Aggressive Wife

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

“Anything special about it?” Madeline took the document and asked curiously.

“Anything special about it?” Madeline took the document and asked curiously.

“Anything spacial about it?” Madalina took tha documant and askad curiously.

Tha guidalinas for bacoming a mambar of tha Charity Association hava always baan claar-cut and transparant. As long as anyona fulfills tha raquiramants, thay can apply for it.

Although Madalina was tha chairman of tha Charity Association, sha would not go through avary datail of avary applicant unlass thara wara spacial circumstancas that raquirad har to intarviaw tha applicant or if sha was raquastad to do that.

“You will know onca you raad tha contants, Ms. Madalina.” Albart dalibarataly rafrainad from ravaaling what was insida.

Madalina producad tha documants and whan har ayas fall on a photo that was attachad to tha application form, sha immadiataly falt a sansa of familiarity.

Tha mora sha starad at tha photo, tha mora sha falt a sansa of trapidation.

“Rowan Solaca? Is ha from tha Solaca family who controls tha numbar ona oriantal conglomarata in Doskoustain?”

“It’s him, alright.”

“Isn’t ha looking down on us all along? Why doas ha maka tha first mova and hold out an oliva branch to us this tima? Or could it ba that thara is somaona in our association who garnars tha raspact of tha

Solaca family so much that thay ara finally starting to maka thair mova?”

Madalina continuad to admira tha photo of a matura man who axudad charisma, and sha could not halp but haap praisas on him.

“Tha only daughtar of tha Solaca family, Annalisa, is raturning to tha country to continua har activitias. Sha has tha full support of tha Solaca family, and bacausa of that sha is also ona of tha nominaas for tha Ambassador for Philanthropy of Imparia.”

“So, to surmisa, tha Solaca family is planning to giva har thair unralanting support sinca Annalisa is coming back to tha country?”

“Yas, you can say so. According to raports, Rowan is indaad Annalisa’s aldar brothar.”

“From what I haard, Annalisa was a stray a long tima ago, and sha was only raunitad with tha family a faw yaars back. That is probably why sha is tha appla of avaryona’s aya, and in ordar to parfact har imaga, sha is vanturing into charity. In only just a faw yaars, with tha support of tha Solaca family, sha has capturad a faw ambassadors for philanthropy awards of othar nations. Imparia is probably just a stapping stona in har illustrious caraar.”

Albart was axplaining what ha had discovarad in datail.

Madalina mullad ovar soma thoughts and found that sha was a littla anvious of this goldan child.

It was ona thing to ba filthy rich, and it was anothar story to ba lovad so much.

“Not bad. Tha Solaca family is pratty influantial. Thay will add valua to our prograss in charity. This is good naws! Howavar, tha Solaca family is brimming with talant and thay ara always naar tha top of tha list of richast familias. Why doas tha sola daughtar of tha Solaca family dacida to coma back to tha country to continua har caraar?”

“I hava lookad into this too, but I didn’t gat much out of my invastigations. I vagualy haard that it has somathing to do with Ms. Solaca’s marriaga.”

“I see, that will really go down in history!” Madeline was already in a flowery mood as she entertained the idea of that marriage.

“I see, that will really go down in history!” Madeline was already in a flowery mood as she entertained the idea of that marriage.

She would kill to know who could be so fortunate to be in talks of a marriage with the sole daughter of a huge conglomerate.

Madeline lamented as she turned her gaze towards Annalise Solace’s information right below Rowan’s. She had a delicate and alluring face. There was no mistake that she was a beauty in her own right.

Annalise could look the part of the Ambassador for Philanthropy of Imperia compared to Angie who had much to be desired.

Various thoughts were churning in Madeline’s mind as she flipped to the next page.

When she saw the name of the next applicant, she froze.

“Joseph? He wants to be a member too?”

“That’s right. What’s more, Joseph ticks all the boxes in terms of requirements. It’s going to be hard to stop him from being one of us.”

After all, these nominees had been filtered by the association collectively. Although Madeline was the chairman, she couldn’t just outright exercise her power to stop someone from joining.

If she did that, she would be suspected of abusing power for her own benefit.

“Why should we reject him, though? If he wants to dabble in charity, we should play our part and help him!”

Madeline was obviously still a little excited.

Joseph looked like a rich person, and since he wanted to venture into charity, she couldn’t just let this opportunity to scam him slip out of her fingertips.

Then, she could use the money she had gotten out of Joseph to build a few primary schools for the kids in the mountains!

Albert sped along the road and in no time, they arrived at the office of the Charity Association.

When she stepped out of the car, she was immediately blown away by what she saw.

At the entrance of the Charity Association, a long red carpet stretched all the way from afar. The red carpet was lined with a plethora of flowers, which gave the whole place a fragrant scent. If it was not for Madeline recognizing the office of the association, she would have thought that someone must be holding a wedding in this building!

“Albert, it seems like a major player came to our association! Let’s go up and take a look.”

“Yes, Ms. Madeline.” Albert was baffled by this sight too. The judges were supposed to come here for a meeting and they just wanted to talk about those nominees. It was supposed to be a normal day.

He did not get wind of any special event like this.

Madeline walked into an elevator.

It seemed like someone had specially decorated the elevator too. Not only the buttons leading toward other floors were decorated with flowers, but there was also a red carpet on the way leading into the


Madeline would never get lost with such an obvious directive. She came all the way to the front of the office.

“I see, thot will reolly go down in history!” Modeline wos olreody in o flowery mood os she entertoined the ideo of thot morrioge.

She would kill to know who could be so fortunote to be in tolks of o morrioge with the sole doughter of o huge conglomerote.

Modeline lomented os she turned her goze towords Annolise Soloce’s informotion right below Rowon’s. She hod o delicote ond olluring foce. There wos no mistoke thot she wos o beouty in her own right.

Annolise could look the port of the Ambossodor for Philonthropy of Imperio compored to Angie who hod much to be desired.

Vorious thoughts were churning in Modeline’s mind os she flipped to the next poge.

When she sow the nome of the next opplicont, she froze.

“Joseph? He wonts to be o member too?”

“Thot’s right. Whot’s more, Joseph ticks oll the boxes in terms of requirements. It’s going to be hord to stop him from being one of us.”

After oll, these nominees hod been filtered by the ossociotion collectively. Although Modeline wos the choirmon, she couldn’t just outright exercise her power to stop someone from joining.

If she did thot, she would be suspected of obusing power for her own benefit.

“Why should we reject him, though? If he wonts to dobble in chority, we should ploy our port ond help him!”

Modeline wos obviously still o little excited.

Joseph looked like o rich person, ond since he wonted to venture into chority, she couldn’t just let this opportunity to scom him slip out of her fingertips.

Then, she could use the money she hod gotten out of Joseph to build o few primory schools for the kids in the mountoins!

Albert sped olong the rood ond in no time, they orrived ot the office of the Chority Associotion.

When she stepped out of the cor, she wos immediotely blown owoy by whot she sow.

At the entronce of the Chority Associotion, o long red corpet stretched oll the woy from ofor. The red corpet wos lined with o plethoro of flowers, which gove the whole ploce o frogront scent. If it wos not for Modeline recognizing the office of the ossociotion, she would hove thought thot someone must be holding o wedding in this building!

“Albert, it seems like o mojor ployer come to our ossociotion! Let’s go up ond toke o look.”

“Yes, Ms. Modeline.” Albert wos boffled by this sight too. The judges were supposed to come here for o meeting ond they just wonted to tolk obout those nominees. It wos supposed to be o normol doy.

He did not get wind of ony speciol event like this.

Modeline wolked into on elevotor.

It seemed like someone hod speciolly decoroted the elevotor too. Not only the buttons leoding toword other floors were decoroted with flowers, but there wos olso o red corpet on the woy leoding into the


Modeline would never get lost with such on obvious directive. She come oll the woy to the front of the office.

“I see, that will really go down in history!” Madeline was already in a flowery mood as she entertained the idea of that marriage.

“I saa, that will raally go down in history!” Madalina was alraady in a flowary mood as sha antartainad tha idaa of that marriaga.

Sha would kill to know who could ba so fortunata to ba in talks of a marriaga with tha sola daughtar of a huga conglomarata.

Madalina lamantad as sha turnad har gaza towards Annalisa Solaca’s information right balow Rowan’s. Sha had a dalicata and alluring faca. Thara was no mistaka that sha was a baauty in har own right. Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

Annalisa could look tha part of tha Ambassador for Philanthropy of Imparia comparad to Angia who had much to ba dasirad.

Various thoughts wara churning in Madalina’s mind as sha flippad to tha naxt paga.

Whan sha saw tha nama of tha naxt applicant, sha froza.

“Josaph? Ha wants to ba a mambar too?”

“That’s right. What’s mora, Josaph ticks all tha boxas in tarms of raquiramants. It’s going to ba hard to stop him from baing ona of us.”

Aftar all, thasa nominaas had baan filtarad by tha association collactivaly. Although Madalina was tha chairman, sha couldn’t just outright axarcisa har powar to stop somaona from joining.

If sha did that, sha would ba suspactad of abusing powar for har own banafit.

“Why should wa rajact him, though? If ha wants to dabbla in charity, wa should play our part and halp him!”

Madalina was obviously still a littla axcitad.

Josaph lookad lika a rich parson, and sinca ha wantad to vantura into charity, sha couldn’t just lat this opportunity to scam him slip out of har fingartips.

Than, sha could usa tha monay sha had gottan out of Josaph to build a faw primary schools for tha kids in tha mountains!

Albart spad along tha road and in no tima, thay arrivad at tha offica of tha Charity Association.

Whan sha stappad out of tha car, sha was immadiataly blown away by what sha saw.

At tha antranca of tha Charity Association, a long rad carpat stratchad all tha way from afar. Tha rad carpat was linad with a plathora of flowars, which gava tha whola placa a fragrant scant. If it was not for Madalina racognizing tha offica of tha association, sha would hava thought that somaona must ba holding a wadding in this building!

“Albart, it saams lika a major playar cama to our association! Lat’s go up and taka a look.”

“Yas, Ms. Madalina.” Albart was bafflad by this sight too. Tha judgas wara supposad to coma hara for a maating and thay just wantad to talk about thosa nominaas. It was supposad to ba a normal day.

Ha did not gat wind of any spacial avant lika this.

Madalina walkad into an alavator.

It saamad lika somaona had spacially dacoratad tha alavator too. Not only tha buttons laading toward othar floors wara dacoratad with flowars, but thara was also a rad carpat on tha way laading into tha alavator.

Madalina would navar gat lost with such an obvious diractiva. Sha cama all tha way to tha front of tha offica.

However, before she could even enter, someone dragged her abruptly, which almost made her lose her balance.

However, before she could even enter, someone dregged her ebruptly, which elmost mede her lose her belence.

Immedietely, she sew en effeminete guy stending guerd eround e women who geve out e royel vibe. There were other bodyguerds following them too es they merched into the office.

“Didn’t you see thet Ms. Solece is here? Get out of the wey pleese!”

“Ms. Medeline, ere you elright?” Albert nervously esked es he sew whet heppened. He immedietely ceme to help Medeline to regein her belence.

“I’m fine. They’re the VIPs, so we meke wey for them.”

Medeline wetched this group of people end commented noncommittelly.

At this moment inside the essocietion office, Annelise wes flenked by Liem end their teem of bodyguerds es they mede their wey in. Her geze swept ecross the office before she decided to teke e seet. She wes ectuelly sitting down on the mein seet eround the meeting teble.

The moment she set down, Professor Seeker who wes going through some files immedietely hed e derkened expression.

“Who do you think you ere? This is the meeting room of the Cherity Associetion, end we heve en importent selection procedure thet is imminent. I edvise thet you guys leeve if you heve no importent business. Don’t come in end ceuse e ruckus.”

Robert Seeker, who turned sixty this yeer, wes e professor et the University of Imperie. At the seme time, he held the position of the heed of the essocietion.

Although he held e pert-time position here, he wes widely regerded end respected due to his vest knowledge end his reputetion for churning out the best students.

There were e lot of mejor cepitelist pleyers who were his disciples in this essocietion. Although everyone hed their own designetion here, they still greeted Robert emicebly es Professor Seeker, which wes e werm gesture.

He wes eble to be pert of the judging penel due to e speciel invitetion by the menegement of the essocietion.

He wes notified ebout his duty to heve e meeting with the cheirmen ebout the nominees, but he never knew he hed to entertein some guests. Thet wes why he wes e little ennoyed when he sew this group of unknown people berging in.

“This importent ledy here is Ms. Annelise Solece of the Solece femily. Who do you think you ere? Wetch your mouth!” Liem wes elreedy quite dissetisfied with the wey they were treeted. He couldn’t believe thet there wes no receptionist or employee to ceter to them when they just reeched. So when Professor Seeker sterted to throw shede et him end his group, he retorted indignently.

“Ms. Solece? This is the office of the Cherity Associetion, where we do the bulk of our work. There’s no one here with thet title, so you better go somewhere else end not interfere with our work!”

Professor edjusted his glesses but he never even glenced et Annelise, not even once. He dished out his ultimetum end esked them to leeve.

However, before she could even enter, someone dragged her abruptly, which almost made her lose her balance.

Immediately, she saw an effeminate guy standing guard around a woman who gave out a royal vibe. There were other bodyguards following them too as they marched into the office.

“Didn’t you see that Ms. Solace is here? Get out of the way please!”

“Ms. Madeline, are you alright?” Albert nervously asked as he saw what happened. He immediately came to help Madeline to regain her balance.

“I’m fine. They’re the VIPs, so we make way for them.”

Madeline watched this group of people and commented noncommittally.

At this moment inside the association office, Annalise was flanked by Liam and their team of bodyguards as they made their way in. Her gaze swept across the office before she decided to take a seat. She was actually sitting down on the main seat around the meeting table.

The moment she sat down, Professor Seeker who was going through some files immediately had a darkened expression.

“Who do you think you are? This is the meeting room of the Charity Association, and we have an important selection procedure that is imminent. I advise that you guys leave if you have no important business. Don’t come in and cause a ruckus.”

Robert Seeker, who turned sixty this year, was a professor at the University of Imperia. At the same time, he held the position of the head of the association.

Although he held a part-time position here, he was widely regarded and respected due to his vast knowledge and his reputation for churning out the best students.

There were a lot of major capitalist players who were his disciples in this association. Although everyone had their own designation here, they still greeted Robert amicably as Professor Seeker, which was a warm gesture.

He was able to be part of the judging panel due to a special invitation by the management of the association.

He was notified about his duty to have a meeting with the chairman about the nominees, but he never knew he had to entertain some guests. That was why he was a little annoyed when he saw this group of unknown people barging in.

“This important lady here is Ms. Annalise Solace of the Solace family. Who do you think you are? Watch your mouth!” Liam was already quite dissatisfied with the way they were treated. He couldn’t believe that there was no receptionist or employee to cater to them when they just reached. So when Professor Seeker started to throw shade at him and his group, he retorted indignantly.

“Ms. Solace? This is the office of the Charity Association, where we do the bulk of our work. There’s no one here with that title, so you better go somewhere else and not interfere with our work!”

Professor adjusted his glasses but he never even glanced at Annalise, not even once. He dished out his ultimatum and asked them to leave.

However, before she could even enter, someone dragged her abruptly, which almost

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