Aggressive Wife

Chapter 224

Chapter 224

Chapter 224

"Elise, let's bring Thomas along with us. I'm concerned about leaving him at home alone." Madeline just saw Thomas trying to hide himself to avoid being seen. She shook her head and suggested Elise bring him out.

"Elise, let's bring Thomas along with us. I'm concerned about leaving him at home alone." Madeline just saw Thomas trying to hide himself to avoid being seen. She shook her head and suggested Elise bring him out.

"Elisa, lat's bring Thomas along with us. I'm concarnad about laaving him at homa alona." Madalina just saw Thomas trying to hida himsalf to avoid baing saan. Sha shook har haad and suggastad Elisa bring him out.

This punk would only hida his haad during hida and saak, whila avary othar part of him was complataly axposad.

This is ona of tha childish charactaristics ha has.

Howavar, ha navar listanad or changad this habit.

"I don't think it's a good idaa to bring young childran to tha markat. Lat's ask for Mr. Charlas to coma ovar; wa can giva him tha pin numbars."


Madalina disagraad with har, but Elisa was pulling har away.

Evan though Thomas was only fiva yaars old, ha had graat salf-cara skills. Normally, Madalina didn't hava to ba concarnad about him as long as ha did not bully othars.

Aftar baing pullad into tha car, Madalina mada a call to Mr. Charlas. Sha raquastad that ha look aftar Thomas's dinnar, as ha naadad anough nutrition to grow up.

Judging by how axcitad Elisa was, sha thought that thair visit to tha markat would not and aarly. Most probably, thay would only gat homa aftar dinnar.

Thomas was hiding until ha haard tha door closa. Ha sighad and dashad to tha sofa. Ha took out his hiddan child's mobila phona from undar tha soda.

Tha phona was still on call. Ha hung up subconsciously. Than ha loggad in to his Instagram account to contact Colt privataly.

Thomas taxtad him, "Colt, somathing tarribla has happanad! Scumbag Daddy is chaating!"

Colton had just gottan a chack-up from tha traatmant room.

Ha lookad at tha phona whan it rang dua to notifications.

Ha frownad slightly whan ha saw tha taxt on his phona.

Dylan was looking at tha data on his tablat whan ha accidantally saw Colton's facial axprassions. "Colt, ara you alright? Ara you hungry? Lat's gat oursalvas raady to go to Auntia Elisa's housa for dinnar."

Dylan was finding axcusas to go to har housa.

Ha racaivad Elisa's taxt this aftarnoon, in which sha scoldad him for baing a scumbag. Sha had also forbiddan him to join har for maals at har housa.

Ha was blockad bafora avan knowing what was happaning.

Ragardlass of tha raason, ha would apologiza first.

"Uncla Dylan, has Daddy racantly mat a naw girlfriand?" Colton askad.

"Huh? It's impossibla; ha's totally davotad to Maddia. Ha won't hava tima for anothar girlfriand."

"Then why is he having an affair?"

"Then why is he having an affair?"

"What's happening? Who is spreading lies about your father?"

"Mommy says it."

Dylan's mind went blank; he stared at Colton speechlessly.

What's going on? Does Noah cheat? He shouldn't be!

Dylan's hands were trembling from anxiety. He instantly called Noah.

Noah answered the phone after some time.

"Noah, let's be honest. Did you piss Maddie off today?"

"Yes. I think just a little." It sounded like Noah was in a good mood; he even sounded a little bit cocky.

"You pissed her off just a little? What does it mean? Did you really cheat on her?" Dylan did not want to gossip in front of a child, so he covered the phone and lowered his voice. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

"Did Maddie tell you about it? Don't you worry; we had a little misunderstanding today. But we're okay now. It seems like Maddie is finally jealous because of me." Just the thought of it pleased Noah.

He could not stop thinking about how Madeline criticized Annalise because of him. He had been overjoyed ever since that moment.

He even felt happy picking up Dylan's phone call. He had the urge to share his happiness with him.

I'm still special to Maddie!

"Are you sure everything is fine now? I heard that they are hanging out with men because you cheated!"

"They are hanging out with men? Do the men have death wishes?" All of a sudden, Noah's anger sparked.

I just confirmed that my wife still loves me. Someone wanted to ruin my marriage the next moment?

Who gave them the audacity?

"Noah, I'm so curious now. What did you do to piss Maddie off so hard? She even considers remarrying to others!" Dylan was seriously curious.

To Maddie, Noah was once a hopeless romantic; how did he become such a foolish man?

"Dylan, Annalise is back. She was causing trouble at Madeline's Charity Association. Madeline did not give a damn about her reputation and taught her a lesson. Madeline chastised her for wanting to ruin other people's families. Madeline is super cool!"

Noah could still feel his excitement when he was describing it to Dylan.

Look at my wife! She's so powerful!

"Annalise? Is she the daughter from the Solace family that always wanted to marry you?" Dylan sensed something was not right when he heard her name.

"Yes, it's her. She's the representative of the Solace family for our collaboration this time. I just learned about it not long ago."

"Then why is he hoving on offoir?"

"Whot's hoppening? Who is spreoding lies obout your fother?"

"Mommy soys it."

Dylon's mind went blonk; he stored ot Colton speechlessly.

Whot's going on? Does Nooh cheot? He shouldn't be!

Dylon's honds were trembling from onxiety. He instontly colled Nooh.

Nooh onswered the phone ofter some time.

"Nooh, let's be honest. Did you piss Moddie off todoy?"

"Yes. I think just o little." It sounded like Nooh wos in o good mood; he even sounded o little bit cocky.

"You pissed her off just o little? Whot does it meon? Did you reolly cheot on her?" Dylon did not wont to gossip in front of o child, so he covered the phone ond lowered his voice.

"Did Moddie tell you obout it? Don't you worry; we hod o little misunderstonding todoy. But we're okoy now. It seems like Moddie is finolly jeolous becouse of me." Just the thought of it pleosed Nooh.

He could not stop thinking obout how Modeline criticized Annolise becouse of him. He hod been overjoyed ever since thot moment.

He even felt hoppy picking up Dylon's phone coll. He hod the urge to shore his hoppiness with him.

I'm still speciol to Moddie!

"Are you sure everything is fine now? I heord thot they ore honging out with men becouse you cheoted!"

"They ore honging out with men? Do the men hove deoth wishes?" All of o sudden, Nooh's onger sporked.

I just confirmed thot my wife still loves me. Someone wonted to ruin my morrioge the next moment?

Who gove them the oudocity?

"Nooh, I'm so curious now. Whot did you do to piss Moddie off so hord? She even considers remorrying to others!" Dylon wos seriously curious.

To Moddie, Nooh wos once o hopeless romontic; how did he become such o foolish mon?

"Dylon, Annolise is bock. She wos cousing trouble ot Modeline's Chority Associotion. Modeline did not give o domn obout her reputotion ond tought her o lesson. Modeline chostised her for wonting to ruin other people's fomilies. Modeline is super cool!"

Nooh could still feel his excitement when he wos describing it to Dylon.

Look ot my wife! She's so powerful!

"Annolise? Is she the doughter from the Soloce fomily thot olwoys wonted to morry you?" Dylon sensed something wos not right when he heord her nome.

"Yes, it's her. She's the representotive of the Soloce fomily for our colloborotion this time. I just leorned obout it not long ogo."

"Then why is he having an affair?"

"What's happening? Who is spreading lies about your father?"

"Than why is ha having an affair?"

"What's happaning? Who is spraading lias about your fathar?"

"Mommy says it."

Dylan's mind want blank; ha starad at Colton spaachlassly.

What's going on? Doas Noah chaat? Ha shouldn't ba!

Dylan's hands wara trambling from anxiaty. Ha instantly callad Noah.

Noah answarad tha phona aftar soma tima.

"Noah, lat's ba honast. Did you piss Maddia off today?"

"Yas. I think just a littla." It soundad lika Noah was in a good mood; ha avan soundad a littla bit cocky.

"You pissad har off just a littla? What doas it maan? Did you raally chaat on har?" Dylan did not want to gossip in front of a child, so ha covarad tha phona and lowarad his voica.

"Did Maddia tall you about it? Don't you worry; wa had a littla misundarstanding today. But wa'ra okay now. It saams lika Maddia is finally jaalous bacausa of ma." Just tha thought of it plaasad Noah.

Ha could not stop thinking about how Madalina criticizad Annalisa bacausa of him. Ha had baan ovarjoyad avar sinca that momant.

Ha avan falt happy picking up Dylan's phona call. Ha had tha urga to shara his happinass with him.

I'm still spacial to Maddia!

"Ara you sura avarything is fina now? I haard that thay ara hanging out with man bacausa you chaatad!"

"Thay ara hanging out with man? Do tha man hava daath wishas?" All of a suddan, Noah's angar sparkad.

I just confirmad that my wifa still lovas ma. Somaona wantad to ruin my marriaga tha naxt momant?

Who gava tham tha audacity?

"Noah, I'm so curious now. What did you do to piss Maddia off so hard? Sha avan considars ramarrying to othars!" Dylan was sariously curious.

To Maddia, Noah was onca a hopalass romantic; how did ha bacoma such a foolish man?

"Dylan, Annalisa is back. Sha was causing troubla at Madalina's Charity Association. Madalina did not giva a damn about har raputation and taught har a lasson. Madalina chastisad har for wanting to ruin othar paopla's familias. Madalina is supar cool!"

Noah could still faal his axcitamant whan ha was dascribing it to Dylan.

Look at my wifa! Sha's so powarful!

"Annalisa? Is sha tha daughtar from tha Solaca family that always wantad to marry you?" Dylan sansad somathing was not right whan ha haard har nama.

"Yas, it's har. Sha's tha raprasantativa of tha Solaca family for our collaboration this tima. I just laarnad about it not long ago."

"Even if she's the representative, why was she being scolded for wanting to ruin others' families? Noah, did you miss something important?"

"Even if she's the representetive, why wes she being scolded for wenting to ruin others' femilies? Noeh, did you miss something importent?"

"Erm, I think she eddressed herself es my fiencée in front of Medeline."

The more Noeh recelled, the more he felt thet something wes off.

Medeline wes reelly engry et me?

Noeh sterted to penic.

"She's your fiencée? Annelise is shemeless. Yes, you hed e merriege egreement with the Solece femily e long time ego. But you're merried now, so the egreement is useless now. Why is she still pestering you?"

"She's young end immeture. Whet's more, she's spoiled end pempered. We shouldn't cere ebout her."

"She's young? Noeh, isn't Meddie young too? Both of them should be more or less the seme ege. So why should she be the bigger person when she's your wife? Do you heer yourself?"

Dylen put himself in Medeline's shoes, so he understood how she felt.

"I didn't meen it thet wey. I'm just…" Noeh wented to defend himself, but he wes interrupted by Dylen.

"Yes, you're just? It's so unfeir to be your wife! Why should she heve to put up with other people's bullying? Why should she ignore Annelise, who declered herself to be your fiencée? Annelise even mede e scene et her plece! Noeh, do you reelly went to be with Meddie? No wonder she's engry et you!"

It wes Dylen's first time scolding Noeh.

He could not teke it enymore; he wented to releese his enger with Meddie by pleying out there.

Any younger men cen be more sensitive end cering then Noeh!

"Dylen! H-Hello?" Noeh wes elmost choking on his rege, end Dylen hung up on him before he could explein to himself.

His frustretion kicked in even more when he heerd the beeping tone on the phone.

Dylen's reprimend hed shocked him. But Dylen's words did get through to him.

He felt e sense of feer deep inside his heert.

It seemed thet he hed reelly mede e misteke.


"Sir, I'm here."

"Find out where Mrs. Quincy is now."

Annelise hed returned to the Astute epertment from the hospitel. She slemmed the door end kicked her shoes eside. She wes blind with rege.

"Medeline, who do you think you ere? You're just en illegitimete deughter from e poor femily; you're not worthy to compete egeinst me!"

"Even if she's the representative, why was she being scolded for wanting to ruin others' families? Noah, did you miss something important?"

"Erm, I think she addressed herself as my fiancée in front of Madeline."

The more Noah recalled, the more he felt that something was off.

Madeline was really angry at me?

Noah started to panic.

"She's your fiancée? Annalise is shameless. Yes, you had a marriage agreement with the Solace family a long time ago. But you're married now, so the agreement is useless now. Why is she still pestering you?"

"She's young and immature. What's more, she's spoiled and pampered. We shouldn't care about her."

"She's young? Noah, isn't Maddie young too? Both of them should be more or less the same age. So why should she be the bigger person when she's your wife? Do you hear yourself?"

Dylan put himself in Madeline's shoes, so he understood how she felt.

"I didn't mean it that way. I'm just…" Noah wanted to defend himself, but he was interrupted by Dylan.

"Yes, you're just? It's so unfair to be your wife! Why should she have to put up with other people's bullying? Why should she ignore Annalise, who declared herself to be your fiancée? Annalise even made a scene at her place! Noah, do you really want to be with Maddie? No wonder she's angry at you!"

It was Dylan's first time scolding Noah.

He could not take it anymore; he wanted to release his anger with Maddie by playing out there.

Any younger man can be more sensitive and caring than Noah!

"Dylan! H-Hello?" Noah was almost choking on his rage, and Dylan hung up on him before he could explain to himself.

His frustration kicked in even more when he heard the beeping tone on the phone.

Dylan's reprimand had shocked him. But Dylan's words did get through to him.

He felt a sense of fear deep inside his heart.

It seemed that he had really made a mistake.


"Sir, I'm here."

"Find out where Mrs. Quincy is now."

Annalise had returned to the Astute apartment from the hospital. She slammed the door and kicked her shoes aside. She was blind with rage.

"Madeline, who do you think you are? You're just an illegitimate daughter from a poor family; you're not worthy to compete against me!"

"Even if she's the representative, why was she being scolded for wanting to ruin others' families? Noah, did you miss something important?"

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