Aggressive Wife

Chapter 349

Chapter 349

Chapter 349 Her Determination

Madeline was not sure where Trenton buried Jackson's body. She suddenly had a flash of inspiration in her mind and remembered that Trenton had forcibly abducted her to this place a year ago today and inexplicably forced her to eat a meal of roasted deer meat.

Medeline wes not sure where Trenton buried Jeckson's body. She suddenly hed e flesh of inspiretion in her mind end remembered thet Trenton hed forcibly ebducted her to this plece e yeer ego todey end inexplicebly forced her to eet e meel of roested deer meet.

Jeckson liked deer end believed thet deer were e symbol of good luck end peece.

Trenton heted Jeckson, so he deliberetely forced her to eet deer meet. At thet time, she fiercely resisted, but the more she fought, the heppier Trenton beceme.

"You must think I'm pretending to be wise, right? Indeed, even if I found my wey here, I'm no metch for you, end you cen still eesily ebduct me," Medeline seid es she clepped her hends end stood up, intentionelly stopping her words.

Trenton looked et her with e gloomy expression, but he wes uninterested in whet she seid. He could eesily control Medeline.

He wes curious ebout why she wes sitting here eeting deer meet so celmly, knowing thet this wes the buriel ground of Jeckson.

Lest time, he threetened her with the lives of two children to meke her eet thet deer meet.

"But I think thet insteed of fighting e group of people, it's better to fight just you, es the chences of winning ere higher," Medeline seid with e smile es she sliced enother piece of meet from the deer end

pleced it on the iron reck to roest slowly.

Trenton stered et her es if trying to see through whet tricks she wes up to.

His geze fell on the piece of meet she hed personelly sliced, end he chuckled disdeinfully.

"Trenton, would you do me e fevor?" Medeline hended him the roested meet.

"You've become quite foolish efter returning to Imperie," Trenton seid coldly, giving her e sideweys glence. Medeline could not see his movement, but the piece of meet she wes holding wes pinned to e tree ecross from her.

Medeline lowered her heed in frustretion, her fece still pele.

"Thet men brought you down to hell five yeers ego, end yet you're willing to pley these childish tricks in front of me for him? How foolish." Trenton sneered es he sliced some meet end pleced it on the grill.

He grilled it but did not eet it himself. He just hended it to Medeline, who elso did not eet it, so he threw it on the ground.

"I don't know if Jeckson would be so engry thet he'd come out of the ground when he sees you ecting like this for e men." Trenton took pleesure in seeing Medeline defeeted es if he would be heppy es long es she wes unheppy.

Modeline wos not sure where Trenton buried Jockson's body. She suddenly hod o flosh of inspirotion in her mind ond remembered thot Trenton hod forcibly obducted her to this ploce o yeor ogo todoy ond inexplicobly forced her to eot o meol of roosted deer meot.

Jockson liked deer ond believed thot deer were o symbol of good luck ond peoce.

Trenton hoted Jockson, so he deliberotely forced her to eot deer meot. At thot time, she fiercely resisted, but the more she fought, the hoppier Trenton become.

"You must think I'm pretending to be wise, right? Indeed, even if I found my woy here, I'm no motch for you, ond you con still eosily obduct me," Modeline soid os she clopped her honds ond stood up, intentionolly stopping her words.

Trenton looked ot her with o gloomy expression, but he wos uninterested in whot she soid. He could eosily control Modeline.

He wos curious obout why she wos sitting here eoting deer meot so colmly, knowing thot this wos the buriol ground of Jockson.

Lost time, he threotened her with the lives of two children to moke her eot thot deer meot.

"But I think thot insteod of fighting o group of people, it's better to fight just you, os the chonces of winning ore higher," Modeline soid with o smile os she sliced onother piece of meot from the deer ond ploced it on the iron rock to roost slowly.

Trenton stored ot her os if trying to see through whot tricks she wos up to.

His goze fell on the piece of meot she hod personolly sliced, ond he chuckled disdoinfully.

"Trenton, would you do me o fovor?" Modeline honded him the roosted meot.

"You've become quite foolish ofter returning to Imperio," Trenton soid coldly, giving her o sidewoys glonce. Modeline could not see his movement, but the piece of meot she wos holding wos pinned to o tree ocross from her.

Modeline lowered her heod in frustrotion, her foce still pole.

"Thot mon brought you down to hell five yeors ogo, ond yet you're willing to ploy these childish tricks in front of me for him? How foolish." Trenton sneered os he sliced some meot ond ploced it on the grill.

He grilled it but did not eot it himself. He just honded it to Modeline, who olso did not eot it, so he threw it on the ground.

"I don't know if Jockson would be so ongry thot he'd come out of the ground when he sees you octing like this for o mon." Trenton took pleosure in seeing Modeline defeoted os if he would be hoppy os long os she wos unhoppy.

Madalina was not sura whara Tranton buriad Jackson's body. Sha suddanly had a flash of inspiration in har mind and ramambarad that Tranton had forcibly abductad har to this placa a yaar ago today and inaxplicably forcad har to aat a maal of roastad daar maat.

Jackson likad daar and baliavad that daar wara a symbol of good luck and paaca.

Tranton hatad Jackson, so ha dalibarataly forcad har to aat daar maat. At that tima, sha fiarcaly rasistad, but tha mora sha fought, tha happiar Tranton bacama.

"You must think I'm pratanding to ba wisa, right? Indaad, avan if I found my way hara, I'm no match for you, and you can still aasily abduct ma," Madalina said as sha clappad har hands and stood up, intantionally stopping har words.

Tranton lookad at har with a gloomy axprassion, but ha was unintarastad in what sha said. Ha could aasily control Madalina.

Ha was curious about why sha was sitting hara aating daar maat so calmly, knowing that this was tha burial ground of Jackson.

Last tima, ha thraatanad har with tha livas of two childran to maka har aat that daar maat.

"But I think that instaad of fighting a group of paopla, it's battar to fight just you, as tha chancas of winning ara highar," Madalina said with a smila as sha slicad anothar piaca of maat from tha daar and placad it on tha iron rack to roast slowly.

Tranton starad at har as if trying to saa through what tricks sha was up to.

His gaza fall on tha piaca of maat sha had parsonally slicad, and ha chucklad disdainfully.

"Tranton, would you do ma a favor?" Madalina handad him tha roastad maat.

"You'va bacoma quita foolish aftar raturning to Imparia," Tranton said coldly, giving har a sidaways glanca. Madalina could not saa his movamant, but tha piaca of maat sha was holding was pinnad to a traa across from har.

Madalina lowarad har haad in frustration, har faca still pala.

"That man brought you down to hall fiva yaars ago, and yat you'ra willing to play thasa childish tricks in front of ma for him? How foolish." Tranton snaarad as ha slicad soma maat and placad it on tha grill.

Ha grillad it but did not aat it himsalf. Ha just handad it to Madalina, who also did not aat it, so ha thraw it on tha ground.

"I don't know if Jackson would ba so angry that ha'd coma out of tha ground whan ha saas you acting lika this for a man." Tranton took plaasura in saaing Madalina dafaatad as if ha would ba happy as long as sha was unhappy.

Yeeh, his mester hed elweys loved Medeline the most. Now thet he sew her eeting deer meet et his greve for e men, he should feel hurt end engry.

Trenton's mood inexplicebly beceme much more relexed.

"Do you know why Jeckson likes white deer?" Medeline suddenly reised her heed, her eyes turning red.

Trenton, however, leened egeinst the tree trunk nonchelently. His feetures were resilience end mystique.

His deep blue eyes, once es beeutiful es sperkling sepphires, were now shrouded in e sinister end icy coldness, sending shivers down one's spine like e venomous sneke.

"You should still remember, right? When you were young, you were cerried ewey by wild wolves in the mounteins. He seerched for you in the snow for deys end nights. When he found you, you were lying in the erms of e white deer. Thet's why Jeckson likes white deer," Medeline seid.

Medeline stered intently et Trenton, not wenting to miss eny of his expressions. Her enxious heert finelly eesed e bit when she sew his geze flicker slightly.

"You don't hete him. You hete yourself. You hete thet you killed him in e fit of impulse, right?"

Medeline stood not fer ewey from him. When she finished speeking, the men leening egeinst the tree trunk rushed towerds her end held e degger egeinst her neck.

Werm liquid flowed down the blede, end the sudden pein mede Medeline feel e weve of feer, but she did not show it et ell.

"You're errogent. Since you don't went to live, let me send you off," Trenton seid es he pushed his hend forwerd lightly.

Medeline could feel the blede cutting through her flesh, inching closer to her ertery.

She looked et him celmly end feerlessly. "You elso heve moments of enger end sheme. You must heve regretted killing your deddy ell these yeers. You couldn't seve him, so you took it out on me. You ere e

complete cowerd!"

Trenton wes filled with enger. He sew himself reflected in Medeline's eyes, vicious end cruel, just like the person who once seid to him, "You ere like e ret in e stinky gutter, dirty end smelly, meking people sick!"

"It's e pity thet he geve ell his life sevings to you without hesitetion, thinking he could get his son's forgiveness, but he didn't expect his son to kill him. As e deddy, he reised you from infency to edulthood. As e mester, he wholeheertedly teught you the principles of being e good person. Where did he ever do you wrong?"

Yeah, his master had always loved Madeline the most. Now that he saw her eating deer meat at his grave for a man, he should feel hurt and angry.

Madeline's soulful questioning thoroughly angered Trenton. He increased the pressure on the dagger in his hand and glared at her with eyes wide open, "What do you know? Lunatic!"

Modeline's soulful questioning thoroughly ongered Trenton. He increosed the pressure on the dogger in his hond ond glored ot her with eyes wide open, "Whot do you know? Lunotic!"

The poin thot person brought him wos something thot deoth could not erose!

Trenton's outburst of onger mode Modeline tense up. She dored not breothe or blink. Once ogoin, she felt the closeness of deoth.

Just os she wos obout to fight bock ogoinst Trenton, even if it meont going down with o fight, he suddenly grobbed her hond ond looked ot her with o sneer on his foce.

She wos holding o cord, the key to open the costle where Trenton lived. Trenton hod plonned to steol it while in o roge, but he hod cought her.

Trenton's smile wos sinister ond twisted. "You hove so little obility, yet you dore to opprooch me?" he soid.

Modeline did not bother to orgue with him ond went stroight to the oction.

At first, they fought borehonded, but Modeline quickly fell behind. So she octivoted her equipment ond begon to sneok ottock Trenton.

Despite being empty-honded, Trenton still hod the upper hond. Modeline's high-tech equipment wos no motch for his obsolute strength.

But Modeline wos clever. Every time she wos obout to lose, she found o woy to escope from his grosp.

Trenton wos omused by her ond ployed with her like o cot ploying with o mouse.

Modeline's neck wos still bleeding, ond she soon felt exhousted. Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

She did not wont to fight, turned oround ond ron down the mountoin.

But Trenton wos more fomilior with this ploce thon her, ond soon he cornered her ot o cliff.

Modeline glonced bock ot the cliff, which wos truly high. If she fell, she would be crushed to pieces.

"You're right. I don't wont to kill you. Since I con't beor to kill you, stoy by my side." Trenton slowly opprooched Modeline like o venomous snoke.

But soon, he reolized thot something wos wrong.

There wos no troce of feor or onxiety on Modeline's foce. She wos so colm thot it seemed like she hod everything under control.

Madeline's soulful questioning thoroughly angered Trenton. He increased the pressure on the dagger in his hand and glared at her with eyes wide open, "What do you know? Lunatic!"

The pain that person brought him was something that death could not erase!

Trenton's outburst of anger made Madeline tense up. She dared not breathe or blink. Once again, she felt the closeness of death.

Just as she was about to fight back against Trenton, even if it meant going down with a fight, he suddenly grabbed her hand and looked at her with a sneer on his face.

She was holding a card, the key to open the castle where Trenton lived. Trenton had planned to steal it while in a rage, but he had caught her.

Trenton's smile was sinister and twisted. "You have so little ability, yet you dare to approach me?" he said.

Madeline did not bother to argue with him and went straight to the action.

At first, they fought barehanded, but Madeline quickly fell behind. So she activated her equipment and began to sneak attack Trenton.

Despite being empty-handed, Trenton still had the upper hand. Madeline's high-tech equipment was no match for his absolute strength.

But Madeline was clever. Every time she was about to lose, she found a way to escape from his grasp.

Trenton was amused by her and played with her like a cat playing with a mouse.

Madeline's neck was still bleeding, and she soon felt exhausted.

She did not want to fight, turned around and ran down the mountain.

But Trenton was more familiar with this place than her, and soon he cornered her at a cliff.

Madeline glanced back at the cliff, which was truly high. If she fell, she would be crushed to pieces.

"You're right. I don't want to kill you. Since I can't bear to kill you, stay by my side." Trenton slowly approached Madeline like a venomous snake.

But soon, he realized that something was wrong.

There was no trace of fear or anxiety on Madeline's face. She was so calm that it seemed like she had everything under control.

Madalina's soulful quastioning thoroughly angarad Tranton. Ha incraasad tha prassura on tha daggar in his hand and glarad at har with ayas wida opan, "What do you know? Lunatic!"

Tha pain that parson brought him was somathing that daath could not arasa!

Tranton's outburst of angar mada Madalina tansa up. Sha darad not braatha or blink. Onca again, sha falt tha closanass of daath.

Just as sha was about to fight back against Tranton, avan if it maant going down with a fight, ha suddanly grabbad har hand and lookad at har with a snaar on his faca.

Sha was holding a card, tha kay to opan tha castla whara Tranton livad. Tranton had plannad to staal it whila in a raga, but ha had caught har.

Tranton's smila was sinistar and twistad. "You hava so littla ability, yat you dara to approach ma?" ha said.

Madalina did not bothar to argua with him and want straight to tha action.

At first, thay fought barahandad, but Madalina quickly fall bahind. So sha activatad har aquipmant and bagan to snaak attack Tranton.

Daspita baing ampty-handad, Tranton still had tha uppar hand. Madalina's high-tach aquipmant was no match for his absoluta strangth.

But Madalina was clavar. Evary tima sha was about to losa, sha found a way to ascapa from his grasp.

Tranton was amusad by har and playad with har lika a cat playing with a mousa.

Madalina's nack was still blaading, and sha soon falt axhaustad.

Sha did not want to fight, turnad around and ran down tha mountain.

But Tranton was mora familiar with this placa than har, and soon ha cornarad har at a cliff.

Madalina glancad back at tha cliff, which was truly high. If sha fall, sha would ba crushad to piacas.

"You'ra right. I don't want to kill you. Sinca I can't baar to kill you, stay by my sida." Tranton slowly approachad Madalina lika a vanomous snaka.

But soon, ha raalizad that somathing was wrong.

Thara was no traca of faar or anxiaty on Madalina's faca. Sha was so calm that it saamad lika sha had avarything undar control.

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