After Divorce Billionaire Ex Found Me Pregnant (Leonica and Gabriel)

Chapter 73

the doctor.

"And what is it?" The other voice that spoke belonged to Gabriel.

There was a moment of silence during which Leonica completed her steps, turning the comer in time to catch the doctor's expression, tentative and reluctance ridden, before he spoke. "We'll have to perform surgery and... have her uterus removed." The doctor announced, surprising both Gabriel and Leonica



her hand had gone up fast enough, covering her lips before a gasp escaped her mouth. But that still didn't stop Gabriel from noticing her

"Alright, let's do that." As Gabriel spoke, his voice was full of hesitance, after all, he knew Angelina was going to be angry at him because of this move he was making, but that didn't matter to him at the present time, what did, was saving her life

*I understand, I'll have a consent form prepared immediately. Once you've signed it, the surgery can commence." The doctor said and bowed. "Please

Once the doctor was finally gone, Gabriel tumed around and his eyes twitched when he saw th Guilt was that guilt?


the expression on Leonica's face.

"What are you doing here? His question cut her words shut.

"'s the baby?"

"The baby? What about Angelina, don't you want to know how she's doing?!" Gabriel snapped. But Leonica was already prepared to take his amper, so she did not so much as flinch and remained silent

Seeing her indifference towards Angelina despite the situation, Gabriel's temper rose. "Get out." He pointed towards the way she had come "Leave,


"Angelina would need her rest as soon as she recovers from the surgery, and she won't be able to get that if you're here. So, please leave. Now"

The next few hours after the operation felt extremely long. By the time Angelina was coming around, it was sometime in the late evening

Stirring slightly in the hospital bed, she groaned in pain. "Mm, Gabe, Gabriel."

"I'm here." Gabriel was quick to stand up from the chair he had been waiting in and approached her. Taking her hand, he gently asked, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine," Angelina offered him a strained smile that faded the instant realization hit her. She was in the hospital. "G-gabe?"

"Yes, Ange?"

"I-the baby_how's my baby?" She questioned.

Much to her dismay, Gabriel remained silent and lowered his head. That alone told her all she needed to low,

Her child was gone. Tears welled up in the comers of her eyes and her grip tightened around Gabriel's hand.

"No, Gabriel, what happened to my baby? Say something" Despite her words, Gabriel remained silent. "Don't remain quiet, was something damnit! Say something." The last of her words jolted out in a broken sob, which soon led to a full-on crying spree Gabriel, who was never good with his words, could only but pull her into his chest as she cried. He couldn't fully understand her pain, but the least he could do was comfort her as she cried.

Her sobs had dragged on for close to thirty minutes and Gabriel remained by her side, comforting her and readying her for the more painful bomb. Just as she had lost her child, she had also lost her ability to bear children.

When he was sure she had cried enough, he gently pulled away and wiped her cheeks with the pad of his thumb. "Angelina. there's something else I


"Wh what is it?!

"In other to make sure that you survived, the doctors had to perform a surgery on you and they had your uterus removed."



"What?" Angelina was stunned by the news, just as Gabriel had expected. "My... Uterus?" Her hand trailed up the hospital blanket covering one third of her body and squeezed her stomach. It felt empty, a feeling that brought tears to her eyes against her will How had things come to this? She lost both her baby and her will to be a mother her will to bear any child for Gabriel all because of Leoinca

"This is all her fault." She muttered

Gabriel only caught the last of her words and asked. "What did you say?"

"That woman...this is all that woman's freaking fault! This is all Leonica's fault"

Her out roar completely surprised Gabriel. At this moment, she looked like a mad boar ready to kill anything that stepped in its way, only I this case, the only thing it wanted to kill was Leonica.

*An.. Angelina calm down. I'm here, it doesn't matter whether you can have children or not. I'll take care of you."

"What did you just..say?" Angelina asked with creased brows. In the past, those would have been the words Angelina would want to hear, but right now, they weren't.

"I fucking heard you," She sneered. "And do you think that's what I want to hear?! Of course not, but since you don't know what to say or do, why don't

I tell you kill her, Gabriel Go out there and kill the fucking witch that killed our child!"

"That's enough Angelina!" Gabriel fired back, finally shutting off Angelina's rambling


Not another word from you," He held up has index finger. "I've kept quiet and played the fool for far too long, but enough is enough."

What are you talking abour, Gable?"

"That child, did you honestly believe I didn't know it did not belong to me? Huh, Angelina Fernandez?"

Speak Of The Devil, And He Shall Appear.

Just because I Chose to keep quiet, doesn't mean you should take an for a fool, Angelina"

"What.what do you mean? The brunette stuttered, Gabriel's earlier words had locked some of her missing sense back into her, returning her attitude

to the calm, meek and weak damsel Gabriel knew her once to be "Pilnever take you for a fool, Gabriel. I love you"

"Yeah? And I'm supposed to believe that?" Reaching into the pocket of his leather jacket, Gabriel fished out his phone whilst asking.

"Do you do it?" The female questioned back,

Not answering her question Immediately, Gabriel tinkered with his phone for a few seconds, a minute at most, before he tossed it into her lap. " Nowadays, I really do doubt that,"

Looking down at the phone, Angelina became speechless at the video that was playing

It was surveillance footage from the night of Stellar's birthday party, showing that Leonica had been the one who stepped into the room, And the later part, early in the menting, showed the very same female scrambling out of the room and she later stepping in Angelina breathing became labored, panic setting in much like before "How... how did you get this?" She uttered the question in her mind.

How had Gabriel indeed gotten it? After all, she had made sure to delete the surveillance footage before she left the hotel that morning, so how was she watching it right now, on Gabriel's phone?

"Beats me, Ange." Gabriel answered, shrugging his shoulders almost nonchalantly. "How about as a different question; why did you lie to me?" This time around, it was Gabriel's turn to do the questioning,

Angelina only dared to look up once, but the moment she saw his intense gaze, she quickly lowered her heal, brain scrambling for answers, or at least safe way out of this predicament.

After a few seconds of hard thinking, the brunette more than wished to pull on her hairs as she came up with nothing good.

Fuck, how had she landed herself in such a situation? She cursed in her mind. However, even she didn't need to think twice as much as she was currently doing to know the answer to that question.

It was written in plain sight, the reason why she had landed in such a predicament was all because of a certain white-Ette, or at least that was what she comforted herself with, when the real reason... the correct answer to that question was, well, still as simple. Her downright stupidity, that was what landed her in the predicament she was currently facing

"Angelina, why did you lie?" The sound of Gabriel's voice threw her out of her rumination and ever constant cursing at Leonica.

Once again, she raised her head, only this time slower, as she was afraid of the outcome, of how Gabriel would look at her now that he knew she lied. She was no longer the plain, untainted lily in his eyes, so how was he going to view and treat her from here on out? The answer to that question terrified Angelina more than she ever had been in her entire life.

It terrified her so much to the point that she succumbs to tears. "G-gabriel, I'm sorry, Please forgive me. I didn't want to lie to you... I truly didn't want to. But I just." She buried her face in the palm of her hands, adding even more to her overdramatic action. "...couldn't stand losing you. After I saw Leonica coming out from your room in the morning, J. I thought the worst, I panicked, and I acted on that emotion and lied to you. And for that, I'm sorry Gabriel" Ever so slightly, she pulled her hand away from her face and looked up at him. Tears streamed down her face, decorating her already bare and beautiful face, but never for once dulling her beauty. Any man who saw her face would have instantly flattered, anger dissolving like salt in water.

But Gabriel was different. He wasn't just any man. He was Gabriel Bryce; a father and he wanted answers and that resolve went as far as to show on his visage.

"Gabriel, please, I'm sorry, Please, please forgive me, would you?"

"Am not saying I won't or would forgive you, Angelina, what I want to hear is actual answers. Why did you do that?"

*1 swear to you Gabriel, what I've told you is the reason why I did what I did; why I lied to you. But I promise... that is the only time I've ever lled to you. So, do you.. forgive me?" She forced a smile on her lips as she asked. But rather than a genuine smile that she intended to show, it came off as more of a lopsided twitch, rather than a smile, due to all the tension her body was facing,

A few seconds had passed after her question, when, mach to her dismay, all Gabriel did was... sigh, "I'm leaving." He stood up from the chair he sat beside her, causing Angelina to scramble in her spot, only to groan from the fresh pain of the surgery. Gabriel looked over his shoulder at this, thinning his lips at her pained expression. You should get some test, you'll need it.


He said and began walking, but just before he reached the door,

"Gabe Gabriel wait!" Just like she wanted, he stopped and looked back at her. But the moment she looked into his it?" He asked.

Angelina called out. "G-b


emotion pune a

gone and orbs cold, she flinched. "What is

Mustering a smile, which once again turned out to look awkward, she asked. "We're you're still going to marry me,

Walking towards the door and pulling it open, Gabriel glanced over his shoulder for the last time and without so much as a smile, he said. "Rest Angelina, you' re really going to need İL"


And with that, he welled out,

With how the entire day had played out, discovery and all, Gabriel found himself seated in Club Parish, a few hours later. By his side was Lloyd, who was trying to hit on his seat mate. The poor girl, in Gabriel's one-sided opinion, was falling hard for his best friend's gimmick's.

Luckily, before she could fall just too hard, Christian intervened, slamming a stack of dusty hospital records on the countertop

"You won't believe what I found," Shooing Lloyd's next playmate away, Christian slipped into the now empty seat, ignoring his friend's grumble of disapproval at his action.

"What did you find that's so important?" Gabriel hadn't bothered asking, too far gone in drowning his crappy day out with alcohol. Lloyd on the other hand, didn't hold back, wanting to know the reason why his friend had deemed it alright to chase away his next bed


Taking one look at Gabriel, just for the sake of gauging his reaction, Christian spoke. "Medical records, Belonging to none other than Gabriel's precious Bly flower, Angelina Fernandez He halled the bartender over, placing his drink betore he continued. This time around, he had Gabriel's attention. "And you won't believe what else I found out."


"What is it?" Gabriel was the one who asked this time around,

Instead of answering his question immediately, Christian flipped the record folder open and gently slid it to him. "Apparently, your dear Lily flower has had several abortions, and for different men."

"What the hell?!" Lloyd flared up, getting angry in his confused friend's stead.

"This is true?" Gabriell mattered as he flipped through the different results

"As true as the bible. Answered Christian as he took a sip from his newly delivered drink

*Fuck, the Innocent looking one truly do tu out to be the devils." Lloyd mused, stealing a glance back at his previous about to become bed warmer' who had an innocent looking face. Too innocent looling, now that LLoyd thought about it. "So, Tuning back to face his friend, he began. "What do you plan on doing with his information?

"Nothing," Gabriel's answer surprised them. Putting the folder away, be returned to tiredly sipping on his drinks.

"Nothing? Are you insane? Lloyd questioned.

"Not exactly. I just know that she suffered the price for these actions." He nudged his head in the folder's direction

"What do you mean?"

"She lost her oterus. Had to have it removed if she wanted to survive the miscarriage today." His answer, this time around, stunned the two. "What? That's." Lloyd's face felt. "Sid."

Gabriel nodded, talking yet another sip from his drink. Beside him, Christian downed the remaining of his drink and turned in his bar stool, facing him. "So, what are you going to do now?" He asked.

Even though Lloyd had asked something similar, this question needed a different answer, and it had Gabriel thinking for a few seconds before he answered. "I'm going to dissolve the engagement between Angelina and me. But," His last word had both his friend's groaning. And here they were, about to think that Gabriel was going to end all forms of relationship with Angelina "I'll still supply her with enough money to go on with her life. After all, she had saved my life, once."

Glancing at themselves, Christian and Lloyd saw reasoning in what he said and as much as they wanted to tackle him on the subject, the opted not to. Silence descended amongst them for the next few minutes before Lloyd, who had just ordered yet another drink, spoke, "So, does this mean you're going to rekindle things with Leonica?

Christian threw him a look at the abrupt question while Gabriel remained silent, lost in his ever-growing pile of thoughts

Now, he would be a liar if he said a thought like that hadn't crossed his mind.

Rekindle things with Leonica, live in one house like one big fat family, go on picnics with Ashley and even attend his baseball games in the near future. Hock, that sounded like life pitch perfect!

But that couldn't happen, because of two reasons solely. One, Leonica's obvious dislike towards him and two, the doubt he hail

The doubt that hed plagued him ever since he saw Angelina fall to the floor.

Did she fall by a mere misstep..or did Leonica intentionally push her?

Just as those thoughts roamed his mind in a constant circle, his phone began to ring, pulling him out of his vnoveldrama

Jacket and was more surprised than anyone to see who was calling him

It was Leonica Romero herself.

Well, just like they say Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

very own head. He fishest it out from his

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