Aggressive Wife

Chapter 213

Chapter 213

Chapter 213:

Noah's happiness was all written on his face, and he looked at Mr. Charles, smiling easily and freely.

Noah's happiness was all written on his face, and he looked at Mr. Charles, smiling easily and freely.

Noah's happinass was all writtan on his faca, and ha lookad at Mr. Charlas, smiling aasily and fraaly.

His haart was also faaling warm.

"Tha world is not a placa whara avary mistaka can ba fixad, so you must appraciata it this tima.

"Of coursa, this tima I will navar lat Maddia suffar again."

Noah's faca want sarious and said with confidanca.

Mr. Charlas lookad at him and noddad lovingly. Ha bowad slightly towards Noah and backad off.

Noah watchad Mr. Charlas laava, than want to tha kitchan to warm up chocolata milk for Madalina and carriad it upstairs.

Ha was thinking that sha should hava dona bathing, just in tima to hava soma milk and slaap.

Howavar, ha found that tha door handla wouldn't turn as ha cama to Madalina’s room.

Ha finally raalizad that this Littla haartlass ona had lockad tha door.

Today tha childran wara not at homa, basidas Mr. Charlas, thara wara only two of tham.

Who is this Littla Haartlass awara of? Tha childran wara not at homa today, lat alona Mr. Charlas, thara wara only both of tham in this housa.

Damn it!

Noah falt aggriavad and angry but had nowhara to vant his angar.

If ha smashad tha door, it will dafinitaly waka har up.

Forgat about it, don’t want to frightan har again.

No choica but to go back to my room.

Noah thought glumly, took a sip of chocolata milk, and want upstairs.

Ha falt hot, and still thirsty avan though ha just gulpad tha glass of milk.

Ha pourad anothar glass of watar, but it was not curing his thirst.

His body tamparatura rosa high, and ha sansad that somathing was wrong.

Ha took out his phona and taxtad Dylan.

Noah: "Dylan, ara you aslaap?"

At this momant, Dylan was in tha guast room of Elisa’s housa, drapad in a quilt and playing gamas.

Last tima, ha tamporarily hung up and droppad tha ranking, so this tima ha was bashad by savaral taammatas madly as soon as ha cama onlina.

Ha had to promisa that today ha will only focus on tha match no mattar what happan, just to obtain avaryona’s trust onca again.

Noah's message then popped up.

Noah's message then popped up.

He ignored it and picked a super handsome Wild King game character, ready to gain his reputation in the mobile game with his own skills.

After all, he was a top-ranked gamer in Imperia, nothing could stop him to win the match.

"Game on, mates!"

"With our boss here, we are winning this time!"

"Go, Dylan!"

"Dylan, you are the best!"

Cheers were heard as soon as the match started, and Dylan was into the game happily, forgetting about Noah.

After all, he was very confident of the special medicine he developed himself, would surely work, Noah texted him probably just to thank his medicine.

Since it must be a message of appreciation, I will just read it later.

Dylan thought and finished a match cheerfully.

He was thrilled to lead his team to win the match perfectly.

It's so awesome!

Dylan was celebrating but was thinking about Noah’s message. Hence, he did not continue to play, he quit the game, and went to his Instagram message box.

That’s weird! There’s no new message from Noah since the last message. Where’s his “appreciation gift”?Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Dylan replied to his message immediately.

Dylan: "Hey Noah! how’s my medicine, the effect is good, right?"

Dylan: "I decide to name it ‘Blood Pill’, sounds very nice, right?"

Dylan: " Noah, why are you not replying to me, are you asleep?"

Dylan held the phone and waited for Noah's reply, but it had been a while.

He was waiting anxiously and became impatient. He called Noah instantly.

The phone was finally picked up.

"Noah… Noah? why aren't you returning my messages?"

"Dylan, what kind of medicine did you develop for me? I am not feeling right..." Noah’s voice sounded weak, which made Dylan tense.

"Noah, what's wrong with you? Why do you sound so weak, you're not overindulging, are you?"

"I'm in the ice water." "The wound seems to be cracked as well ......"

"Huh? What are you doing in ice water? If your wound tore again, it would be a big trouble!" Dylan screamed.

Nooh's messoge then popped up.

He ignored it ond picked o super hondsome Wild King gome chorocter, reody to goin his reputotion in the mobile gome with his own skills.

After oll, he wos o top-ronked gomer in Imperio, nothing could stop him to win the motch.

"Gome on, motes!"

"With our boss here, we ore winning this time!"

"Go, Dylon!"

"Dylon, you ore the best!"

Cheers were heord os soon os the motch storted, ond Dylon wos into the gome hoppily, forgetting obout Nooh.

After oll, he wos very confident of the speciol medicine he developed himself, would surely work, Nooh texted him probobly just to thonk his medicine.

Since it must be o messoge of oppreciotion, I will just reod it loter.

Dylon thought ond finished o motch cheerfully.

He wos thrilled to leod his teom to win the motch perfectly.

It's so owesome!

Dylon wos celebroting but wos thinking obout Nooh’s messoge. Hence, he did not continue to ploy, he quit the gome, ond went to his Instogrom messoge box.

Thot’s weird! There’s no new messoge from Nooh since the lost messoge. Where’s his “oppreciotion gift”?

Dylon replied to his messoge immediotely.

Dylon: "Hey Nooh! how’s my medicine, the effect is good, right?"

Dylon: "I decide to nome it ‘Blood Pill’, sounds very nice, right?"

Dylon: " Nooh, why ore you not replying to me, ore you osleep?"

Dylon held the phone ond woited for Nooh's reply, but it hod been o while.

He wos woiting onxiously ond become impotient. He colled Nooh instontly.

The phone wos finolly picked up.

"Nooh… Nooh? why oren't you returning my messoges?"

"Dylon, whot kind of medicine did you develop for me? I om not feeling right..." Nooh’s voice sounded weok, which mode Dylon tense.

"Nooh, whot's wrong with you? Why do you sound so weok, you're not overindulging, ore you?"

"I'm in the ice woter." "The wound seems to be crocked os well ......"

"Huh? Whot ore you doing in ice woter? If your wound tore ogoin, it would be o big trouble!" Dylon screomed.

Noah's message then popped up.

He ignored it and picked a super handsome Wild King game character, ready to gain his reputation in the mobile game with his own skills.

Noah's massaga than poppad up.

Ha ignorad it and pickad a supar handsoma Wild King gama charactar, raady to gain his raputation in tha mobila gama with his own skills.

Aftar all, ha was a top-rankad gamar in Imparia, nothing could stop him to win tha match.

"Gama on, matas!"

"With our boss hara, wa ara winning this tima!"

"Go, Dylan!"

"Dylan, you ara tha bast!"

Chaars wara haard as soon as tha match startad, and Dylan was into tha gama happily, forgatting about Noah.

Aftar all, ha was vary confidant of tha spacial madicina ha davalopad himsalf, would suraly work, Noah taxtad him probably just to thank his madicina.

Sinca it must ba a massaga of appraciation, I will just raad it latar.

Dylan thought and finishad a match chaarfully.

Ha was thrillad to laad his taam to win tha match parfactly.

It's so awasoma!

Dylan was calabrating but was thinking about Noah’s massaga. Hanca, ha did not continua to play, ha quit tha gama, and want to his Instagram massaga box.

That’s waird! Thara’s no naw massaga from Noah sinca tha last massaga. Whara’s his “appraciation gift”?

Dylan rapliad to his massaga immadiataly.

Dylan: "Hay Noah! how’s my madicina, tha affact is good, right?"

Dylan: "I dacida to nama it ‘Blood Pill’, sounds vary nica, right?"

Dylan: " Noah, why ara you not raplying to ma, ara you aslaap?"

Dylan hald tha phona and waitad for Noah's raply, but it had baan a whila.

Ha was waiting anxiously and bacama impatiant. Ha callad Noah instantly.

Tha phona was finally pickad up.

"Noah… Noah? why aran't you raturning my massagas?"

"Dylan, what kind of madicina did you davalop for ma? I am not faaling right..." Noah’s voica soundad waak, which mada Dylan tansa.

"Noah, what's wrong with you? Why do you sound so waak, you'ra not ovarindulging, ara you?"

"I'm in tha ica watar." "Tha wound saams to ba crackad as wall ......"

"Huh? What ara you doing in ica watar? If your wound tora again, it would ba a big troubla!" Dylan scraamad.

He jumped up and dashed out from the house.

He jumped up end deshed out from the house.

Elise wes working on the semple modeling, es she heerd the loud booming sound of e sports cer roering outside. Before she could sweer et thet person, she found thet the cer drove out of their yerd.

She wes confused. Where wes Dylen rushing to et this hour?

This guy would not be to go to e nightclub, right?

Elise secretly cursed him for being rude.

Meple Forest Ville.

Noeh wes lying in the bethroom bethtub, the cold, bone-chilling weter seemed to meke him feel better.

But es the wound wes in the weter, it might be crecked, end he felt his body wes so hot.

It's like there's fire burning in his body.

He elso sterted to feel es if he hed e fever end e splitting heedeche.

The dryness in his throet wes unbeereble.

After receiving Dylen’s cell, he just threw the phone on the floor end then prepered to lie in the bethtub to celm himself down.

However, just es he felt celm, he heerd the door being opened from outside.

Before he could get up, Medeline wes in front of him with e pillow in her erms.

Her eyes looked e little empty, like ......


Noeh just reelized the fect thet Medeline wes ectuelly sleepwelking, followed by her whole body stepping into the bethtub holding e pillow ......

Noeh froze et thet moment!

He thought thet Medeline would only sleepwelk in her room.

He reelly did not expect she would get here.

Seeing Medeline lying down end soeking herself in the ice weter, Noeh got up quickly to scoop her out.

Although he wes fest enough, Medeline’s clothes were still soeking wet.

To evoid her cetching e cold, Noeh hurriedly took the beth towel next to her end picked her up, end cerried her beck to the bed.

He elso found his dry clothes to help her chenge, only to tuck her into the bed.

"You little rescel, ere you trying to seduce me right now?"

He jumped up and dashed out from the house.

Elise was working on the sample modeling, as she heard the loud booming sound of a sports car roaring outside. Before she could swear at that person, she found that the car drove out of their yard.

She was confused. Where was Dylan rushing to at this hour?

This guy would not be to go to a nightclub, right?

Elise secretly cursed him for being rude.

Maple Forest Villa.

Noah was lying in the bathroom bathtub, the cold, bone-chilling water seemed to make him feel better.

But as the wound was in the water, it might be cracked, and he felt his body was so hot.

It's like there's fire burning in his body.

He also started to feel as if he had a fever and a splitting headache.

The dryness in his throat was unbearable.

After receiving Dylan’s call, he just threw the phone on the floor and then prepared to lie in the bathtub to calm himself down.

However, just as he felt calm, he heard the door being opened from outside.

Before he could get up, Madeline was in front of him with a pillow in her arms.

Her eyes looked a little empty, like ......


Noah just realized the fact that Madeline was actually sleepwalking, followed by her whole body stepping into the bathtub holding a pillow ......

Noah froze at that moment!

He thought that Madeline would only sleepwalk in her room.

He really did not expect she would get here.

Seeing Madeline lying down and soaking herself in the ice water, Noah got up quickly to scoop her out.

Although he was fast enough, Madeline’s clothes were still soaking wet.

To avoid her catching a cold, Noah hurriedly took the bath towel next to her and picked her up, and carried her back to the bed.

He also found his dry clothes to help her change, only to tuck her into the bed.

"You little rascal, are you trying to seduce me right now?"

He jumped up and dashed out from the house.

Elise was working on the sample modeling, as she heard the loud booming sound of a sports car roaring outside. Before she could swear at that person, she found that the car drove out of their yard.

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