After divorce, Ex-wife Revealed Identities

Chapter 841

Chapter 841

Chapter 841

"You said my sister is sick?" Sylvia's eyebrows furrowed, a hint of worry flashing across her pretty face

as she spoke in a nervous tone. "Hasn't she always been healthy? How could she be so ill? Slow down

and tell me what's going on."

Brayden proceeded to fill Sylvia in on Mrs. Wright's condition since he and Jenna returned home.

After he finished speaking, Brayden still felt uneasy. "Sylvia, I know it's asking a lot for you to come

back home, but my mom's situation..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Sylvia interrupted him. "No worries. I just got back today and I'm

heading to the hospital now. We'll talk more when we get there."

"What? You're at home?" Brayden was momentarily stunned by this stroke of luck that seemed like

winning the lottery.

Sylvia hung up the phone and immediately headed with Franklin towards the hospital.

The car shot out of the hotel parking garage like an arrow released from its bowstring before speeding

along on the road.

The dark night sky was painted with thick black ink that seemed endless; even starlight was obscured

from view.

The streets were like calm rivers winding through dense tree shadows; only rustling leaves sounded as

if they were reminiscing about daytime bustle and activity.

Half an hour later, they arrived at their destination. a stable stop at the underground parking lot of the


Sylvia hastily exited while Franklin followed closely behind; Jasper parked their car, then caught up with

them as they waited for an elevator together.

All three had solemn expressions without any words spoken between them as they silently rode up

floor after floor inside until reaching level 32 where they stepped out together into silence again.

"In which room is Mrs. Wright staying?" Franklin asked in his cold voice once more while walking down

a quiet hallway lined with doors, leading into private rooms for patients who are either wealthy or

influential figures within society itself.

"Room 3206," replied Sylvia while looking at door numbers along both sides of this corridor until

eventually pointing towards one specific door ahead which read '3206.'

Without bothering any nurses who might be working nearby or disturbing other patients resting inside

those rooms nearby theirs', all three walked straight towards Room 3206 without hesitation nor delay


This area belonged to VIP wards where conditions were usually quite good whether it be nursing staff

or patients themselves who stayed here being either rich or famous people alike

Upon arriving outside Brayden's mother's room Jasper raised his hand gently knocking upon its surface

before hearing someone open it from within causing him to push it open revealing Brayden's tired yet

handsome face filled with anxiety written all over it.

Upon seeing Jasper and the man and woman behind him, his eyes lit up and he added a bit of

radiance to his somewhat tired face. "Sylvia, Franklin, Jasper, you're here?" He quickly moved aside.

"Please come in."

Cody in the hospital room stood up upon hearing them. "Why did you come so late?"

"Cody, tonight was supposed to be the wrap party for the crew. We were just about to go home when

we received Brayden's call and rushed over."

Sylvia stepped into the hospital room and looked towards Mrs. Wright lying on her bed with a waxen

complexion, her eyes tightly closed as if she was very weak.

She looked much thinner than before - a look that made Sylvia's heart ache with pain.

"Where is her medical record? Let me take a look."

Brayden quickly said. "I'll go find the nurse to get it for you. Wait for me." Saying this, he opened the

door of the ward and walked outside.

Sylvia glanced around inside - this was a ward with complete facilities; there wasn't any unpleasant

smell either except... her gaze fell on a girl sitting in the corner who had delicate features that gave off

an innocent air about her.

But she seemed familiar as if they had met somewhere before.

Why was she here so late at night?

Vita felt Sylvia's gaze on her; she quickly stood up looking somewhat awkward but still managed to

show a restrained smile. "Miss Andrews... hello." She stammered out greetings like someone who is

shy or afraid of people.

Sylvia raised an eyebrow. "You're still at the hospital so late; it must be hard work for you. It's not

convenient for a young girl like yourself to stay here this late at night; why don't you go home?"

Vita hurriedly waved her hand. "It doesn't matter; I don't want Mr. Wright or Brayden getting too tired. I'll

stay here instead where I can help out some small way."

Sylvia didn't say anything more but sat down by Mrs. Wright's bedside placing her hand on Mrs.

Wright's pulse while squinting slightly.

Vita had been hoping that Sylvia would ask why Jenna wasn't there so she could prepare how best to

answer but... Sylvia didn't ask.

She quickly concealed any disappointment from showing in her eyes, then took initiative walking over

towards water dispenser, pouring warm water into cup, and then handing it over, saying, "Miss

Andrews, please drink."

As if... she were playing hostess.

Without moving or speaking, Sylvia gave Vita one glance and said "Thank you."

However, she didn't take the glass of water and continued to help Mrs. Wright with her pulse. Vita felt a

bit awkward holding the glass, thinking that Cody would come to her rescue, but he was too busy

talking to Franklin.

"Franklin, when did you guys get back?"

Franklin's voice sounded tired as he replied, "We arrived in Urgford on an evening flight and went

straight to the wrap party."

Vita found a way out for herself and said, "I'll just leave this here on the table for you to drink later."

Sylvia remained silent and continued taking Mrs. Wright's pulse.

After a while, Brayden returned with Mrs. Wright's medical records and handed them over to Sylvia who

had finally withdrawn her hand from Mrs. Wright's wrist.

As she opened up the records and read through them carefully for a moment or two before frowning

deeply. "The pulse is very erratic; it doesn't look like simple poisoning."

The medical record clearly stated that there were certain levels of toxic protein in her body which could

be fatal if ingested in large quantities.

Symptoms ranged from nausea, vomiting, breathing difficulties all the way up to coma, respiratory

failure and renal failure.

Mrs. Wright was already comatose due to respiratory failure which was now developing into renal

failure as well.

But how did she end up being poisoned? And if it was just simple poisoning, then why wasn't there any

improvement, even after using detoxification methods?

"How did she get poisoned?" Sylvia asked Brayden and Cody, who looked extremely nervous as

though they were hanging onto every word that came out of Sylvia's mouth, hoping against hope that

they might find some answers from her questions.

"I've been abroad all this time," Brayden began explaining anxiously," and when Jenna and I returned

home we noticed my mother wasn't feeling well at all; she kept vomiting, so we thought it must be

something wrong with her stomach, so we gave her some medication but nothing seemed to work;

instead things only got worse, so we brought her here for tests... and then..."

"She ended up being admitted into hospital immediately," Cody interjected remorsefully, "but even after

admission, things only got worse day by day."

Watching the father and son made Sylvia feel uneasy, it seemed like neither of them knew how exactly

Mrs. Wright had been poisoned either!

"This disease can be treated, but it requires dialysis. We can't delay any longer," Sylvia sighed. "The air

in the house needs to be ventilated regularly, and any strange plants should be thrown away. Things

that contain a lot of poisonous protein are usually plants, like Abrus precatoriuss."

"Abrus precatoriuss? What's that?" Cody asked in surprise. "I've never heard of such a thing."

"It's a type of plant that looks very similar to red beans, but its fruit is red with a black tail. Do you have

any at home?" Sylvia began explaining without hesitation.

Vita's eyes flickered with panic upon hearing this; how did she know? She hadn't even been to the

Wright residence, yet she guessed about Abrus precatoriuss so easily?

She must have just made an assumption...

Cody suddenly realized something, "She bought this kind of plant not long ago and called it red beans.

I didn't take it seriously at the time - does this mean she was poisoned by Abrus precatorius?"

"Sylvia, what you're saying is true?" Brayden also looked surprised.

"Ordinary red beans aren't poisonous, but Abrus precatorius is highly toxic. If you have them at home,

throw them away immediately," Sylvia said as she observed Vita's expression closely; however, Vita

kept her head down and didn't show any signs of surprise...

Brayden thought Mrs. Wright wasn't ignorant, so he couldn't help asking her some tough questions.

"But my mom is already an adult; how could she possibly get poisoned by these red beans? Even if

she were foolish enough to pick and eat them herself?"

Sylvia shook her head. "We'll only know once she wakes up."

Franklin felt like there was more going on than meets the eye. "Mrs. Wright might not have known that

the flowers were poisonous when buying them; maybe it was accidental ingestion."

"Don't worry too much though," Sylvia reassured everyone as they stood up from their seats. Jenna's

presence had almost slipped her mind until now. "I'll arrange for dialysis as soon as possible after

speaking with Mrs. Wright's doctor."

Vita smiled slyly before answering. "Miss Shepherd is back at home since I'm here taking care of things

in hospital. There is no need for her to stay here all day."

Her words were cleverly crafted – they implied both Jenna's lackluster effort compared to hers while

also making people think Jenna not care about Mrs. Wright anyway...

Sylvia took a quick glance at her and said, "So you've been staying in the hospital all this time? Do you

have a place to stay, Miss? It's late, I'll have Jasper take you home."

"I... I've been staying with the Wright family recently," Vita replied, feeling a bit flustered by Sylvia's

questioning. Her face turned red as she continued, "Mr. and Mrs. Wright have been very kind to me.

They let me stay at their house during winter break." This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Sylvia, Vita is one of the students I sponsored in the disaster area before. She's a good and kind child

who has been busy taking care of my wife since she fell ill," Cody chimed in finally introducing Vita to


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