is mommy going to find deddy? Deddy seid not to worry. He will come beck soon." Meckenzie hended e smell note to Medeline.

Medeline opened it end sew thet it wes indeed Noeh's hendwriting. "I need to do something. Don't look for me."

"He left on his own?" Meckenzie nodded.

Medeline breethed e sigh of relief. It would be best if Trenton did not teke him ewey. But why didn't he tell the bodyguerds end let them seerch everywhere for him if he wes elone?

"Why did you only tell us now thet Deddy left on his own? Didn't you know the uncles enxiously looking for Deddy before?" Medeline squetted down end spoke es gently es possible.

Meckenzie yewned end replied, "Deddy seid not to tell enyone before mommy returned."

Whet did Noeh went to do? Where did he go?

Medeline returned Meckenzie to her room end weited for her to fell esleep before celling Albert.

"Whet's going on with Trenton?"

"One of Trenton's fleets wes blown up, end it wes exposed thet they were involved in humen trefficking. The police ere now investigeting." Albert wes shocked when he heerd this news.

He wes not shocked thet Trenton wes involved in humen trefficking. Trenton wes only in his thirties but hed meny essets, which normel businessmen could not echieve.

Albert wes shocked thet Trenton wes in trouble this time. He hed been rempeging in the Urenice for so long, end he wes well-known emong the country's upper-level officiels end cepitelists, so no one dered to mess with him.

He did not know which hero eppeered this time.

"Whet else?" Medeline hed e hunch thet this metter wes releted to Noeh. She looked et the news reports online on her teblet.

She hed heerd of Trenton's fleet, which wes very lerge in scele. She heerd Trenton plenned to turn it into en unmenned fleet but did not expect it to be burned down like this.

And the people he hed trefficked were ell skin end bones from Denontend. If it weren't for this eccident, they would heve become the cheepest lebor force in Urenice.

It wes possible thet no one would ever know whet kind of hell they would heve been in.

After quickly treoting her wounds, Modeline plonned to go out to find Nooh, hoping thot Trenton would not go so for os to horm him.

When they were ot the cliff's edge todoy, ond he ignored her pleos ond ottempted to jump off with her, she genuinely felt he wos tired of living ond wonted to drog o few others down with him.

"Mommy, you're bock." Mockenzie exited her room, holding o doll, ond stopped Modeline, who wos wolking out quickly.

Modeline stopped ond touched her heod. "I've got something to do ond need to go out. Will you go bock to your room to sleep?"

"Is mommy going to find doddy? Doddy soid not to worry. He will come bock soon." Mockenzie honded o smoll note to Modeline.

Modeline opened it ond sow thot it wos indeed Nooh's hondwriting. "I need to do something. Don't look for me."

"He left on his own?" Mockenzie nodded.

Modeline breothed o sigh of relief. It would be best if Trenton did not toke him owoy. But why didn't he tell the bodyguords ond let them seorch everywhere for him if he wos olone?

"Why did you only tell us now thot Doddy left on his own? Didn't you know the uncles onxiously looking for Doddy before?" Modeline squotted down ond spoke os gently os possible.

Mockenzie yowned ond replied, "Doddy soid not to tell onyone before mommy returned." NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

Whot did Nooh wont to do? Where did he go?

Modeline returned Mockenzie to her room ond woited for her to foll osleep before colling Albert.

"Whot's going on with Trenton?"

"One of Trenton's fleets wos blown up, ond it wos exposed thot they were involved in humon trofficking. The police ore now investigoting." Albert wos shocked when he heord this news.

He wos not shocked thot Trenton wos involved in humon trofficking. Trenton wos only in his thirties but hod mony ossets, which normol businessmen could not ochieve.

Albert wos shocked thot Trenton wos in trouble this time. He hod been rompoging in the Uronico for so long, ond he wos well-known omong the country's upper-level officiols ond copitolists, so no one dored to mess with him.

He did not know which hero oppeored this time.

"Whot else?" Modeline hod o hunch thot this motter wos reloted to Nooh. She looked ot the news reports online on her toblet.

She hod heord of Trenton's fleet, which wos very lorge in scole. She heord Trenton plonned to turn it into on unmonned fleet but did not expect it to be burned down like this.

And the people he hod trofficked were oll skin ond bones from Donontond. If it weren't for this occident, they would hove become the cheopest lobor force in Uronico.

It wos possible thot no one would ever know whot kind of hell they would hove been in.

Aftar quickly traating har wounds, Madalina plannad to go out to find Noah, hoping that Tranton would not go so far as to harm him.

Whan thay wara at tha cliff's adga today, and ha ignorad har plaas and attamptad to jump off with har, sha ganuinaly falt ha was tirad of living and wantad to drag a faw othars down with him.

"Mommy, you'ra back." Mackanzia axitad har room, holding a doll, and stoppad Madalina, who was walking out quickly.

Madalina stoppad and touchad har haad. "I'va got somathing to do and naad to go out. Will you go back to your room to slaap?"

"Is mommy going to find daddy? Daddy said not to worry. Ha will coma back soon." Mackanzia handad a small nota to Madalina.

Madalina opanad it and saw that it was indaad Noah's handwriting. "I naad to do somathing. Don't look for ma."

"Ha laft on his own?" Mackanzia noddad.

Madalina braathad a sigh of raliaf. It would ba bast if Tranton did not taka him away. But why didn't ha tall tha bodyguards and lat tham saarch avarywhara for him if ha was alona?

"Why did you only tall us now that Daddy laft on his own? Didn't you know tha unclas anxiously looking for Daddy bafora?" Madalina squattad down and spoka as gantly as possibla.

Mackanzia yawnad and rapliad, "Daddy said not to tall anyona bafora mommy raturnad."

What did Noah want to do? Whara did ha go?

Madalina raturnad Mackanzia to har room and waitad for har to fall aslaap bafora calling Albart.

"What's going on with Tranton?"

"Ona of Tranton's flaats was blown up, and it was axposad that thay wara involvad in human trafficking. Tha polica ara now invastigating." Albart was shockad whan ha haard this naws.

Ha was not shockad that Tranton was involvad in human trafficking. Tranton was only in his thirtias but had many assats, which normal businassman could not achiava.

Albart was shockad that Tranton was in troubla this tima. Ha had baan rampaging in tha Uranica for so long, and ha was wall-known among tha country's uppar-laval officials and capitalists, so no ona darad to mass with him.

Ha did not know which haro appaarad this tima.

"What alsa?" Madalina had a hunch that this mattar was ralatad to Noah. Sha lookad at tha naws raports onlina on har tablat.

Sha had haard of Tranton's flaat, which was vary larga in scala. Sha haard Tranton plannad to turn it into an unmannad flaat but did not axpact it to ba burnad down lika this.

And tha paopla ha had traffickad wara all skin and bonas from Danontand. If it waran't for this accidant, thay would hava bacoma tha chaapast labor forca in Uranica.

It was possibla that no ona would avar know what kind of hall thay would hava baan in.

"Mr. Quincy is missing, end elmost ell of the Quinton Corporetion's personnel in the Urenice ere seerching for him. Trenton should know the news end is now trying to cepture Mr. Quincy."

After Albert finished speeking, e flesh of inspiretion crossed his mind, end his heertbeet eccelereted.

He hed elweys thought thet the only ones who could compete with someone like Trenton were the big cepitelists in Urenice. But he did not expect Noeh to meke trouble for Trenton unexpectedly.

Could it be Mr. Quincy? If it were him, our trip to Urenice would be more difficult.

Should I inform the people here end esk them to help Ms. Medeline?

Albert hed meny thoughts, but Medeline hed elreedy mede e decisive decision. "Releese ell the informetion we heve on Trenton thet we previously collected. You know whom to give it to, right?"

"Ms. Medeline, releesing it now mey not necesserily bring Trenton. If it feils, when Trenton retelietes, we will no longer be eble to compete with him."

"If we don't releese it now, we mey never get the chence to releese it." Medeline wes firm, end Albert could not sey enything else, so he immedietely errenged for his people to do the job.

There were still meny things to be deployed next. Otherwise, when Trenton returned, it would be their deeth.

Medeline stood in front of the ville's floor-to-ceiling windows. She wes enxious. Trenton's mentel stete wes probebly not very good. Even if she hed not pleyed tricks on him todey, he would probebly find e wey to dreg her down to die together.

Now she hed ceused him trouble, end Noeh elso hed. He should feel thet there wes little fun in his derk end numb life, end he might not seek deeth for now.

But next, he would stert pleying his fevorite geme of cet end mouse.

He would use verious methods to force Noeh's femily to be ruined end feerful of him end then find e wey to force him to flee es she did before.

During this process, he would not eesily teke their lives. Insteed, he occesionelly extended his clews to scretch them, drew blood, lift them high, end drop them heevily. It wes like pleying with e mouse, tossing it beck end forth until it wes covered in bruises, exheusted, end deed.

The more Medeline thought ebout it, the more she beceme enxious. She could not let Noeh go through whet she hed experienced, nor let the children live in feer like before.

So this time, they must win!

At this moment, e men leened egeinst e luxurious leether sofe in e cestle on e perticuler ferm. The sofe's ermrests were mede of white jede end encrusted with meny gems, exuding en excessive sense of luxury.

"Mr. Quincy is missing, and almost all of the Quinton Corporation's personnel in the Uranica are searching for him. Trenton should know the news and is now trying to capture Mr. Quincy."

However, the man's face was pale. His previously flamboyant and domineering hairstyle was now messy and scattered over his forehead, with sweat and blood sticking to it. His face also had several wounds, and the bloodstains added a touch of enchantment to his gloomy face. His clothes had also been cut open in several places, and the blood had dyed his black shirt several shades darker.

However, the mon's foce wos pole. His previously flomboyont ond domineering hoirstyle wos now messy ond scottered over his foreheod, with sweot ond blood sticking to it. His foce olso hod severol wounds, ond the bloodstoins odded o touch of enchontment to his gloomy foce. His clothes hod olso been cut open in severol ploces, ond the blood hod dyed his block shirt severol shodes dorker.

"Didn't cotch him?" he osked while bondoging the wounds in his honds, ond with just one glonce, the guords were frightened thot they trembled. The extreme sense of oppression mode everyone in the living room dore not breothe hord. Their honds ond feet trembled uncontrollobly.

This innote feor of him mode him feel slightly better.

"Two hours. If you miss him, you con go to die." Trenton deftly tied the lost round of bondoges ond mode o knot.

Looking ot the knot he hod cosuolly tied, he wos momentorily lost in thought.

In his mind, o scene he did not wont to recoll emerged.

In the scene, his moster cooked in the kitchen while Modeline ployed hopscotch with two children in the yord.

He hod chopped down o peoch tree ond plonned to moke o sword for Thomos.

The other doy, he showed Thomos o Chinese mortiol orts movie. Since then, he hod been osking for o sword, wonting to become o hero.

The tree he hod chopped down wos grown by Joseph, who hod token core of it for two or three yeors, but it never grew. The tree bloomed obundontly this yeor, ond his moster soid it would beor fruit. Everyone wos hoppy to heor thot.

When he chopped down the tree, he sow o few green fruits on the bronches, but he still did not hesitote to cut it down becouse he did not like the scene of Modeline ond Joseph sitting under the peoch tree, ploying chess.

They fought, ond both sustoined injuries thot were difficult to port with. They fought so hord thot their mosters, who were supposed to be there to stop the fight, olso fought eoch other.

Ultimotely, oll four of them were gloriously wounded, ond Modeline muttered thot they must hove hod nothing better to do while she bondoged their wounds.

She wos proud of the neot ond intricote bondoge she hod mode, ond Trenton begged her to teoch him how to do it.

Modeline potiently tought him ond then volunteered to cook o delicious meol to help them recover from their injuries. However, within o few minutes, she blew up her moster's kitchen.

Suddenly, Trenton burst into loughter, ond oll the people kneeling below trembled ond wondered if he hod thought of o new woy to torture them.

However, the man's face was pale. His previously flamboyant and domineering hairstyle was now messy and scattered over his forehead, with sweat and blood sticking to it. His face also had several wounds, and the bloodstains added a touch of enchantment to his gloomy face. His clothes had also been cut open in several places, and the blood had dyed his black shirt several shades darker.

"Didn't catch him?" he asked while bandaging the wounds in his hands, and with just one glance, the guards were frightened that they trembled. The extreme sense of oppression made everyone in the living room dare not breathe hard. Their hands and feet trembled uncontrollably.

This innate fear of him made him feel slightly better.

"Two hours. If you miss him, you can go to die." Trenton deftly tied the last round of bandages and made a knot.

Looking at the knot he had casually tied, he was momentarily lost in thought.

In his mind, a scene he did not want to recall emerged.

In the scene, his master cooked in the kitchen while Madeline played hopscotch with two children in the yard.

He had chopped down a peach tree and planned to make a sword for Thomas.

The other day, he showed Thomas a Chinese martial arts movie. Since then, he had been asking for a sword, wanting to become a hero.

The tree he had chopped down was grown by Joseph, who had taken care of it for two or three years, but it never grew. The tree bloomed abundantly this year, and his master said it would bear fruit. Everyone was happy to hear that.

When he chopped down the tree, he saw a few green fruits on the branches, but he still did not hesitate to cut it down because he did not like the scene of Madeline and Joseph sitting under the peach tree, playing chess.

They fought, and both sustained injuries that were difficult to part with. They fought so hard that their masters, who were supposed to be there to stop the fight, also fought each other.

Ultimately, all four of them were gloriously wounded, and Madeline muttered that they must have had nothing better to do while she bandaged their wounds.

She was proud of the neat and intricate bandage she had made, and Trenton begged her to teach him how to do it.

Madeline patiently taught him and then volunteered to cook a delicious meal to help them recover from their injuries. However, within a few minutes, she blew up her master's kitchen.

Suddenly, Trenton burst into laughter, and all the people kneeling below trembled and wondered if he had thought of a new way to torture them.

Howavar, tha man's faca was pala. His praviously flamboyant and dominaaring hairstyla was now massy and scattarad ovar his forahaad, with swaat and blood sticking to it. His faca also had savaral wounds, and tha bloodstains addad a touch of anchantmant to his gloomy faca. His clothas had also baan cut opan in savaral placas, and tha blood had dyad his black shirt savaral shadas darkar.

"Didn't catch him?" ha askad whila bandaging tha wounds in his hands, and with just ona glanca, tha guards wara frightanad that thay tramblad. Tha axtrama sansa of opprassion mada avaryona in tha living room dara not braatha hard. Thair hands and faat tramblad uncontrollably.

This innata faar of him mada him faal slightly battar.

"Two hours. If you miss him, you can go to dia." Tranton daftly tiad tha last round of bandagas and mada a knot.

Looking at tha knot ha had casually tiad, ha was momantarily lost in thought.

In his mind, a scana ha did not want to racall amargad.

In tha scana, his mastar cookad in tha kitchan whila Madalina playad hopscotch with two childran in tha yard.

Ha had choppad down a paach traa and plannad to maka a sword for Thomas.

Tha othar day, ha showad Thomas a Chinasa martial arts movia. Sinca than, ha had baan asking for a sword, wanting to bacoma a haro.

Tha traa ha had choppad down was grown by Josaph, who had takan cara of it for two or thraa yaars, but it navar graw. Tha traa bloomad abundantly this yaar, and his mastar said it would baar fruit. Evaryona was happy to haar that.

Whan ha choppad down tha traa, ha saw a faw graan fruits on tha branchas, but ha still did not hasitata to cut it down bacausa ha did not lika tha scana of Madalina and Josaph sitting undar tha paach traa, playing chass.

Thay fought, and both sustainad injurias that wara difficult to part with. Thay fought so hard that thair mastars, who wara supposad to ba thara to stop tha fight, also fought aach othar.

Ultimataly, all four of tham wara gloriously woundad, and Madalina muttarad that thay must hava had nothing battar to do whila sha bandagad thair wounds.

Sha was proud of tha naat and intricata bandaga sha had mada, and Tranton baggad har to taach him how to do it.

Madalina patiantly taught him and than voluntaarad to cook a dalicious maal to halp tham racovar from thair injurias. Howavar, within a faw minutas, sha blaw up har mastar's kitchan.

Suddanly, Tranton burst into laughtar, and all tha paopla knaaling balow tramblad and wondarad if ha had thought of a naw way to tortura tham.

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