After Divorce Billionaire Ex Found Me Pregnant (Leonica and Gabriel)

Chapter 67

"Yes Ashley, I'm going be present. Now tell me.rell daddy, what do you want for your birthday?"

On the other side, Ashley placed his finger on his chin, raising his head up as he thought about the various presents he wanted. During his past birthdays his mother has never failed to buy him the latest toys and techs, so what did he truly want? The question, as small as it had been, sent Ashley into a silent mood for a few minutes. Minutes of which Leonica quietly watched him, along with her mother.

*Is everything alright, hon?" Cassandra asked, having stared at her daughter long enough to see the frown that marred her face when looking at her son on the phone.

It was obvious that she didn't like Ashley being on the phone with Gabriel and especially when he looked so happy.

It gave her mixed feelings, the had kind that made her want to disconnect the wines on the child, snatch him up and book the first flight to God knows


eoff Ashley, turning to face her mother with a faint smile that showed how tired she

Clearing her head of her thoughts, Leonica finally peeled her gece off i had grown the past few days. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why'd ask?"

Cassandre stared silently for a few seconds, obviously not buying her daughter's excuse. "You look awfully stressed." She squinted her eyes. "And this Isn't the first time." Leonica nodded half heartedly, expecting her mother to end the conversation here. But Cassandra didn't. "Say Honey, have you ever

Too Buy or Romance

thought about...finding a new life partner?"

Her question caught Leonica off guard. "What are you talking about, Mom?"

"You know, a life partner to take care of you and Ashley. You've been stressing yourself as of late and the boy," She pointed at Ashley who was happily chatting with his father. "He obviously needs a father figure."

"I'm fine mom, and Ashley he's fine." Leonica tried to wave the subject off. Rising to her feet, she added. "And besides, I'm too busy for romance"

"Is that really the reason? Or is it simply because you haven't moved on from Gabriel?"

"Oh it's definitely the reason, mother." Leonica responded. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and check in a few things with Doctor Bailey." Giving her mother a tight smile and glancing back at Ashley one last time, Leonica exited the room.

In the hallway, walking towards Doctor Bailey's office, she sighed and hating the fact that her mother had brought up the subject of a new life partner and most of all Gabriel.

Awfully imaginative of her to have thought that she was still hung up on Gabriel. No way in hell was that true. Those five years she had stayed away was more than enough to clear her heart of all those feelings she had harbored for years towards him. Turning the corner, Leonica's thoughts were interrupted as she nearly bumped into something no someone.

Glancing down, her brows creased at the familiar figure in front of her. And it only took her a few seconds to recognize the pale and sweaty figure as none other than Angelina.

Unrequited Rivalry.

Staring at the pale female in front of her, who looked anything but good. Leonica was stuck in between a cross road. First road, Ignore the vampiric witch and go on her merry way, committing her wellbeing and whatever happened to her into the hands of God. Or, second road; be the higher person, th bigger person and offer her some help.

A few seconds of being unnoticed went by before Leonica sighed, her decision already been made,

Not because she

As much as she'd want to go on the first rond, bliss and all to her day, she couldn't bring herself to leave Angelina the way she was look. Not was nice or cared about the witch, fuck nol

The answer was simple. Her unborn child. Just like her, Angelina was or rather, was going to become a mother sooner or later and leaving her this way set the perfect stage for a miscarriage, resulting in an innocent life at stake.

ty she had towards the child'snoveldrama

Saint or not, she couldn't stand by and watch a innocent life of an unborn child be put at risk No matter the animosity mother, making bear she pay for her sins was just overkill.

With her mand made up, Leonica walked forward, making Angelina aware of her presence. "Hey, are you alright-"Leonica brought her hands out in a motion to help Angelina who was leaning against a wall and bent as far down as her waist, when not to her surprise, the brunette smacked her hand away the instance her eyes sighted it.

"Stay the hell away from me." She sneered, her eyes anything but friendly, Leonica was unfazed by her act of intimidation and gently rubbed the spot she had smacked "Don't.don't try to act all nice with me, I know your true colors."

Leonica tilted her head to the side and eyed the brunette who was obviously struggling to calm her breath, Clicking her tongue at the fact that she had rejected an honest offer whilst believing there was a motive behind it, she asked. "My inie colors, and what's that?" "You're trying to steal Gabriel's heart back, aren't ya?"

Ah, here we go again. Leonica rolled her eyes at the absurd accusation.

"That's the reason why you're acting all nice, isn't it? Pushing herself off the wall, Angelina managed a few steps forward and cracked a strained s "Well, sorry to burst your bubble, Leonica," She nearly spat those words in the white-ette's face, who had to literally take a few steps back to avoid the onslaught of salivas. "Gabriel's mine. Nothing you do can change that. And do you know why?"

Even when asked the question, Leonica remained quiet. Her silence propped Angelina to continue on

Pointing at her stomach, she added. "Because I'm carrying his child." She nearly cackled maniacally if not for the wince that made her shut up.

The stupid idiot really was in pain, but her pride and unrequited rivalry wouldn't let her accept the help that had been offered to her.

This obvious fact made Leonica shake her head with a gentle sigh. What an utter idiot'

part of that brain of yours. Gabriel isn't ever going to be yours. And if you know what's best for "You hear that Leonica? Keep it, no, bury it in the deepest part you, you'll keep your distance from him. This would be my last warning. Taking one last menacing look at her, Angelina walked off, bumping shoulders with her purposely.

Leonica remained in her spot, only looking over her shoulder to matter the words, "What a crazy bitch."

Angelina heard, ob she heard it alright, however, the pinching pain in her abdomen, that seemed to be increasing by the second, didn't allow her the chance to turn right around and battle it out with Leonica

Instead she continued on her not so merry way, cursing at the stupid child that was growing inside her stomach for

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