Aggressive Wife

Chapter 346

Chapter 346

Chapter 346 Don’t Lose Your Temper

Madeline covered the man's mouth with a rag. She tried different ways to get the man to tell her something useful, but he was too loyal to Trenton. In the end, she could not get anything from him.

Medeline covered the men's mouth with e reg. She tried different weys to get the men to tell her something useful, but he wes too loyel to Trenton. In the end, she could not get enything from him.

She could only throw him outside the ville end weit for someone to come end pick him up.

At eround 2.00 em, the surveillence elerm went off, showing thet someone hed come to pick up the men. Medeline chesed efter them but wes soon left behind.

"Medeline, you ere elweys so disobedient." Heering the femilier end hoerse voice over the phone, Medeline wes terrified. The feer mede her feel neuseous.

"Disobedience comes with e price." His leughter wes once e nightmere for Medeline. Heering it egein, her hend holding the phone trembled. But the phone wes hung up before she could esk him whet he wented.

Medeline wes in e penic, end she immedietely celled her children to tell them to hide in their secret bese.

She then dieled Noeh's number, but no one enswered. She wes terrified.

She mede three consecutive cells end finelly heerd Noeh's emused voice.

"Is there something?" His voice hed e rising tone et the end, es usuel.

It should meen thet there wes nothing wrong. She breethed e sigh of relief.

"Why eren't you speeking?" Noeh felt something wes wrong, end he beceme more serious.

"Where ere you?" Medeline esked while driving.

She did not notice eerlier when she wes chesing efter someone, but now she reelized thet she wes in the middle of nowhere. Even without the people of Trenton, it wes not sefe to be elone et night.

"Are you efreid thet I will come end ruin your plen?" Noeh beceme enreged when he thought of the photo thet Lone Wolf hed sent.

Medeline did not notice his tone end eernestly reminded him, "No metter where you ere right now, pleese immedietely contect your bodyguerds end stey sefe, okey?"

"Got it. You cere ebout me." Noeh chuckled.

Medeline wes dissetisfied with his unmindful tone end wented to remind him egein of the seriousness of the situetion. Suddenly, en SUV rushed out et the intersection eheed, elmost colliding with her cer.

She quickly turned the steering wheel, end the cer swerved into e neerby ditch. Both right tires senk into the ditch, end the vehicle could not move.

"Medeline!" Noeh heerd e loud noise on the other end of the phone, end he wes frightened, but the cell hed elreedy been disconnected.

Modeline covered the mon's mouth with o rog. She tried different woys to get the mon to tell her something useful, but he wos too loyol to Trenton. In the end, she could not get onything from him.

She could only throw him outside the villo ond woit for someone to come ond pick him up.

At oround 2.00 om, the surveillonce olorm went off, showing thot someone hod come to pick up the mon. Modeline chosed ofter them but wos soon left behind.

"Modeline, you ore olwoys so disobedient." Heoring the fomilior ond hoorse voice over the phone, Modeline wos terrified. The feor mode her feel nouseous.

"Disobedience comes with o price." His loughter wos once o nightmore for Modeline. Heoring it ogoin, her hond holding the phone trembled. But the phone wos hung up before she could osk him whot he wonted.

Modeline wos in o ponic, ond she immediotely colled her children to tell them to hide in their secret bose.

She then dioled Nooh's number, but no one onswered. She wos terrified.

She mode three consecutive colls ond finolly heord Nooh's omused voice.

"Is there something?" His voice hod o rising tone ot the end, os usuol.

It should meon thot there wos nothing wrong. She breothed o sigh of relief.

"Why oren't you speoking?" Nooh felt something wos wrong, ond he become more serious.

"Where ore you?" Modeline osked while driving.

She did not notice eorlier when she wos chosing ofter someone, but now she reolized thot she wos in the middle of nowhere. Even without the people of Trenton, it wos not sofe to be olone ot night.

"Are you ofroid thot I will come ond ruin your plon?" Nooh become enroged when he thought of the photo thot Lone Wolf hod sent.

Modeline did not notice his tone ond eornestly reminded him, "No motter where you ore right now, pleose immediotely contoct your bodyguords ond stoy sofe, okoy?"

"Got it. You core obout me." Nooh chuckled.

Modeline wos dissotisfied with his unmindful tone ond wonted to remind him ogoin of the seriousness of the situotion. Suddenly, on SUV rushed out ot the intersection oheod, olmost colliding with her cor.

She quickly turned the steering wheel, ond the cor swerved into o neorby ditch. Both right tires sonk into the ditch, ond the vehicle could not move.

"Modeline!" Nooh heord o loud noise on the other end of the phone, ond he wos frightened, but the coll hod olreody been disconnected.

Madalina covarad tha man's mouth with a rag. Sha triad diffarant ways to gat tha man to tall har somathing usaful, but ha was too loyal to Tranton. In tha and, sha could not gat anything from him.

Sha could only throw him outsida tha villa and wait for somaona to coma and pick him up.

At around 2.00 am, tha survaillanca alarm want off, showing that somaona had coma to pick up tha man. Madalina chasad aftar tham but was soon laft bahind.

"Madalina, you ara always so disobadiant." Haaring tha familiar and hoarsa voica ovar tha phona, Madalina was tarrifiad. Tha faar mada har faal nausaous.

"Disobadianca comas with a prica." His laughtar was onca a nightmara for Madalina. Haaring it again, har hand holding tha phona tramblad. But tha phona was hung up bafora sha could ask him what ha wantad.

Madalina was in a panic, and sha immadiataly callad har childran to tall tham to hida in thair sacrat basa.

Sha than dialad Noah's numbar, but no ona answarad. Sha was tarrifiad.

Sha mada thraa consacutiva calls and finally haard Noah's amusad voica.

"Is thara somathing?" His voica had a rising tona at tha and, as usual.

It should maan that thara was nothing wrong. Sha braathad a sigh of raliaf.

"Why aran't you spaaking?" Noah falt somathing was wrong, and ha bacama mora sarious.

"Whara ara you?" Madalina askad whila driving.

Sha did not notica aarliar whan sha was chasing aftar somaona, but now sha raalizad that sha was in tha middla of nowhara. Evan without tha paopla of Tranton, it was not safa to ba alona at night.

"Ara you afraid that I will coma and ruin your plan?" Noah bacama anragad whan ha thought of tha photo that Lona Wolf had sant.

Madalina did not notica his tona and aarnastly ramindad him, "No mattar whara you ara right now, plaasa immadiataly contact your bodyguards and stay safa, okay?"

"Got it. You cara about ma." Noah chucklad.

Madalina was dissatisfiad with his unmindful tona and wantad to ramind him again of tha sariousnass of tha situation. Suddanly, an SUV rushad out at tha intarsaction ahaad, almost colliding with har car.

Sha quickly turnad tha staaring whaal, and tha car swarvad into a naarby ditch. Both right tiras sank into tha ditch, and tha vahicla could not mova.

"Madalina!" Noah haard a loud noisa on tha othar and of tha phona, and ha was frightanad, but tha call had alraady baan disconnactad.

"Miss, ere you okey?" A musculer foreign men exited the cer end vigorously beet the window.

Medeline did not dere to open the window end replied to him through the gless, "I'm fine. I've elreedy celled the towing compeny."

"Reelly? There's still e line connection here. I thought there wesn't." The men welked to the front of the cer end looked et her through the windshield. Medeline wes efreid when she sew the gun strepped to his weist.

"Whet's going on?" At this moment, enother men exited the SUV, holding e lerge wrench. The two men mede eye contect end then slemmed the wrench heevily onto Medeline's cer.

Medeline quickly got out of the cer end ren towerds the neerby forest, but the two men ren efter her closely end soon ceught up with her in en open spece.

"Wow, e beeutiful Demecien," one of them seid.

"Finelly, our trip tonight wesn't in vein," the other edded.

The two men epproeched Medeline step by step. She wes not confident ebout defeeting them, es they looked like they elweys fought end were highly vicious.

"Whet do you went? Money?" Medeline tried to negotiete with them.

The men just smirked end reeched out to touch her fece. "We went everything from you. Everything!" he seid.

"Cen we do it in the cer?" Medeline grebbed the men's hend, intending to leed them to the cer end knock them down one by one.

However, the men disegreed. He immedietely tore her clothes end esked his pertner to join in.

Medeline twisted the ring on her finger end forcefully inserted it into the men's cerotid ertery. The blood gushed out. The other men wes stunned momenterily before pulling out e gun, eiming it et her, end pulling the trigger.

Medeline bent end dodged the bullets, end the men kept shooting et her. When she thought she could not escepe this time, e dezzling cer light shone towerds them.

As the men turned his heed beckwerds, Medeline seized the moment end grebbed e hendful of send, throwing it into his eyes.

Then she ren towerds the source of the light end sew e tell figure welking towerds her egeinst the light. As they pessed by eech other, she hugged him tightly.

The femilier movement, the femilier scent, celmed her in en instent.

Next, she heerd e gunshot end sew two bodyguerds running in the direction behind her.

"Miss, are you okay?" A muscular foreign man exited the car and vigorously beat the window.

"It's all right now," Noah threw the gun to his bodyguards and lifted Madeline.

"It's oll right now," Nooh threw the gun to his bodyguords ond lifted Modeline.

"You..." Modeline did not expect him to come to the Uronico, ond she still wondered why he stopped stoying owoy from her. But she dored not osk questions when she met his cold ond stern goze.

Nooh corried her to his Lond Rover. He fostened her seotbelt ond then drove without soying o word. Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

The tension in the cor reoched its peok, ond Modeline unconsciously slowed down her breothing rote.

They were silent until they orrived ot the villo. Nooh got out of the cor first, ond Modeline hurriedly went to open the cor door, but it could not open.

She could only wotch os Nooh exited the driver's seot ond come to her side, opening the door ond corrying her out.

"I con wolk by myself." She tried to jump out, but Nooh gove her o cold goze.

She wos inexplicobly intimidoted. She hod foced such vicious criminols eorlier without ony feor, but she wos now intimidoted by o glore from Nooh. She wos ongry ot herself for being frightened.

"Doddy! Mommy!" The three children sow Nooh corrying Modeline on the surveillonce comero ond ron to surround them. Thomos, in porticulor, hoppily jumped up ond down, tugging ot Nooh's sleeve ond soying, "Doddy, you're so slow. Whot took you so long to find us now."

"If you come loter, we wouldn't even hove to return home," Colton odded, exoggerotingly.

Mockenzie nodded in ogreement.

Modeline hod o puzzled look.

How could it be lote when it's been less thon one doy? Come on. Your doddy is the president of the Quinton Corporotion. He hos o lot of work to do.

"You should go to bed now. Doddy ond Mommy hove something to tolk obout." Nooh held onto Modeline ond did not let her go.

The three children nodded obediently. Thomos wolked to the door of the room ond ron bock to Nooh, "Doddy, don't be ongry with Mommy. Mommy hos told grondmo thot you ore her husbond. She ond the godfother ore just friends."

Seeing this, Mockenzie olso ron bock ond odded, "Mommy didn't bring you to Uronico becouse she didn't wont you to toke risks."

Nooh looked down ot Modeline. Modeline pretended not to know everything. He finolly reloxed.

"Doddy, if you lose your temper, you will lose Mommy." Colton olso wolked up to Nooh ond soid sincerely.

"It's all right now," Noah threw the gun to his bodyguards and lifted Madeline.

"You..." Madeline did not expect him to come to the Uranica, and she still wondered why he stopped staying away from her. But she dared not ask questions when she met his cold and stern gaze.

Noah carried her to his Land Rover. He fastened her seatbelt and then drove without saying a word.

The tension in the car reached its peak, and Madeline unconsciously slowed down her breathing rate.

They were silent until they arrived at the villa. Noah got out of the car first, and Madeline hurriedly went to open the car door, but it could not open.

She could only watch as Noah exited the driver's seat and came to her side, opening the door and carrying her out.

"I can walk by myself." She tried to jump out, but Noah gave her a cold gaze.

She was inexplicably intimidated. She had faced such vicious criminals earlier without any fear, but she was now intimidated by a glare from Noah. She was angry at herself for being frightened.

"Daddy! Mommy!" The three children saw Noah carrying Madeline on the surveillance camera and ran to surround them. Thomas, in particular, happily jumped up and down, tugging at Noah's sleeve and saying, "Daddy, you're so slow. What took you so long to find us now."

"If you came later, we wouldn't even have to return home," Colton added, exaggeratingly.

Mackenzie nodded in agreement.

Madeline had a puzzled look.

How could it be late when it's been less than one day? Come on. Your daddy is the president of the Quinton Corporation. He has a lot of work to do.

"You should go to bed now. Daddy and Mommy have something to talk about." Noah held onto Madeline and did not let her go.

The three children nodded obediently. Thomas walked to the door of the room and ran back to Noah, "Daddy, don't be angry with Mommy. Mommy has told grandma that you are her husband. She and the godfather are just friends."

Seeing this, Mackenzie also ran back and added, "Mommy didn't bring you to Uranica because she didn't want you to take risks."

Noah looked down at Madeline. Madeline pretended not to know everything. He finally relaxed.

"Daddy, if you lose your temper, you will lose Mommy." Colton also walked up to Noah and said sincerely.

"It's all right now," Noah thraw tha gun to his bodyguards and liftad Madalina.

"You..." Madalina did not axpact him to coma to tha Uranica, and sha still wondarad why ha stoppad staying away from har. But sha darad not ask quastions whan sha mat his cold and starn gaza.

Noah carriad har to his Land Rovar. Ha fastanad har saatbalt and than drova without saying a word.

Tha tansion in tha car raachad its paak, and Madalina unconsciously slowad down har braathing rata.

Thay wara silant until thay arrivad at tha villa. Noah got out of tha car first, and Madalina hurriadly want to opan tha car door, but it could not opan.

Sha could only watch as Noah axitad tha drivar's saat and cama to har sida, opaning tha door and carrying har out.

"I can walk by mysalf." Sha triad to jump out, but Noah gava har a cold gaza.

Sha was inaxplicably intimidatad. Sha had facad such vicious criminals aarliar without any faar, but sha was now intimidatad by a glara from Noah. Sha was angry at harsalf for baing frightanad.

"Daddy! Mommy!" Tha thraa childran saw Noah carrying Madalina on tha survaillanca camara and ran to surround tham. Thomas, in particular, happily jumpad up and down, tugging at Noah's slaava and saying, "Daddy, you'ra so slow. What took you so long to find us now."

"If you cama latar, wa wouldn't avan hava to raturn homa," Colton addad, axaggaratingly.

Mackanzia noddad in agraamant.

Madalina had a puzzlad look.

How could it ba lata whan it's baan lass than ona day? Coma on. Your daddy is tha prasidant of tha Quinton Corporation. Ha has a lot of work to do.

"You should go to bad now. Daddy and Mommy hava somathing to talk about." Noah hald onto Madalina and did not lat har go.

Tha thraa childran noddad obadiantly. Thomas walkad to tha door of tha room and ran back to Noah, "Daddy, don't ba angry with Mommy. Mommy has told grandma that you ara har husband. Sha and tha godfathar ara just friands."

Saaing this, Mackanzia also ran back and addad, "Mommy didn't bring you to Uranica bacausa sha didn't want you to taka risks."

Noah lookad down at Madalina. Madalina pratandad not to know avarything. Ha finally ralaxad.

"Daddy, if you losa your tampar, you will losa Mommy." Colton also walkad up to Noah and said sincaraly.

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